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ESDF movement

This thread is for disscusing otther binds when using esdf for movement.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

I don't understand what you tried to do in the other thread.

(06-03-2013, 04:45 PM)aa Wrote: I think so.

Can you please provide us with a full screenshot so we w cann discuss it more efeciently.

As well as that, I believe that you use esdf instead of wasd. Can you please provide us with the weapon binds if the first statemnt is true.

Mine are:
a - RL
w Gl
q Hagar (plasmagun for other games.)
g nex
r crylink or ligtnning gun for other games.
5 is electro
4 is mg
3 is SG
2 or SHIFT is laser

(That is to be split.)

I can't split and merge that post into this thread because it'll end up before the top post. The easiest would be to repost that in this thread and remove the original.

There you go. I also think my hud is really interesting. My keyboard setup is even more interesting. If I remember it right, I use the following:

ESDF for movement (you were right about that, congratulations!)
R for Rocket Launcher
W for Electro
G for Nex
Q for Crylink
A for Mortar
3 and X for Hagar
2 for Laser
1 for Shotgun
V for MG
T for Hook
B for drop weapon
N for drop flag
LCTRL for crouch
LSHIFT for zoom

Z for chat
U for team chat

Left/Right click: primary/secondary fire (apologies for the uncreative usage of mouse buttons)
Wheel right tilt: attacking communication bind
Wheel left tilt: defending communication bind
Wheel click: free item communication bind
Thumb button 1: Enemy seen communication bind
Thumb button 2: Flag seen communication bind

spectacular, no?

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aa??? Whats happening here? Why did you post movement binds in my map thread? Not sure what was your motivaion, but Im sorry about Mr. Bougo who has to deal with such posts. Im sure he has plenty of other things to do so, please: Don't make it harder for him. There is allready thread about movement binds I think.

Sorry for that... idiotism from my side. I deleted it now.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

For what it is worth, here's my keybinds. I've found them to be pretty effective over the years (3 years strong!):

ESDF - Movement
Q - Electro
W - Mortar
R - Rocket Launcher
T - Crylink
G - Shotgun
V - Laser
C - Machine Gun
X - Nex
Z - Hagar
Space - Zoom
Mouse 1 - Primary Fire
Mouse 2 - Jump
Mouse Wheel - Secondary Fire

I think I can get away w/ so much activity around ESDF because I'm left handed and thus very dexterous with that hand. The only real difficulty I face with this setup is if I need to detonate my rockets at very close range. I also don't care for hook, so that has no place in this setup Big Grin.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

(06-04-2013, 03:21 AM)Halogene Wrote: T for Hook

Is LSHIFT free? You won't need to release the movement keys when you can hit it hooks with your pinkie. I recommend binding it either there or one of the thumb buttons for smoother minsta+hook experience Smile

(06-10-2013, 04:35 AM)Smilecythe Wrote:
(06-04-2013, 03:21 AM)Halogene Wrote: T for Hook

Is LSHIFT free? You won't need to release the movement keys when you can hit it hooks with your pinkie. I recommend binding it either there or one of the thumb buttons for smoother minsta+hook experience Smile

Good point, I don't play much with hook but I might move that bind some other place. On LSHIFT is zoom unfortunately, and I don't really want to move that one as it is very useful there. Updated the post to add those two binds to the list.
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Ok, this is mine:

ESDF movement.
To the left are the rocket weapons:
A rocket launcher
W grenade launcher
Q hagar
To the right are energy weapons:
G nex
R crylink
T electro
On top i have the rest:
3 shotgun
4 machinegun
Laser, as a movement tool is on SHIFT, i am not sure, as I dont play minsta hook often, but hook must be there as well.
SPACE is jump
C is crouch,but i dont realy see the point of it in Xonotic.
Comunication binds are shifted by one to the side
Y chat
U team chat
1 and 2 are some cheering binds, like gl hf etc...
5 to 9 are reserved for ctf messages.
0 is thee spaming bind, although I never use it. It is /bind 9 say There is no SPAM on this bind.

MOUSE1 is pruimary
MOUSE2 is secondary
MOUSE3 (mousewheel click) is zoom
Nothing at all creative on the mouse as you see.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

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