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What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration

(12-10-2012, 10:55 PM)Loafers Wrote: interesting binds. how do you guys manage to switch weapons that are near the movement keys while moving? feels really awkward for me — especially q and e.

If you get used to it, it'll feel great. Thing is, all the keys you're gonna use are within reach, you just need to memorize them by playing with a bind configuration like that, and voila :]
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

It can get in your way while moving, especially if you're starting to use such a configuration. But since the fingers don't need to travel far, it's just a flick of the finger once you get used to it and it's barely noticeable in game if you release a movement key for that short of a time.

Unless you're playing other games where you can't re-define the custom layout and would get confused if you switch from one layout to another, I can recommend to move the entire left hand (provided you're right-handed) one to the right. I use esdf instead of wasd and have more keys around my movement keys available. I consider this very comfortable as I can access ANY of the core weapons reliably and have the additional mouse buttons that my mouse offers free for the most important communication binds (for me: enemy seen, flag seen, attacking, defending, item free).
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


I use default HUD, the graphics are on lowest with "gl_picmip 1337"

My key configuration for the weapons is this:
Laser: 1
SG: 2
Uzi: 3
Mortar: 4
Electro: f
Crylink: c
Nexgun: r
Hagar: 5
RL: e

My crazy config:

w,a,s,d: move
e: hook
r: mortar
q: nex
f: rocket launcher
z: electro
c: crylink
v: hagar
1: laser
2: shotgun
3: mg
4: reload
Mousewheel up: drop weapon (for overkill)
Mousewheel down: fov 125
Mouse 4: fov 85
Mouse 5: fov 45

Binds are on the:
i,o,p,j,k,l,b,n,m,x,g,h,5,6,7,8,9,0,-,= keys

Hud is even crazier:
[Image: xonotic20130216100124-00_zpsd876065c.jpg]
Hidden weapon
gl_picmip_world 1337
r_sky 0
player models bright yellow
[Image: 12766.png]
Sucks at weapons


I've noticed some players doing something cool with key bindings and wonder how to do this:

Upon button press Q:
Switch to Laser. When Laser fires once, switch back to previous weapon.

Also, I would like to set a weapons prefence, but am unsure what all the name of weapons are (and these need to have pictures next to them). Is there such a list showing the name (used for key bindings) and the pictures?

Cheers, S


Also: (covers core weapons only though).

The images on the wiki page are outdated (see laser/minstanex). Can anyone fix that?

As for switching back to previous weapon, there's no need to implement that in the bind, as laser has "switch to previous" on secondary fire. You could, theoretically, set up a bind that switches to laser, fires and switches back to previous weapon with one keypress, but I'd not recommend to do that as you'll need to be able to very carefully time when you shoot the laser in order to reach a certain height, or to NOT reach a certain height. That would become very tricky if you would have to take the time needed for switching to laser into calculation for doing the jump. Better time the laser shot DIRECTLY by using the fire button :o)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


(03-09-2013, 07:43 AM)Halogene Wrote: The images on the wiki page are outdated (see laser/minstanex). Can anyone fix that?

Actually, yes and no.

Those tiny pictures are used at the accuracy under the scoreboard and in the HUD in some places.
At first we need them for the game itself for all newer models. Tongue

I twiddled around a bit with my current keyboard layout, and came to notice that I have *a lot* of "say" binds...
Anyway, here's a layout map I created, to keep myself from getting confused Wink The main keys are shown bold, and the colors refer to different "groups" of keys (red = weapons, blue = movement, green = general gameplay, yellow = talking, cyan = other ingame stuff, gray = general stuff/unused):


Note that I'm playing on my notebook's keyboard (Thinkpad), and therefore can't use the numpad; also the key layout above isn't exactly the one I'm using.

And here's a screenshot showing my current HUD. One thing I'd like to change is the position of the ammo indicator, as it's sometimes hard to see with the weapon model in the background:


Update: Here's my current servers.cfg which I include from autoexec.cfg. It allows you to quickly connect to the popular servers, by just entering e.g. "dccminsta" in console or by running xonotic directly from the commandline, "xonotic +dccminsta".

