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North America game server hosting suggestions?

I was wondering if anyone has experience with game server hosting providers, specifically in North America. Obviously none of them offer Xonotic servers yet, but maybe somebody here has experience from hosting with other games (q3/cs/wsw/ut/whatever)?

I would be willing to contact a few of them to see if it would be possible to add Xonotic 0.6 to their list of games, but I don't really know where to start because there seems to be hundreds of them, so a few recommendations based on actual admin experiences would help a lot.

Or I suppose I could ask if somebody in the community would be interested in hosting a duel server? Currently we only have 1 in NA which I find quite sad. I think having a couple more in different locations certainly wouldn't hurt! I don't personally have access to a server and I wouldn't mind paying for one, that's why I thought about looking at those game hosting providers (it's pretty cheap as far as I can tell).


(03-11-2012, 06:35 AM)nifrek Wrote: Obviously none of them offer Xonotic servers yet Angel

Nexuiz eatseakittens 1vs1 server is hosted there. The only problem is the IRC client that wont work but you can ask mario how to solve it.

This guys:
I've heard they are pretty good but i've never played on their servers. They offer Nexuiz, maybe if you ask them for xonotic they will add it.

This other guys:
I've played on some Battlefield: Bad Company 2 servers hosted by them and they are indeed pretty good.
They dont offer either nexcuiz or xonotic, but at the bottom of their page you can find this:
Don't see the game you were looking for? Please contact us at...
Maybe they can add it too Tongue

i know an european server provider who hosted Xonotic Wink

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You "know" the provider? I thought you were the admin :x

(03-11-2012, 03:42 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: You "know" the provider? I thought you were the admin :x
i know him good ! its the owner and its me Big Grin

[Image: xonotic.gif]
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(03-11-2012, 02:30 PM)forseti Wrote: Angel

Nexuiz eatseakittens 1vs1 server is hosted there. The only problem is the IRC client that wont work but you can ask mario how to solve it.

This guys:
I've heard they are pretty good but i've never played on their servers. They offer Nexuiz, maybe if you ask them for xonotic they will add it.

This other guys:
I've played on some Battlefield: Bad Company 2 servers hosted by them and they are indeed pretty good.
They dont offer either nexcuiz or xonotic, but at the bottom of their page you can find this:
Don't see the game you were looking for? Please contact us at...
Maybe they can add it too Tongue

Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for. Hypernia already has Xonotic, I'll contact them so see if they've updated to 0.6. Also they have a list of locations, but there is no IP's to test for ping and whatnot Sad I'll ask for that too. Thanks again.

[EDIT] ah, found list of IPs on their forums. [/EDIT]

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