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[MAP] revtourney1-a2 (New version 06/09/2012)


Here is my first attempt at a layout to be entered in the duel mapping competition!

I will try to remain as open as possible to any criticism.

Update: Here is the second version of my map. The item placement has received major changes in an attempt to improve the balance. There are also more trickjumps in place now. I have spent some time running around the map and getting a feel for the flow and I think it has been improved with the addition of the ramps. Also, many of the teleporters have been removed as I most definitely went overboard on the first version.

I have added a danger near the new 50A. I have a feeling it may be rather annoying but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Please let me know how you feel about it as I am open to removing it.

Bot waypoints will be added but they are not my immediate priority. I would rather watch some human games and balance around that first and then bring in bot waypoints in a later version. Likely the first beta.

Dropbox link: revtourney1-a2.pk3

no picks no clicks...
kidding ... ill try it out ...
but it would be best to post a screenshot or too

This map is actually really nice ...
I'm not a layout pro ... but ... it is defiantly something that I would enjoy playing on Big Grin

oh ... it is not too open ...
keep the nex out ...

would minelayer work on this map? ... i'm not sure ... something to think about

Here are some screen shots of the map


Well, I have spent some time on the map with some the guys from smoke. There are a few glaring issues in terms of item placement that I will be looking to fix by some point tomorrow night. They also gave me many suggestions on tweaks to geometry so that the next version will have many more trickjumping possibilities. I would almost urge anyone who was looking to actually play a game on the map to just wait until I can give you an updated version.

ah ... ok ...

yeah ... the smoke guys are the experts about this duel stuff

Regarldess what you said, Revenant I tried your map and have a feedback ready for you.
Ok, Let's start, shall we?

First of all I suggest adding botpoints.
Major issues first:

It seems that the map is unbalanced: One side has all core weapons (rl, mortar...) and 50 HP, mega health and mega armor.:
[Image: xonotic20120906155631-00.jpg]
This shows how close 50, armor and mega are to each other:
[Image: xonotic20120906155246-00.jpg]

Mortar is definitely too close to Rocket Launcher: I just dropped it near to each other, but in fact they are VERY close!
[Image: xonotic20120906155449-00.jpg]

Here: You bump this ramp and pop in the air without taking 50 armor!
[Image: xonotic20120906155350-00.jpg]

I bumped this platform with my head several times while running the map. Very pesky:
[Image: xonotic20120906155026-00.jpg]

Few times I missed the launchpad, fix the trigger brush:
[Image: xonotic20120906155032-00.jpg]

these teleports are too close to each other:
[Image: xonotic20120906160859-00.jpg]

these small ramps can slow down player, I suggest changing structures of making more clipping.
[Image: xonotic20120906155043-00.jpg]

Last and probably extremly important thing: Map feels a bit too big for duel, BUT I haven't tested it with anyone alse yet. Great job with structuring and the brushwork. Im not sure if the map needs more crazy trickjumping, I would focus on layout and visuals right rather then 'over-ramping' the map.

New version! See first post.

Thanks for the feedback Justin, I really appreciate it. Smile

Many of the problems that you noticed were also quickly noticed during some testing with the smoke clan and have now been resolved (hopefully).

I am not overly concerned about visuals at the moment. I have a plan in my head for what I will do and it should look pretty nice!

And I guess it is on the larger side for a duel map but with its openness and the speeds that you can achieve while running around, I think it will be alright. Hopefully I'll be able to spectate some matches with the smoke guys soon and we will see whether I am right!

Uploaded on exile servers for testing.
Edit: your pk3 is not a zip file and wont work.
Edit2: fixed

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