//// server ip's
set dcc_beginner_    ""
set dcc_ctf_        ""
set dcc_minsta_        ""
set dcc_plain_        ""
set dcc_trans_        ""
set dcc_pickup_        ""
set mon_okserv_        ""
set mon_vhserv_        ""
set ex_duel_        ""
set ex_ctf_        ""
set ex_tdm1_        ""
set ex_tdm2_        ""
set pickup_        ""
set ucpublic_        ""
set ucprivate_        ""
set pacman_        ""

//// connect aliases
alias dccbeginner    "connect ${dcc_beginner_}"
alias dccctf        "connect ${dcc_ctf_}"
alias dccminsta        "connect ${dcc_minsta_}"
alias dccplain        "connect ${dcc_plain_}"
alias dcctrans        "connect ${dcc_trans_}"
alias dccpickup        "connect ${dcc_pickup_}"
alias okserv        "connect ${mon_okserv_}"
alias vhserv        "connect ${mon_vhserv_}"
alias exduel        "connect ${ex_duel_}"
alias extdm1        "connect ${ex_tdm1_}"
alias extdm2        "connect ${ex_tdm2_}"
alias exctf        "connect ${ex_ctf_}"
alias pickup        "connect ${pickup_}"
alias ucprivate        "connect ${ucprivate_}"
alias ucpublic        "connect ${ucpublic_}"
alias pacman        "connect ${pacman_}"

And here are some lines from my autoexec.cfg - some changes to the default "say"-binds which I think are more useful; the last two lines (yes, just two!) change the scoreboard config for the different gametypes. Not the "cl_hook" alias at the end to make it overwrite the default scoreboard after each mapchange.

userbind1_press        "say_team ^x0FFQUAD SOON^7"
userbind6_press     "say_team ^xF00NEED HELP^7 @ ^xFF0%y^7 (^x800%h H^7 + ^x080%a A^7); g_waypointsprite_team_helpme; cmd voice needhelp"
userbind7_press     "say_team ^x00FENEMY SEEN^7 @ ^xFF0%l^7; g_waypointsprite_team_danger_p; cmd voice incoming"
userbind8_press     "say_team ^x0F0FLAG SEEN^7 @ ^xFF0%l^7; g_waypointsprite_team_here_p; cmd voice seenflag"

alias scoreboard "scoreboard_columns_set ping pl name | -teams,noteams/all  +dm,tdm/kills +dm,tdm/deaths +dm,tdm/suicides +dm,tdm/kd -race,dm,tdm,ctf,kh,ka,freezetag,ft/frags +ctf/caps +ctf/pickups +ctf/drops +ctf/fckills +ctf/returns +lms/lives +lms/rank +kh/caps +kh/pickups +kh/losses +kh/kckills ?+race/laps ?+race/time ?+race/fastest +as/objectives +nexball,nb/faults +nexball,nb/goals +ka/pickups +ka/bckills +ka/bctime +dom/ticks +dom/takes +freezetag,ft/revivals -lms,race,nexball,nb/score"
alias cl_hook_gamestart_all "scoreboard"
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup

WASD - Movement
Space/Scrollup - Jump
LCTRL/Scrolldown - Crouch
MOUSE1 - Primary Fire
MOUSE2 - Secondary Fire
MOUSE3 - Zoom
MOUSE4 - Drop Weapon
MOUSE5 - Drop Flag
Y - Say
U - Say Team
1 - Laser
2 - Electro
3 - Hagar
E - Shotgun
Q - Machinegun
R - Mortar
F - Rocketlauncher
X - Crylink
T - Nex

[Image: 1jt469.jpg]

Resolution - 640x480
FOV - 105
r_showsurfaces 3
OpenGL disabled
and fuck the weapon model.

And most importantly:
C - say Sieg Hello!
V - say Bye bye!
B - say That's bullshit
N - say What
M - say Well if you insist
, - say Oh yes
. - say Nope
G - say This way, shithead! + cmd voice meet + g_waypointsprite_team_here
H - say Danger stuff! + cmd voice incoming + g_waypointsprite_team_danger
J - say *:D*
K - say Shut uuup
L - say Love you too tutsy pie
I - say I fell in *Love*
O - cmd voice attackinfive
P - say Thank you
4 - say Sorry buddy
5 - say Damn that was nice
6 - say perkele
7 - say Hit F1 you kike!
8 - say Hehehe
9 - say Good game there buddy man guy
0 - vcall endmatch
´ - say Good luck & have fun, got it?

