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Xonotic Duel Tourney

After trying a serious duel on Atomforge I stand on it being boring in it. Its because it is too big for duels and those straight, very long corridors make fights very one dimensional.

If Im spamming too much in the topic, just tell me.

More of useless first impressions
Darkzone - Im ok with remakes as long as there arent enough of good original maps to replace them. I would only switch Crylink with Electro, as there is not much need of going down for Crylink.

Red - seem more interesting than map it was influenced by.

Azalea - a bit on a simple side, but it got me with the lights you can slide jump (ramp jump) of. Be it UT or Quakes the slides are just what I like most about movement, and they should be used more on maps. Asks for a serious match to check if it is not too simple or spacious.

(10-01-2011, 04:18 PM)kuniu the frogg Wrote: just in case, our suggestion about changing item placement on warfare
You made Afterslime right? I like the overall design, and wonder if it could be remade to a duel map. Just cut size of the main room to half or even less, maybe replace stairway with jumpad (leave only top platform of them) or at least make them round, remove quad room, and try to scale down the rest of the map to fit it. Just give it a think, even if it is no go.

Good job with all those spots to ramp jump of on your maps, keep it up.

Chatiel, where are you from (country), and did/do you play UT competitively at all? Smile
(10-01-2011, 03:14 PM)Samual Wrote: Welcome to Xonotic Chatiel ^_^ Nice to see a new player interested in competitive aspects of Xonotic.

But anyway, onto discussion of maplist and other things about the tourney...:

Maps to definitely add:
  • Azalea - WHY HAS NO ONE SAID THIS YET? This is an amazing duel map, perhaps the best one so far made directly for Xonotic.
  • Darkzone - This is a very solid duel map as well, I would be extremely disappointed to not see it in the tourney.
  • Downer - Chatiel is wrong here in my opinion, this map is very well balanced - the very fact that it is scarce on health/armor makes it fantastic for map control.
  • Ruined - Another Xonotic original duel map, the styling is not so great in some parts but the map control is pretty decent and fun.
  • Stormkeep - Although slightly larger than the others, this one is quite key with dueling in Xonotic.. it has some aspects to it which make it very much so a good choice for a tourney. (Though, honestly, a 10 minute duel may not be enough here...)
See this should be the map-list, a good set of maps to DUEL on for the time being until more purpose built maps are made (azalea is so-so because it's just got such a big main empty room). But it's better then putting Xoylent in. You could add slimepit to that list if it get's done in time and is OK. I can see why you removed final_rage but it is a good map if the other version of it was used, but keeping it out is ok too I guess.

To be honest, I like your list Samual, with slimepit or something else added too it, would be 6 maps then which is nearly big enough for a first tournament, maybe add one more (atomforge/red) and would be fine.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Azalea is not "awesome" at all, did you ever play it? Also Downer's item placement is ridiculous too if you complain at other maps. You have the Mega close to the Nex, which is placed in a trap. Big Grin
But I'm too lazy to comment on everything.

The point is not to play the same maps over and over again (which happens obviously with 6 maps). Nor you don't understand that a lot of people like e.g. Xoylent (also Farewell, I left one of them out already!) and it's about fun. If you don't like it and want super competitive stuff then organise something by yourself.

A lot of people in this community got the Master level at complaining about everything but the Noob level when it comes to do something. I'm sick of changing stuff every day and in the next week you like other maps again. All of THIS shit is annoying as hell for people who try to do something.
Any volunteers who want to go on with this? Big Grin

the nex placement on downer was intended to be that way. its controllable, if you are doing it right

(10-02-2011, 07:47 AM)Mirio Wrote: A lot of people in this community got the Master level at complaining about everything but the Noob level when it comes to do something. I'm sick of changing stuff every day and in the next week you like other maps again. All of THIS shit is annoying as hell for people who try to do something.

somehow thats normal here. thats why i decided just to do things no matter what other people are saying, otherwise nothing happens, because everyone things other people will start something sooner or later.

