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Basic movements video


Yet another movement video. This is a work in progress for a very short condensing of basic movement tricks (mainly bunny hopping and laser jumping, it should not be more that 3 minutes). I started it while I was trying to figure out how strafe jumping works without finding it but discovering a few other things (that's why it's not right-handed, I didn't thought to record it first).

My main question is about what is called side jumping at the end of the video which I don't know if there is an official name for it. Also I haven't understood if strafe jumping and circle jump were still doable in 0.7 and if they are a tricky trick for a few more km/h or if they are part of the basics.

Other than that, any other feedback is welcome.

This time I triple checked the title Big Grin and I know, the beginning of bunny hopping is buggy.

Nice job, Karamel! When doing strafe turning (that's how I think the "side jumping" is called), remember to release the forward key BEFORE pressing the strafe key - this is very important as you get a significant slowdown when not doing so. And you will have to have the strafe key pressed before starting to turn. Basically it's
  1. release forward key
  2. press strafe key
  3. start turning mouse
Also remember the "smooth" mouse turning while strafe turning is different from the movement you do when circle jumping. Whereas in circle jumps you move the mouse at a constant speed, when strafe turning you'll need to start the movement slowly and gently increase turn speed at the beginning of a turn. It's a very smooth and soft movement, just as if you'd use analog sticks on a console controller. Of course you can do it rather fast, but you need to maintain a smooth, wave-like acceleration curve. EDIT: actually not so sure after all about this.

If you do it right, you won't loose ANY speed while turning but actually gain some (look at the acceleration indicator below the speedometer, it should never go below zero).

I assume you've already had a look at the Newbie Corner.

(A minor note: I believe "bunny hopping goes quicker" is bad english, rather use something like "be faster with bunny hopping" or just "bunny hopping is faster").
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Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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Thanks for your feedback. I corrected bunny hopping and strafe jumping and added a word about releasing forward (not uploaded yet).

If someone can firmly confirm what strafe jumping really is... According to Antibody there it's diagonal jumping for more acceleration but it seems to be outdated in the latest versions.

Also I forgot about ramp jumping. Don't know if I (we?) should leave it for more advanced players as laser jumping can be a general workaround and I feel it not that easy to explain but easy to "bump" on a ramp while bunny hopping and understand the whole thing Big Grin

And yes, I learned the basics on your Newbie Corner. I'm also considering translating it in French. Unluckily it doesn't told me how to aim Blush

Strafe jumping indeed is forward plus strafe combined with some weird slow turning of the mouse while maintaining a somewhat inconvenient angle to gain extra acceleration.

Strafe turning is doing sharp turns at higher speeds with only strafe key, and that is what you covered in the video.

And yes, the Newbie Corner doesn't tell you how to aim, but that's only because I myself don't know how aiming works :o)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

Updated! This looks like the final one. There's plenty of room to jump around with laser without starting to think about ramps.

(I will never understand how youtube handle html5 without gnash/flash. Sometime it's ok, sometime not with the same encoding or once a while and playing outside youtube give more compatibility.)

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