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Rust7's Race-Mode Mappings

Hey everybody! Hey Xonotic players, especially Race-Mode-Playing friends! Rolleyes

I opened this thread for all of my upcoming Xonotic Race maps. Yes. I wanna map for the Community, and also for your needs. So first of all, in this week, i will post some screenshots later about my first upcoming map, meanwhile u can add here your ideas and needs. Like " Oh pls - create me a map Rusty, with only strafe and Hagar! " and etc. Also you can discuss your ideas with me, even about the screenshots, completed maps, blah-blah you know. So if a map will be completed, it will be available ONLY here, which means, that the two Race-Server-Admin must download it from here to upload it to their servers. Simple as that. Thank you for all of your feedback, and that u wanted me to map - thanks for the motivation! I hope it will work, i mean i hope WE will work together perfectly, and cause many-many fun to eachother. Blush


Not that familar with CTS, but I guess all those r7 maps are by you?
How did you find out about Xonotic and why do you want to map for it? Smile

I would like one with a lot of cj's, that is that somehow block strafe turning in some turns so that you need to stop and do a cj, and some trickjumps like ramps on the map (that is hard ramps, not just these you already got a lot of speed and run into). Smile


(11-13-2013, 06:26 AM)Mirio Wrote: Not that familar with CTS, but I guess all those r7 maps are by you?
How did you find out about Xonotic and why do you want to map for it? Smile

Well, i was watching my Clan Leader's, Shio's best video in Defrag, where i found a comment by Lady*D, checked her - then i found interesting videos of a game i didnt recognised, but seems familiar to DF. That was Xonotic Race, and i found it quite good and new. These two videos by Lady*D made me to search for the game, and try it. Suprisingly i found it fun, and enjoyed it. This was like 2-3 months ago, or more. I play often on that two CTS servers, and met a lot of guys, who want me to keep mapping. I was stopped mapping and playing Defrag a while ago, and don't want to go back, so i decided to start mapping here, because almost every race maps is from Defrag, while the CTS mode is quite good - i mean deserve more attention. Interesting weapons, jumping styles - makes the game much different than Defrag, which should be caped to the maximum. And mapping exactly for Xonotic Race, can open new doors i think, to a very different trickjumping style - and i hope i can do my best, to use all the new features what Xonotic can offer in my upcoming CTS maps. Ye those r7- maps are by me btw.

(11-13-2013, 07:23 AM)machine! Wrote: I would like one with a lot of cj's, that is that somehow block strafe turning in some turns so that you need to stop and do a cj, and some trickjumps like ramps on the map (that is hard ramps, not just these you already got a lot of speed and run into). Smile

Will do i think, i like maps more with technique-jumps, rather than brainless speed, so u got me.

ohai Rust7

a very welcome here to xonotic ... Big Grin

Nice to see you here - heard a lot of you from df in q3 - a real ambiguous reputation .. Wink
On our Prophets server met serveral times (under my nick » φrôṗħετ!η ™) - there runnin a lot of maps made by you

Btw. - Thankies for your map r7-xono exclusive made for xonotic - have a lot of fun on it =)

When interested you also can visit us on: Prophets Forum
If there are any requests or suggestions regarding to our XDF server feel free to open a thread in server section ... Tongue

GreetZ and cU soon ...

Hi Rust7! Its great that you enjoy Xon Racing!

Regarding ideas for new maps - I think there is no racing map in Xonotic atm that wouldn't default to no-self-damage. It is possible to alter server settings per map. So perhaps it would be possible to design a map tailored to Xonotic racing weapons, with self-damage on. If tweeks to dmg in racing balance are needed, I think this could be arranged with server admins.

Oh, I also recon there is never too many "adventure" maps out there Smile By "adventure" I mean long maps - say 3-5 minutes to finish - with many places to fail, requiring broad spectrum of skills, and including sections with various weapons.


Can we have vehicles on it?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

(11-13-2013, 10:27 PM)end user Wrote: Can we have vehicles on it?


I really enjoyed r7-xono, do you think you could make some more like it? Big Grin
[Image: 237.png]

(11-13-2013, 04:23 PM)_Subzero_ Wrote: Hi Rust7! Its great that you enjoy Xon Racing!