(10-02-2011, 07:47 AM)Mirio Wrote: Any volunteers who want to go on with this? Big Grin
if you need some help count me in
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

It's not about just wanting 'super-competitive stuff'. It's about putting in duel maps that are fit for that purpose. Yet if you want to remove maps that everyone plays all the time, just remove final_rage AND xoylent, and use a smaller but newer maplist which also has maps that are much better designed for 1on1 game play. Xoylent (Soylent), final_rage, warfare, farewell, all maps which are/have been over-played. All I did was quote on Samual's list, which comprises of maps that never really got played before or that are either completely new or re-made, this is not to say that new maps can't be added over-time and played, but just going for a huge map-list and keeping the most over-played maps in, what maps do you seriously think will get over-played?

Good luck with the tournament, but without being able to post anymore on these things, I won't be playing.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


(10-02-2011, 06:47 AM)kojn^ Wrote: Chatiel, where are you from (country), and did/do you play UT competitively at all? Smile
Im from Poland, and in UT Im rather known as fws or FromWitchSide. I used to lead a buch of cheaters also known as polish representation in Nations Cup TDM where we won gold 3 times in UT, and silver 2 times in UT3. As for clans I think the highest I did in international competition was 2nd in div1 Open Cup TDM with Pointless, I dont count cups won in less impotant modes.

In duel I mainly used to play in polish tournaments, because internationally due to connection issues and differences in settings, I usualy placed in top16 or top8 at best and the game was not satisfying. The last time I played international duel cup would be in Warsow, and not UT. I think that was Open Cup Spring 2009, when I was demoted to div2 for inactivity, and which I won after beating Daxio in final. I guess currently Im not the most active player in the world.

(10-02-2011, 07:47 AM)Mirio Wrote: Azalea is not "awesome" at all, did you ever play it? Also Downer's item placement is ridiculous too if you complain at other maps. You have the Mega close to the Nex, which is placed in a trap. Big Grin
But I'm too lazy to comment on everything.
Yes, i've played both maps.. a lot Tongue They're really solid duel maps, trust me. Azalea is actually extremely good regarding this, it's like the new final_rage to me.

(10-02-2011, 07:47 AM)Mirio Wrote: The point is not to play the same maps over and over again (which happens obviously with 6 maps). Nor you don't understand that a lot of people like e.g. Xoylent (also Farewell, I left one of them out already!) and it's about fun. If you don't like it and want super competitive stuff then organise something by yourself.
Isn't that contradictory? I do understand that many people like Xoylent a lot, however I think it is definitely one of the overplayed maps.. and i'm in favor of using the newer maps now which aren't played as much (especially like Azalea, by example)

(10-02-2011, 07:47 AM)Mirio Wrote: A lot of people in this community got the Master level at complaining about everything but the Noob level when it comes to do something. I'm sick of changing stuff every day and in the next week you like other maps again. All of THIS shit is annoying as hell for people who try to do something.
Any volunteers who want to go on with this? Big Grin
I'd gladly step in and help, but I must say.. if the map pool is so difficult to pick, why not just make it up to the players between themselves to select?

So essentially, let the players negotiate their own maps to play on among themselves.. For example, have them play 3 duels, and first and last one can be "preferred" by each player... while the second one would be a mutual agreement (e.g. first is azalea, which player one prefers.. then second is final_rage which is agreed upon by both, then third is stormkeep which player two prefers)

Clearly this method can work to some extent if the players can come to an understanding... of course, as long as some player doesn't make a ridiculous suggestion like e.g. a duel on dance or space elevator.

People can choose they favourite map in the Brackets stage. We only 'force' 6 maps in the Group Stage, which are more or less new (Warfare got 1 MA removed and 1 replaced with 50A), so people have to play some new maps.
In fact a player probably don't even get the problem to play a map like Xoylent, because you have to survive the Group Stage + have to face an opponent who likes this map a lot.
The mappool is that big, that everyone can be satisfied somehow.

We can replace Afterslime with Azalea if it makes you happy, although it could turn out in a big rape.
As I said before, we can add Darkzone if you can convince Unknown. Tongue

(10-03-2011, 12:37 PM)Mirio Wrote: As I said before, we can add Darkzone if you can convince Unknown. Tongue

it was just a suggestion. there are better maps then that crappy version i have made.
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

I played Xoylent a lot already, and I can't say it feels overplayed to me in any way.

