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[SUGGESTION] A way achievements can be handled (and go social)

So... Are you annoyed by all the FarmVille wall spam in Facebook? Are you pissed at how often do you see Spymaster-related tweets from people you're following?

Well Xonotic can be just as jerkish! There should be a way of sending FB/Twitter/G+ posts from either CSQC or CSDP, complete with all the little things like a browser pop-up and cvars for storing OAuth/Google keys.

Of course Google+ is still, afaik, API-less, so that will have to wait. Bonus points if the application page in Facebook and G+ shows your friends' achievements and stats, as well as explanation for them.

Now, I can help on the way, but I'm not familiar with CSQC's capabilities or DP, so someone will have to work on the back end. And an artist would be useful too, since achievement icons are awesome (and I can't draw for crap).
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

Actual achievements would require a centralised system and "approved hosts" on which you can get achievements. Otherwise the achievements would be fairly bogus because there is nothing in place to verify that an achievement is real. Also, authenticating with Facebook/Google/Twitter using OAuth requires a browser, which is hard to integrate into the "game experience" in a cross platform way, and unlikely to be embedded in Xonotic (for the record, DP DOES have old Gecko bindings, but these are outdated/dead).
[Image: vN3NkMA]
(Idea stolen from Mr. Bougo. Hehehehe)

I think I have a solution. Place a html file inside the /data directory, with an IFRAME for calling the OAuth, and a wrapper script which would create a <SERVICE>_auth.cfg file, which would then be exec'd in autoexec.cfg

Of course, a centralized system would be a good idea, especially that it could host the G+/Facebook app code, which I'll be happy to write.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

I'd love to do the icons Smile
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

Well first we need to decide what exactly the achievements will be. A simple list:
Taste of Glory - awarded when you win your first server match
Electric Shepherd / Blade Runner - awarded when you win against Godlike bots
No Ground, No Problem - awarded when you score five airshots in one round\
Bully - awarded when you push five opponents into world hazards (lava, pits, moving parts)
No OSHA Training - awarded when you yourself fall victim to such world hazards five times
I Hate Your Flag - awarded when you capture enemy flag five times in a round
I REALLY Hate Your Flag - awarded when you capture enemy flag ten times in a row in one round
Pacifist - awarded when you / your team wins the round without fragging anyone (excludes gametypes like Nexball and Race)
Talkative Type - awarded when you spend more time chatting than fighting.
Duck Hunt - awarded after shooting five enemies from the air in one round
<WEAPON> Master - awarded when you keep 100% accuracy on a weapon for three rounds / games. Excludes TAG Seeker.
Pod Racer - awarded after spending more time in the speeder than fighting without it.
Aerial Support - awarded after spending more time in the bomber than off it.
You Guys Called A Spiderbot? - awarded after spending more time in the spiderbot than off it.
Keymaster - awarded after taking first place in Keyhunt for three rounds/games

And so on...
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

Minkovsky: could you please use the search function? There is at least one other thread.
a stats system is at work and if it's done its only a small step to achievements
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Well unfa's list of achievement ideas is pretty good, but I don't think anybody suggested that achievements should be socialized the way I imagine it.

And it's good promotion. Just think how many players can we attract by using FarmVille's method of advertising. Besides, all the small steps should not be neglected; isn't it how NASA became famous?
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

If you are interested in achievements you can take a look at my two projects: XonStat and xonstatdb . In the code for the latter you will find a listing of achievements that I believe are possible with today's code (see build_full.sql).

Anyone wishing to take over maintenance for these projects is welcome to do so; I am no longer working on them.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

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