M1, M2, M3 - defaults
wasd movement
1234 defaults
q rocket
e mgun ('alais to '3', since we have no lightning gun, although electro can be converted with a cvar]
z electro
shift nex
x hagar
f crylink
r reload
??? Those other unused stuff

I use generic hud, although chat and deaths are in top left, speedo perma on, flag and events bottom right, chat bottom left

Hi guys,

i post the my config file for the community if you are interested give it and try Big Grin

[Image: DdR7vnKl.jpg?1]

Info: Place the .cfg file into your Gamesaves (example: "C:\user\username\gamesaves\xonotic")
For play with the my config open the Console ("\" key to open) and type "exec config.cfg" and press "Enter" key

Bye Bye.

K1LL3RBI0S Quake Player, Painkiller Player, UT3 Player and Xonotic Player.
[Image: 25616.png]

BINDS (download config file here or copy code I posted below)
[Image: g4spr0m-xonotic-keyboard-binds-mini-1.png]
//Teamplay messages
bind 4 "say_team [H:%h^7|A:%a^7] ^xf00I HAVE A FLAG! ^xfffReturning to base!^xfff (location:^xff0%l^7);cmd voice coverme; g_waypointsprite_team_helpme"
bind 5 "say_team [H:%h^7|A:%a^7] I can see ^x0f0OUR FLAG^xfff!^xfff (location:^xff0%l^7);cmd voice seenflag; g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"
bind 6 "say_team [H:%h^7|A:%a^7] I can see ^xf00ENEMY FLAG^xfff!^xfff (location:^xff0%l^7);cmd voice seenflag; g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"

bind b "say_team [H:%h^7|A:%a^7] ^x00fDEFENDING!^xfff (location:^xff0%l^7)"
bind n "say_team [H:%h^7|A:%a^7] ^x0f0ROAMING^xfff (location:^xff0%l^7)"
bind m "say_team [H:%h^7|A:%a^7] ^xf00ATTACKING!^xfff (location:^xff0%l^7)"

bind j "say_team [H:%h^7|A:%a^7] ^xf00Negative!"
bind k "say_team [H:%h^7|A:%a^7] ^x0f0Positive!"

bind ENTER "messagemode"
bind BACKSPACE "messagemode2"

//Gametypes-specific binds
bind HOME "bind MOUSE2 +fire2; bind MOUSE3 +zoom; bind MWHEELUP weapprev; bind 3 +hook; bind \ dropweapon"    //vanilla
bind PGUP "bind MOUSE2 +fire2; bind MOUSE3 +zoom; bind MWHEELUP weapprev; bind 3 dropweapon; bind \ +hook"    //overkill
bind PGDN "bind MOUSE2 +hook; bind MOUSE3 +fire2; bind MWHEELUP +zoom; bind 3 +hook; bind \ dropweapon"        //minsta-hook

//Movement and actions
bind w +forward
bind s +back
bind a +moveleft
bind d +moveright
bind SPACE +jump
bind SHIFT +use        //Drop the flag/key or escape from vehicle
bind CTRL +crouch
bind 3 +hook        //Offhand hook

bind 1 weapon_group_1 //Laser
bind 2 weapon_group_0 //Port-O-Launcher
bind q weapon_group_5 //Electro
bind e weapon_group_7 //Nex
bind r weapon_group_9 //Rocket Launcher
bind t weapon_group_3 //Machine Gun
bind f weapon_group_6 //Crylink
bind g weapon_group_2 //Shotgun
bind c weapon_group_4 //Mortar
bind v weapon_group_8 //Hagar