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Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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Don't listen to Cortez, darkzone is great - And yes, remove afterslime from the map pool and replace with azalea... no, it will not turn into a shitfest Tongue

Balance updates were merged into master earlier today btw, update your clients/servers pl0x. Big Grin

Ok, as I'm participating too, I'm hopping on the mappool debate wagon too:
I'm not speaking from any real competitive experience, but from the average player's point of view.

MUSTHAVE, MY FAVORITE DUEL MAP. Period. (also, Cortez's version)

For me, it's an effin frustrating map, but others seems to like it, so if I like Darkzone, it won't be fair from me to say no for Xoylent. Also, tbh, it can be a source of some epic lulz. And for me, that's important too.

It was fun in the shotgun tourney, also I like the map. For me it's ok.

-Downer: Here, I'm not sure which one. Classic Nexuiz, or a remake (did you Cortez ever finish that?)
Rather "meh."

Pretty decent map, I'd happily play it.

Not much to say here.

Warfare: I'm good with any item placement, I mean I've always had fun games on that map.

Slimepit: Especially "Reslimed". Imho that's a very fun map to play.

Heavy Metal/Atomforge:
-Honestly, I haven't had the chance to play these maps yet, but I'd like to raise an issue, now from the point of a MAPPER. Though I see and understand, that perfect gameplay and maps are very important for real competitive players, but this would be a very good opportunity for new mappers and maps to introduce themselves. Actually, I'm very sad that the mappool consists of either classic Nexuiz maps ported to Xonotic, or classic Quake maps ported to Xonotic/Nexuiz. We have tons of good maps floating around, and as far as I can see, they are rarely played.

Also: Bio Lab? Solarium?

Personally, I have two maps to offer, that might not be so "pro", but never the less would be fun to play:

Hot grounds. Though it's originally for Nexuiz, I can't see a problem repacking/retexturing it for Xonotic. Also, I was told peope liked it.

8-bit Arena: Very small, very open, and very brutal. I'd offer this map as either warm-up, or to decide on ties: 5 minutes, absolutely face to face.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

Yay, I wanna hop on too.
Atomforge - too big.
Aggressor - No tourney is complete without it!

(10-05-2011, 01:32 PM)morfar Wrote: Aggressor - No tourney is complete without it!

Nothing will surpass the game's we showcased on that map back in the good times morfar ey, spectators, shoutcast and tight games Heart Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


*Bump* Sign-in! Smile

What about my suggestions?
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

Quote:Just sign-in, play and have fun. Tongue

[Image: gallery_1597_2_110917cho.jpg]

Add up everyone! Smile

*BUMP* 1 week to go!
The server will change, because Unknown will move them.

(10-20-2011, 12:48 PM)asy7um Wrote: Would be amazing if someone could cast the topgames of the upcoming duel tourney. I'm sure that would make duelers from similar games like quake live or warsow try xonotic. Maybe pick the best 3 games/maps afterwards, add commentary and upload it to youtube. So when someone asks me "wtf is that xonotic thing you play now" I can show him those vids.Smile

(10-20-2011, 01:24 PM)kuniu the frogg Wrote:
(10-20-2011, 12:48 PM)asy7um Wrote: pick the best 3 games/maps afterwards, add commentary and upload it to youtube

Yes, good idea, we should try to do it, definitely.

(10-20-2011, 01:45 PM)kojn^ Wrote: Since I WON'T be playing in the duel tournament, I'd love to shoutcast some of the games, if people are interested??? I can actually watch them on my other PC without Xonotic playing, it's just too crap to play the game decently for me at the moment though (Graphics card not the game Tongue).

(10-20-2011, 02:56 PM)Debugger Wrote: I think a shoutcast/commentary on some matches would be great, probably for the top few games, idk. (where the top 3 games appear few to me) Tongue

Anyway, with a seperate playlist on xonotic youtube channel and spread over magazines, gaming related sites, more and more forums etc. it might take some players to join our community.

