08-06-2013, 11:47 AM
I'm trying to figure out what do to when player numbers on my server get to 16+. Obviosuly 20 players at the same time is not constant but it does happen often enough that even though its good for a 5 min laugh (especially with grenades) it turns into a cluster fuck of game play and newer players just get steamrolled by experienced players.
I've noticed 12-14 players is a nice number for good game play with all map sizes but not sure if I should limit my server player #'s to 14-16 and run multiple instances orf the server?
I've noticed 12-14 players is a nice number for good game play with all map sizes but not sure if I should limit my server player #'s to 14-16 and run multiple instances orf the server?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]