//Menu and dialogs
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"    //Menu
bind F1 "vyes"            //Vote YES
bind F2 "vno"            //Vote NO
bind F3 "spec"            //Spectate
bind F4 "ready"            //READY!
bind F5 "menu_showteamselect"    //Team select menu
bind F6 "team_auto"        //Autoselect team
bind F7 "menu_showsandboxtools"    //Sandbox menu
bind F9 "+userbind 20"        //Record AVI
bind F10 "menu_showquitdialog"    //Show quit dialog
bind F11 "+userbind 21"        //Toggle fullscreen
bind F12 "screenshot"        //Screenshot
bind END "disconnect"        //Disconnect from server
bind BACKQUOTE "toggleconsole"    //Toggle console
bind TAB "+showscores"        //Scoretable
bind PAUSE "pause"        //PAUSE

HUD (download config file here or copy code I posted below)
[Image: hud0miniature-1.jpg]
seta "hud_damage" "0.550000"
seta "hud_damage_fade_rate" "0.750000"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_bg" "border_ammo"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_bg_alpha" "0.400000"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_bg_padding" "-1"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_onlycurrent" "1"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_pos" "0.890000 0.940000"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_size" "0.110000 0.060000"
seta "hud_panel_centerprint_bg_border" "0"
seta "hud_panel_centerprint_fontscale" "2"
seta "hud_panel_centerprint_pos" "0.110000 0.210000"
seta "hud_panel_centerprint_size" "0.800000 0.150000"
seta "hud_panel_chat_bg_border" "0"
seta "hud_panel_chat_bg_padding" "0"
seta "hud_panel_chat_pos" "0.010000 0.650000"
seta "hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_alpha" "0.400000"
seta "hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_engineinfo_pos" "0.010000 0.240000"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_baralign" "0"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_bg" "border_healtharmor"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_alpha" "0.400000"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_padding" "3"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_flip" "1"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_iconalign" "0"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_pos" "0 0.870000"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar" "0"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_size" "0.110000 0.130000"
seta "hud_panel_infomessages_bg_border" "0"
seta "hud_panel_infomessages_flip" "0"
seta "hud_panel_infomessages_pos" "0.010000 0.070000"
seta "hud_panel_infomessages_size" "0.230000 0.080000"
seta "hud_panel_modicons_pos" "0.370000 0.010000"
seta "hud_panel_modicons_size" "0.260000 0.070000"
seta "hud_panel_notify_bg_border" "0"
seta "hud_panel_notify_bg_padding" "-5"
seta "hud_panel_notify_pos" "0.710000 0.590000"
seta "hud_panel_notify_size" "0.290000 0.250000"
seta "hud_panel_physics_bg" "border_physics"
seta "hud_panel_physics_bg_alpha" "0.400000"
seta "hud_panel_physics_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_physics_pos" "0.890000 0.870000"
seta "hud_panel_physics_size" "0.110000 0.060000"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_bg" "0"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_bg_alpha" "0.200000"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_bg_padding" "0"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_iconalign" "1"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_pos" "0.91 0.43"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_size" "0.090000 0.140000"
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg" "border_pressedkeys"
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_alpha" "0.400000"
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys_pos" "0.44 0.87"
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys_size" "0.12 0.06"
seta "hud_panel_racetimer_bg_border" "0"
seta "hud_panel_radar" "1"
seta "hud_panel_radar_bg" "border_radar"
seta "hud_panel_radar_bg_alpha" "0.200000"
seta "hud_panel_radar_bg_border" "0"
seta "hud_panel_radar_pos" "0.800000 0"
seta "hud_panel_score_bg" "border_score"
seta "hud_panel_score_bg_alpha" "0.400000"
seta "hud_panel_score_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_score_bg_padding" "3"
seta "hud_panel_score_pos" "0.100000 0"
seta "hud_panel_score_size" "0.160000 0.060000"
seta "hud_panel_timer_bg" "border_timer"
seta "hud_panel_timer_bg_alpha" "0.400000"
seta "hud_panel_timer_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_timer_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_panel_timer_pos" "0.000000 0"
seta "hud_panel_timer_size" "0.090000 0.060000"
seta "hud_panel_vote_bg_alpha" "0.400000"
seta "hud_panel_vote_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_vote_pos" "0.010000 0.140000"
seta "hud_panel_vote_size" "0.140000 0.080000"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_accuracy" "0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_bg" "border_weapons"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_bg_alpha" "0.200000"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_bg_border" "2"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_label" "0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_pos" "0.120000 0.940000"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_size" "0.760000 0.060000"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_timeout" "0"
seta "hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha" "0.5"
seta "hud_powerup" "0.5"

