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Xonotic Video Tutorials

Just made these video tutorials, be warned though it's not a big chance you will understand what I say and the production quality is beyond shit. Will probably remake these in the future when I've actually learnt to speak english properly and can spend more time on the recording quality.

  1. Movement:
  2. Weapons:
  3. Configuration:
  4. Duels:

PLEASE let me help you make these like we talked about, no offense meant to you ofcourse, but I would rather not have something of such quality representing us especially with heightened interest. We can take some further time and present a polished product. I've already drafted up a script Smile

These are very nice! Learned a few things as well! Smile

I agree with deoxys: the content is quite helpful - especially for xonotic newbies - but the quality is just not that representable.
I think, that a more polished video would attract way more viewers that such a video. (the audio quality is nearly forcing me to close the video instead of watching it)

Also: no offense here! It's very great that people like you do videos about xonotic, so people can learn about it easily and do not have to figure it out for themselves! thank you for putting so much time into that! Probably you could just get together with someone in the forum, who has the ability to record hq audio or something Wink
[Image: 788.png]

As said, I am aware of the quality of these no offense taken. We can talk more about this on IRC deoxys.

Content is fine, but it sounds like you are casting from ISS.

Links are broken, or the videos have been removed.

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