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Hey Bleekii here

Hey everyone,
I've been playing nexuiz for a while because of the good community and solid "old school" game play. I'd like to move over to Xonotic because I know it's where we are moving to. Nexuiz is an important relaxation in my busy days and I hope to continue with Xonotic.
I live in a small town in Michigan with my wife and dog. I'm working on a degree in visual arts, web development, and computer science. I'm almost finished with the degree and will be publishing a portfolio in time. Besides that, I work part time and am writing a couple of books. I am interested in contributing to Xonotic but it would most likely be small things like, sound effects, audio edits, a few lines of code(I know C++), 2D artwork, and on the off chance that you need a story line I could whip one up for you.
My website hasn't been up for a while but I can point to where I did some sound effects a few years ago. I can provide professional level work by request and don't worry, I'm not a pride freak. If you don't like it, tell me and I will make any changes. I understand that revisions are needed in the creative process. I work on a publish then filter method so if you don't like it, don't use. Wow I'm really getting ahead of myself because all I really want to do is play the game! Big Grin I just wanted to point out that I can help if you need it. So if one of your artists is over loaded, push some stuff my way, that's all.

Hey Bleek good to see you here Smile
<[-z-]> have you seen the documentary "happy"?
<Samual_> no
<Samual_> it sounds horrible

Welcome! Smile

Hello and welcome!
[Image: vNzdsZw]

[Image: IUBFH.png]

Contact me on irc channel:
#Dietunichtguten @Quakenet

hi hi!

yes please help , i know sound effects are needed , and music is always welcome.

take note of admins/dev teams , etc and gt on irc and ask them.
BUT! the best way is to make stuff 4 no reason and make a little section 4 yaself and post it there
irc is great too 4 this , just dont spam the shit out of the nerds Smile

me waits for sum of ya werk

(btw omploader is most accepted uploader nerd thingo ive been told)


Welcome. Wink

Welcome +1 ^-^
[Image: Sigsig.jpg]

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