(10-20-2011, 03:25 PM)Mepper Wrote: You should not only make comentaries of the best. Just make also videos of not so good players, they are way more original in what they do, the best players all play pretty much the same, which can get boring imo.

Just a lot of them would be great!

There are by the way some very good nexuiz duels with comentaries, from Scorpion (who is also in the tournament now), and Agama. Just making things like that would be great.

I just quote the posts here, because they belong here too. I like it idea and also had already a little chat with kuniuthefrogg and kojn.

So kojn volunteers to do a commentary, I am also interested (/also together with him or someone else Smile ) so if you want to commentate a game, post it here or tell me in IRC and we can work out a schedule.

I would disagree with the top players play the same, that simply is not true Smile Styles make games.

Personally I didnt like the agama and scorpion commentaries as there for me wasn't enough indepth game analysis or smooth commentary but morelike 2 friends were just chatting. Id be interested in doing a joint commentary and probably would like to do one with Antibody as he has a great voice for this stuff and I can imagine he'd ask a few questions in game about what opponent A etc needs to do.

Just my 5000000 cents but if you want to put videos with commentary on YouTube the commentary should be of good quality and I mean quality of the actual commentary not sound!
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Also, put them on the Official site!
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

It would be interesting to know what an opponent does during the game (maybe sometimes switch or give a short overview).
Cooperation with Antibody would be cool indeed, Im looking forward to the forst ones and hope you do a lot of them Smile


I'm happy to announce that eXiLe provides a server for this tourney!
The IP is but it's public also and called ". eXiLe 1on1 Tournament Server ^eX ."

I will post the schedule (vs. who you play on which maps) tomorrow.

(10-24-2011, 10:35 AM)Mirio Wrote: I'm happy to announce that eXiLe provides a server for this tourney!
The IP is but it's public also and called ". eXiLe 1on1 Tournament Server ^eX ."

I will post the schedule (vs. who you play on which maps) tomorrow.

See the groups here:

Round 1

Date: until 02.11.2011
Maps: Darkzone, Stormkeep

Group 1: LO vs. Debugger
Group 2: fisume vs. grunt
Group 3: PCLizard vs. KRQ
Group 4: ai vs. asyyy ; s0rk vs. Mepper
Group 5: Mirio vs. C.Brutail ; kuniuthefrogg vs. aNictS
Group 6: unozzz. vs. LordCanistra ; lda17h vs. Calinou
Group 7: waterlaz vs. Samual ; Sless vs. qbit
Group 8: Scorpion- vs. naryl ; FruitieX vs. Vargos

Round 2

Date: until 09.11.2011
Maps: Downer_final, Warfare_itemfix

Group 1: swietamakrelo vs. Debugger
Group 2: itsme vs. grunt
Group 3: Halogene vs. KRQ
Group 4: ai vs. Mepper ; s0rk vs. asyyyy
Group 5: kuniuthefrogg vs. C.Brutail ; Mirio vs. aNictS
Group 6: unozzz. vs. Calinou ; lda17h vs. LordCanistra
Group 7: waterlaz vs. qbit ; Sless vs. Samual
Group 8: Scorpion- vs. Vargos ; FruitieX vs. naryl

Round 3

Date: until 16.11.2011
Maps: Final Rage, Ruined

Group 1: LO vs. swietamakrelo
Group 2: fisume vs. itsme
Group 3: PCLizard vs. Halogene
Group 4: asyyy vs. Mepper ; ai vs. s0rk
Group 5: Mirio vs. kuniuthefrogg ; C.Brutail vs. aNictS
Group 6: LordCanistra vs. Calinou ; unozzz. vs. lda17h
Group 7: waterlaz vs. Sless ; Samual vs. qbit
Group 8: Scorpion- vs. FruitieX ; naryl vs. Vargos

You can play matches which are scheduled later now already as well. It's just important that the games are played until the deadline. If you have trouble (real life/PC etc.) we will delay it for you.

Good luck!

Will shoutcast PCLizard vs KRQ if one of them lets me know when they plan on playing.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


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