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My name is Maddin and I´m mapping for Jedi Academy/Jedi Outcast, Nexuiz and now also for Xonotic.Wink You can find me on Map-Craft and in the Jedi Betrayal Mod team. I´m one of the moderators of Jumansoft which is working on this Mod for Jedi Academy.
Here are some examples of my maps I have built so far:
[Image: devilsfactory2.png]
[Image: devilsfactory3.png]
(Jedi Outcast)
[Image: kejimnorth.jpg]
[Image: yavinvillage.jpg]


This Nexuiz map looks interesting, download url? Wink

Sorry, but it´s still WIP. I stopped working on it because I´m too busy with a lot of other maps (for the mod). I´m also currently working on a Xonotic map; I started 2 days ago.

This is pretty sweet, hope all goes well with this mod Big Grin

Howdy, glad to see some more talent here Smile

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