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hello homeslices !

Hello my name is Linus and im from Sweden, and i found this game pretty much by typing " fps games which requires skill " in google :)

Never really played this type of fps games before, the closest thing ive played is halo, but then... halo 4 came.. sigh :/

Anyhow, hopefully the learning curve won't kick my ass too much ^^

(10-06-2013, 04:36 PM)Kiwilicious Wrote: Hello my name is Linus and im from Sweden, and i found this game pretty much by typing " fps games which requires skill " in google Smile

Never really played this type of fps games before, the closest thing ive played is halo, but then... halo 4 came.. sigh :/

Anyhow, hopefully the learning curve won't kick my ass too much ^^

Hi and welcome
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]


Join #xonotic.pickup at IRC (QuakeNet) to find some help if you need (or good matches).

y0 y0 y0!
[Image: 12766.png]
Sucks at weapons

Hi and welcome! You can tweak the learning curve a bit by asking experienced players online, most of them will take their time to explain stuff shortly. You can also check out the Newbie Corner, which explains the most important aspects of vanilla gameplay. Also I frequently do live newbie tutorials. Just poke me on IRC (#xonotic on quakenet) - if I happen to have the time I can give you a tutorial.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


Welcome, sir Kiwi! Learning curve of xonotic basics is actually quite low, especially if you have other FPS background. Just keep on playing on pickup channel or why not on publics more often than once in a week and you'll get there fast!

It is always nice to get new faces, welcome again and hope you enjoy your stay here =) <3

Hej! Big Grin Välkomen, glöm inte kolla på guiderna här i bloggen:

Och du kan följa thimo's förslag. Joina #xonotic.pickup på QuakNet och fråga någon random hur pickup boten funkar.

Mod edit: Stop your personal campaign against thimo, thanks.

wow! was cirtainly not expecting such a welcoming Smile <3. Thanks for all the advice, hopefully ill see u all in game !

Trevligt med en gul och blå kamrat också Tongue hoppas vi syns nån fler gång

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