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duel map -- tourmalyne


Tourmalyne is a completely rethought and reconstructed version of pockets
(from this thread)

Its pretty much a whole new map now ...
visuals wise ... everything is just placeholder ...
the purpose of this release is for testing ... to see if it will play well as a duel map ...


going though the blue laser does 2 things ... it lowers the redstripe section ... thus opening a path to the mega armor
and it opens the door that leads to the nex ...
only the fastest players can get both the armor and the nex in one trip

There are bot waypoints ... they dont bother to open the door ... but when you do ... they are pretty good at nabbing the armor (assuming theres alot of them)


various texture alignment issues
hlac is not hidden very well
e is missing from end of name in the pk3

heres the download link ... enjoy Big Grin

link to pk3

Okey here's my review.

Stuff I liked:
  • The main layout seems pretty descent
  • The smooth jumps through the holes

Stuff I disliked:
  • The weird placement of the button to unlock doors
  • Weird placement of mega armor

Just ran around the map, more in depth review after i play real duel on it. Smile

I didn't read your post before I played and it took my a long while to realize how to get to nex. Don't make HLAC hidden, its quite ok as it is now. Map has stronger and weaker areas, but thats good. It can be played defensively too. Its probably going to be slightly too easy to remain strong control (mega, mortar, 50hp and 3x25hp and acces to rl and electro are relatively close). I find quite annoying fact you can move around the map with great speed just ignoring oponnents and taking advantage of high velocity rather then some tactical stuff. I would suggest adding more blockers (especially vis blockers, cause right now you can see through the map)

Nex and armor requires changes - as Machine said (he gives stronger feedback in such matters then I do, believe me. He is also one of the few players around who really seems to enjoy new maps testing and that is something huge for mappers. [Respects, Machine] I suggest you play with him and other players who will want to test your map to get strong feedback)

I think this 'remake' is a step forward but a step backwards too. The point is understanding that its sometimes very good to go back to the basics - simple layout, pure gameplay. While pockets had some style and interesting details/structures tourmalyne is 'naked' and more focused on players who recieve map rather then yourself. Thats alll right if you intend to do style and details later, especially that its easier to make changes before you 'shit details everywhere on your map' quoting Kuniu if I recall correctly. Smile

Good luck.

I guess i'll have to wait until its on a server for testing then ...

I figured the ability for players to move quickly would make it more difficult to remain in control (that added with making it easy to steal the MA from the person who opens the door for it)

as for details ... of course im going to detail the f#$% out of the map ... just not until its play tested first

Yeah ... machines a great member of the community ... (and the PS clan too :3)
[Respects, Machine]

and your really helpful too justin ..
[Respects, Justin]

You should get used to not including HLAC in your maps as it's not going to be a core weapon anymore in the future versions and having that there is actually the only thing I don't like in this map, looking forward to see this with finished visuals.

to be honest i dont thing it will be a good duel map.Its rather open that makes it complicated.
I think it will work better as a ffa map or with the minsta mode.
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

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