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t , uhhh , hi

tim new!
tits great to be here
tyou guys are awesome
ti love the game
tim old
tlike beer
ti never f10
tthankyou devs
tsee ya around



Well I'm quite sure n00bs don't use a "t" prefix in every little single sentence, so stop pretending Wink

Was that some kind of minimalistic poetry? :o

Anyway, Hi to you, and cheers! Tongue

(06-10-2010, 11:40 AM)mand1nga Wrote: Well I'm quite sure n00bs don't use a "t" suffix in every little single sentence, so stop pretending Wink

Was that some kind of minimalistic poetry? :o

Anyway, Hi to you, and cheers! Tongue

I do it on irc after playing and it drives me nuts. It makes me subject of even more ridicule than normal.
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

its a prefix :O.

sorry, the smartass in me took over for a second there.

oh, and hello again(?) chooksta.

tits great to have you here.

thanks lopho, you grammar nazi Tongue

@PinkRobot .. well I've been there too Tongue

It's something kind of normal to see on IRC with players that come back from long sessions haha

Maybe it'd be nice to have a chat-mode toggle, so one doesn't have to press "t" every time ...

Quote:Maybe it'd be nice to have a chat-mode toggle, so one doesn't have to press "t" every time ...

Seconded! It would be nice to have a separate area for the spectators so teams or 1v1s can still chat in-game without having to filter out the noise.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

poem? Smile

i like t

its a very nice button....

the g button , on the other hand.....

but i think the f10 button is the most popular...

lots of rq goes with that one :/

such a harsh button.....

naughty button!



Hello Chooksta,

finally i also made it to this forum. Somehow i missed this illfonic stuff for some months. . . i should play more often and listen what the people write.

Greetings from the other side.

zWelcome to the forum, Heinzelement :o)

zI shifted my keyboard layout to the right

zso I have more space for all those cool weapons and stuff

zpretty smart, eh?
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Quote:I shifted my keyboard layout to the right

+1. I do that with just about any game - give me a layout where my base is in the "home" keys of asdf! The bonus for me is my keyboard has a little tabby thing on the 'F' key, so I can find it in the dark.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

that's a brilliant idea!!!!
Perfect solution for me, i've always had a problem with my weapons binds. I'm lefthanded and at the moment don't want to spend money for a mouse dedicated to lefties, so i can't make any use of those mouse keys.
And now i see such things here...
Damn, i can't wait to test it!!!!
<Halogene> ok "n1" means "nice one"
<Halogene> "gl" means "good luck"
<Halogene> "fu" means "wow that was wickedly nice that frag"
Frogg on Instagram

Quote:i've always had a problem with my weapons binds

Get ready for a more efficient kuniu! Seriously, harnessing all that muscle memory from your (likely) years of typing only makes acclimation to the binds easier. Here is what I use:

A - previous weapon
S - left
D - back
F - right
E - forward
W - mortar (upside down M for mortar)
R - rocket (r is for rocket!)
T - talk
G - shotgun (shotGun)
V - laser
C - machine gun (I think C for chain gun)
X - nex (neX)
Z - team talk

The only thing I might change is swapping the shotgun and the nex to make it flow a little bit better. I haven't really had a problem thus far, as when I get a weapon I quickly cycle through what I need to make sure my "previous weapon" bind is the most effective one. Example: when I'm walking around w/ nex/MG as my combo and I pick up the mortar, I'll quickly switch to the mortar and back to the nex to make sure that the mortar is what I'll go to next when I hit 'A' after I take my nex shot.

asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

i just use one button,

1 click = fire weapon
2 clicks = jump
3 clicks = turn left
4 clicks = turn right
46547647 clikcks = f10





Hello, chooksta. Welcome aboard! Smile

Antibody, so you're the one that keeps throwing me into the air and nexing me! Tongue
Once you go -ck you never go back.
This signature is licensed under the BSD license. There is no need to relicense your brain once you have committed it to memory.

Quote:Antibody, so you're the one that keeps throwing me into the air and nexing me!

Me? ME?!?!? I would never do such a thing Big Grin
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

hai chooky , welcome to the forums , just remember to be a good chicken and dont rage at things.
seeing as your a noob ill give u a few tips...

t = chat
f10 = quit

also u should get involved with the forum and help where ever you can

and take your bi-polar medicine.


hi , im new , x

whats a mouse?


hi , im new..

(oh yer i already..........*

i just turned older today...





(08-27-2011, 07:55 AM)chooksta Wrote: i just turned older today...
we all did Smile
Happy birthday Chooky!

tIt's tgreat tto thave t(h/y)ou there, tChooksta.
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

thi , ti tthink tim tnew tagain!



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