Regarding ideas for new maps - I think there is no racing map in Xonotic atm that wouldn't default to no-self-damage. It is possible to alter server settings per map. So perhaps it would be possible to design a map tailored to Xonotic racing weapons, with self-damage on. If tweeks to dmg in racing balance are needed, I think this could be arranged with server admins.

Oh, I also recon there is never too many "adventure" maps out there Smile By "adventure" I mean long maps - say 3-5 minutes to finish - with many places to fail, requiring broad spectrum of skills, and including sections with various weapons.


I agree Subzero, having maps where you don't actually have unlimited health (and ammo?) when using the weapons would be a lot better. When I played before it just felt kind of cheaty that you can use the weapons like that.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


(11-14-2013, 10:12 AM)dizzy Wrote: I really enjoyed r7-xono, do you think you could make some more like it? Big Grin

Yea, but first of all - i will re-install DeFrag, and use GTKRadiant editor to make my first maps, coz i can't get over the very-weird logically builded xonotic mode for NetRadiant, which means i have to delay the editing of "special" Xonotic race maps. This doesnt mean, that i will not make maps for Xonotic, but for now, probably for both modes, and creating it in DeFrag enviroment.

(11-14-2013, 06:58 AM)Rust7 Wrote:
(11-13-2013, 10:27 PM)end user Wrote: Can we have vehicles on it?


vehicles wont work with race, cts or defrag.
unless someone codes the support for it
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

(11-14-2013, 02:56 PM)Rust7 Wrote: Yea, but first of all - i will re-install DeFrag, and use GTKRadiant editor to make my first maps

That's no big deal because it would be nice to get Xonotic race known in the Q3 DeFrag community anyways. The more competition the better!
[Image: 237.png]

" Oh pls - create me more maps like r7-Oblivion and r7-Spling oh pls Rusty! "


Hey everybody!
So, here is the first map - based on your suggested ideas in this thread so far. I'am not sure its gonna fit for everybody, but after a long mapping-break, i hope u will enjoy it somehow. Thanks!


[Image: r7-reanimated.jpg]


Yo - nice nice ...

I.ll upload it later and give it a try Big Grin

I think it will be at 20:00 on Prophets server (when I.m at home Tongue)

GreetZ Su

Awesome, looka interesting! Thanks for doing this. Smile

yey - just uploaded the map and had a tryout ... Big Grin

Really nice map - pretty short - all weapons also the plasma gun working fine here Cool

Even a noob like me can finish the map - not the best time but anyway - made it Tongue

so - thanks for your effort and keep it up! Heart

GreetZ Su

(11-22-2013, 02:30 PM)-maniac|Su- Wrote: yey - just uploaded the map and had a tryout ... Big Grin

Really nice map - pretty short - all weapons also the plasma gun working fine here Cool

Even a noob like me can finish the map - not the best time but anyway - made it Tongue

so - thanks for your effort and keep it up! Heart

GreetZ Su

Thanks for your feedback and motivation Su! I will Smile

Nice map, just got 31:14 on prophets. Could be at 29-30 if the weaponswitch wasn't as slow as it is in prophets Big Grin

(11-23-2013, 04:14 AM)Smilecythe Wrote: Nice map, just got 31:14 on prophets. Could be at 29-30 if the weaponswitch wasn't as slow as it is in prophets Big Grin

Almost got you on the map! Tongue Thanks anyway Tongue

Very nice map, I love the use of all the weapons and the strafe areas. Great work and keep em coming Smile
[Image: 237.png]

(11-23-2013, 10:19 AM)dizzy Wrote: Very nice map, I love the use of all the weapons and the strafe areas. Great work and keep em coming Smile

Thanks bro Smile

Here is the new map! Strafe only!


[Image: r7-wound.jpg]


Thanks for your supports!

yey - Rust7 strikes strikes back ... Heart

Map is uploaded and running ... nice again Big Grin
It.s more my kind of map - no weapons just runnin ...

Hope you have fun ...

(11-23-2013, 04:14 AM)Smilecythe Wrote: ... if the weaponswitch wasn't as slow as it is in prophets Big Grin

Should be fixed - just updated the balanceXDF.cfg (fix of weaponswitchdelay).
Read moar at itsme/Github - ty 2 It´sme.

GreetZ Su

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