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4 maps by forseti (3 assault, 1 CTF)

Since I don't really have time to add detail, they are mostly simple maps. If you want details, add them yourself. I can't do it. And please show me the new version, i'd be glad to see my maps improved.

First map: Out of this world. (CTF)
I was asked to create a xonotic version with vehicles. Since I couldn't use the old version, this one was made from scratch.

6 Vehicles per team. 2 strenghts in the middle of the map (on the top of some pilars.)

Download link

Old Version


[Image: xfGExues.jpg] [Image: 0nnFma6s.jpg]

Second map: Forts 'n' tower Assault.

I removed one of the bases and added some extra space outside.

3 objectives.
First one inside the tower.
Second one in the main entrance room.
Third one in the base's main room.

Some other minor changes made to the map.

Download link


[Image: jqWoyMms.jpg] [Image: vMdPvs.jpg] [Image: RJC5bs.jpg]

Third Map: Cube Assault

I wanted something simple, like a training centre or something, best i could think of was this.
It only took me about 5 hours of work.

Download link:

[Image: SI4A86Js.jpg] [Image: OT0mL4Xs.jpg]

Fourth map: Deeper Underground. (assault)

I wanted a map where you had to go down, something dark and with some free falls. I realized it'd took a lot of time to do that, so I did something more simple.

About 7 hours of work. Maybe 10 counting the textures.

I'd really like to see a different and improved version of this map. I'd change some stuff, but I don't have time for that.

Download link:

[Image: dhwPacus.jpg] [Image: KmqrgaYs.jpg]

Thanks for the maps just testing Out Of This World on my vehicle server. Not sure if you need that many vehicles. Two birds and two crabs would do as its not long enough for that many vehicles especially speedster. Maybe the vehicles should be placed like vehicing worlds xon map?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Nice to see someone attempted assault maps. Im not sure how many we have but it'd be nice to see some high quality assault maps for the big 1.0 release, not just quality but also diversity in map design/style. Such a fun game mode, with a bigger playerbase I think it'd be really a great game-mode.

Hope someone takes on atleast one of your maps Forseti and tries to improve them atleast graphically, goodjob with making them Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


(04-29-2013, 02:25 AM)end user Wrote: Not sure if you need that many vehicles.

I think the "speedster" (racer), it's a better option then the spider, that's not because of its speed, but because it can aim the raptors with the missiles.

So, some players will take advantage of that advantage and others will just crash with everything and die for trying to use the speed. It's part of the game.

And about the spiders, i think they won't really last, they can be easily destroyed by the raptors, and I was indeed thinking about removing them, but some players like to try some strategy or whatever, and having more options will make them happy.

Anyway, as I said, you are free to modify them and create better versions, think about them maybe as "concepts" if you like.

@kojn^ So far I've made 5 assault maps, and there is also the default one (techassault) and Onarail.
So unless I've missed one, there is a total of 7 assault maps.

After playing the vehicle map a little it definitely needs to be quite a bit longer like vehicing worlds. The structure in the center is good but the bases should be at least twice the distance from the current center structure.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Really liking the progressive free fall feel in Deeper underground

Updated "outofthisworld", i made it wider and changed racers placement. Hopefully that will make it feel better.

Those maps are available on the [unconnected] servers. Smile

(05-01-2013, 07:03 PM)forseti Wrote: Updated "outofthisworld", i made it wider and changed racers placement. Hopefully that will make it feel better.

Thanks will test it shortly.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Looking good so far only thing it needs is to be longer ie more distance between the bases as flag capture is too fast.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Map 'Out of this world' should be surrounded by hills and rocks or it should be more like facing worlds (bases placed on asteroids and huge meteorits). Right now it looks like platform painted with grass texture suspended in the space. The architecture does not fit Xonotic style Im afraid Sad.

In deeper underground you accidently scaled map 3 times. To fix it Use:

q3map2 -scale 0.3 yourmap.bsp for Windows or
./q3map2.x86 -scale 0.3 yourmap.bsp for Linux (thanks to Maddin for these commands)

When it comes to Cube arena item placement looks a bit random but players play it in FFA and thats the most important, isn't it?

Forts 'n' tower Assault is awesome. It looks much more realistic then others and you put much more work to finish it. Great map.

Question will Deeper and Forts work with Freezetag if I add in gametype ft? Tried it but not having luck with the map showing in map list or being able to be called directly with vmap or vcall gotomap.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

It sure will. Have a look at how it's done for other map. Be on the look out for errors in the console when the server starts. Restart your server.

Are you modifying the map file itself? You should never do that. If you want to override a map's .mapinfo file, extract it from the original, put it in the appropriate place, and make your modifications on the extracted files without ever writing back to the pk3.

The appropriate place is ~/.xonotic/data/maps/whatever.mapinfo, i.e. the same structure as in the pk3 itself.

You shouldn't modify a map pk3 because your server and your clients will not be using the same pk3 then. While this isn't problematic in itself, it's still a huge source of confusion. You should rename any map pk3 that you modify, but then you have to serve that pk3 to all your clients, which is a waste of bandwidth if most of them already have the unmodified one and they only differ by a line in a text file. That is why you should patch the original map without modifying it, by using external files.

EDIT: Also, if you do it by adding an external mapinfo to override the pk3's own, you can simply do fs_rescan on the server after extracting and modifying the file and it will be using the new stuff. No need to restart the server.

Im getting this error with Deeper Underground and its crashing the server

Client "[MoFo] With A Gun" dropped
Warning: ClientDisconnect without ClientConnect
Quake Error: Host_Error: server: Program error in function SelectSpawnPoint:
Cannot find a spawn point - please fix the map!
Tip: read above for entity information
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

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