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Hello, I'm MrTopHat

Hello, I'm MrTopHat.

I've started playing Xonotic last month and I think it's a pretty cool game.

Anyway, since I'm new here, I suppose this is the best place to mention that I have a YouTube channel I just opened today. It's going to be the place where I post the recordings of my game play sessions in Xonotic. The main reason why I'm recording my time with this work-in-progress game is to hopefully capture video footage of any bugs and glitches. I don't think I found anything substantial yet, but, whomever is in charge of debugging Xonotic, could you watch my videos and see if I overlooked something.

Here's the link to my videos:

I just want to help with testing this game, and this is what I though would be a good way in doing so.

Hi and welcome! You might want to have a look at the Newbie Corner.

Apart from that, I don't think there is any need for additional game play footage for analyzing, as good as the intentions may be. It would rather work like this: if you find any issues you think are errors, post them here. Being a free and open source project, we lack developers, and above all developers' time. If you intend to help, it would be best if you search for bugs and errors yourself and report your findings :o)

Edit: oh, and the game is pronounced either "Xo-no-tic" or "Zo-no-tic", not "Cyonic" or "Xontonic". :o)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

Here is a screenshot of one buggy thing that happened on March 5, 2014.


I think this character's skeleton did not load properly.

Sorry about being so late with this reply, Halogene. I would have posted this sooner if I were not so busy with work.

Anyway, I also thought of helping out by contributing artwork. Here is a unfinished turnaround picture of a female model I am still working on.


I will post a finished version of this drawing as soon as possible.

We tip our hats to you, MrTopHat. Welcome to Xonotic!

[Image: xonotic20130623174353-00_small.jpg]
[Image: 230.jpg]

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