con_chatrect 1
con_chatrect_x 9001
con_chatrect_y 0.650000
con_chatsize 20
con_chatwidth 0.460000
[Image: 12684.png]

this should probably go into the configuration section :|

No offense, but you should know there is already a thread for HUD/Keyboard configurations:

Maybe this should be merged into that one? MrBougo, what do you say? Smile
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup

Zykure, now I know, that you didn't read my post, because I included the same link you posted. Tongue
Anyway, I aggree with you.
[Image: 12684.png]

(04-15-2013, 10:41 AM)g4spr0m Wrote: Zykure, now I know, that you didn't read my post, because I included the same link you posted. Tongue
Anyway, I aggree with you.

Dammit, you got me! But ... it was early in the morning! Aaaaand .. I had no time. And uhm, maybe my scrollwheel wasn't working!

.. it's always good to have an excuse Wink
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup

Yes, I just noticed how much we depend on mousewheels nowdays.... Wasn't any of it on old mice without such "toys"
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

I'm not offended, post here the your config. Smile
K1LL3RBI0S Quake Player, Painkiller Player, UT3 Player and Xonotic Player.
[Image: 25616.png]

(04-15-2013, 11:30 AM)K1LL3RBI0S Wrote: I'm not offended, post here the your config. Smile

I have already, in the other thread Smile

EDIT: Meh, after merging with that thread this post has become rather pointless Big Grin
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup

I updated my config. I think, that my CTF binds may be useful for some people.
[Image: 12684.png]

(04-16-2013, 04:48 AM)g4spr0m Wrote: I updated my config. I think, that my CTF binds may be useful for some people.

Hey that's cool, I changed the CTF binds in my config some days ago. The default ones are just .. not really useful. I will update my above post later today, too! Big Grin
I have also a config for easy access to the popular servers, that might also be useful for others.

@g4spr0m: "I can see the OUR FLAG" - you might want to get rid of the extra "the" =)
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup

(03-17-2013, 07:27 AM)zykure Wrote: And here's a screenshot showing my current HUD. One thing I'd like to change is the position of the ammo indicator, as it's sometimes hard to see with the weapon model in the background:

oohhhh thats some CPMA whatsitsnamemap >.<

most people would move it to the left, or use drawgun and turn it off like a boss :>

also, does anyone have dl link to the nimbus font?

(04-30-2013, 06:58 PM)ballist1c Wrote: most people would move it to the left, or use drawgun and turn it off like a boss :>

Hmm yeah, I might give that one a try (the first suggestion .. I *love* the weapon models and won't turn them off) Big Grin

(04-30-2013, 06:58 PM)ballist1c Wrote: also, does anyone have dl link to the nimbus font?

I think originally I got it somewhere from here (XCP package by asyyy):

But for your convenience, I uploaded the font .pk3 here: =)
You can apply it by adding "exec font-nimbussansl.cfg" to your autoexec.

EDIT: I also added some things which I mentioned earlier above to my config post:
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup

(05-01-2013, 02:41 AM)zykure Wrote:
(04-30-2013, 06:58 PM)ballist1c Wrote: most people would move it to the left, or use drawgun and turn it off like a boss :>

Hmm yeah, I might give that one a try (the first suggestion .. I *love* the weapon models and won't turn them off) Big Grin

Haha, no drawgun is quite a hardcore setting, and I don't know what kind of player you are, so it was worth suggesting; i wouldnt do it either

(05-01-2013, 02:41 AM)zykure Wrote:
(04-30-2013, 06:58 PM)ballist1c Wrote: also, does anyone have dl link to the nimbus font?
But for your convenience, I uploaded the font .pk3 here: =)
You can apply it by adding "exec font-nimbussansl.cfg" to your autoexec.

Aww thanks <3

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