Hey everyone,
We've got a rather tricky question on our hands right now... and it provokes a rather moral question that I think needs to be discussed and sorted out with the community and development team openly. Specifically I am referring to monetization, donations, sponsorship, and the use of funding to drive development...
Firstly I would like to clarify, no one owns Xonotic in the traditional sense, Xonotic will ALWAYS remain a GPL/opensource game entirely with no closed content, Xonotic will never require a fee for you to play, Xonotic will never give someone a more powerful weapon because they gave one of the developers a blowjob (sorry Mirio), and Xonotic will never tell your children that it's coming to the ball game but then never show up. What I want to argue for here is setting up open donations and sponsorship which allows the Xonotic development team to use that funding to purchase software, tools, publishing utilities, server hosting, advertisement or promotions, or even development talent to flesh out tasks which we simply cannot get accomplished otherwise. Without further adieu, let me get on with describing the problem while giving some examples both for and against this motion.
Advantages of Development Funding
Advantages of Sponsorship
Disadvantages of Development Funding
Disadvantages of Sponsorship
Donation Methods and Details
Currently we are considering 4 methods of donation...
Other details:
Additional Options Worth Discussing...
Now, I mentioned Steam earlier, and although I won't get into too much detail-- It is simply not viable for Steam to add our game unless we adapt to the free2play mentality, where we supply a "free to play" game which charges for some extra service, thus providing a way for us to supply Steam with income (and making our game a viable possibility for Valve to adopt to their catelog). Personally, I hate most implementations of this, and I will never stand for someone to gain advantages over another by paying $30 for that special sword you can't get anywhere else. I do however have a compromise to suggest, and it goes along with the design idea for the playermodels by Morphed. Generally, we could provide special armor (like a backpack or special spikes on playermodel arms, or even a special skin background color displayed by default) that has no gameplay implications, but merely shows that this person has contributed to the game development in quite a helpful way. This would provide a certain incentive for donation WITHOUT causing any unfairness- because I don't think anyone will REALLY care that much if someone has a slightly special coloring on their playermodel by default. Again, this is optional, but it is worth considering and it would give us an additional way to support ourselves. Of course, we could also do special forum badges or Xonstat badges or whatever, that's all up to you guys.
I absolutely understand concerns that people may have here, honestly I have many of the same concerns... However, I think that donations and a certain amount of monetization can provide for us many desirable things which outweigh the disadvantages and problems presented.
Please give me all the feedback you can here, we want to do only what is morally and reasonably acceptable with the community/project. I do have another question for you though... If we had donations open, how much would YOU donate? Would you buy commodities or distributions? Any other ways you would be compelled to contribute? It would be nice to have an estimate of how much we could generate.
Note: If I forgot something in this post, please bear with me, I wrote this at 2:50am after being awake for ~18 hours. I will update later if there are more relevant advantages/disadvantages/etc that I have not covered here.
We've got a rather tricky question on our hands right now... and it provokes a rather moral question that I think needs to be discussed and sorted out with the community and development team openly. Specifically I am referring to monetization, donations, sponsorship, and the use of funding to drive development...
Firstly I would like to clarify, no one owns Xonotic in the traditional sense, Xonotic will ALWAYS remain a GPL/opensource game entirely with no closed content, Xonotic will never require a fee for you to play, Xonotic will never give someone a more powerful weapon because they gave one of the developers a blowjob (sorry Mirio), and Xonotic will never tell your children that it's coming to the ball game but then never show up. What I want to argue for here is setting up open donations and sponsorship which allows the Xonotic development team to use that funding to purchase software, tools, publishing utilities, server hosting, advertisement or promotions, or even development talent to flesh out tasks which we simply cannot get accomplished otherwise. Without further adieu, let me get on with describing the problem while giving some examples both for and against this motion.
Advantages of Development Funding
- Currently, it is VERY difficult to find artists who both have the motivation and skill to complete artistic tasks for the game. We have been trying for many years to replace the weapon models in the game, however have found little success, as modelers usually only have time to do 1 or 2 models every year or so, leaving our weapon model set to be very inconsistent in style and quality. We have the opportunity to hire some artists to complete this work with development fund money, which honestly will never get done otherwise.
- Same story for many other pickup items, excluding perhaps powerups and some others which actually do have artists willing to complete the work.
- Similar story for player models, where I think we can develop a far better player set with funding supplied to Morphed- who has already done a vast portion of models in the history of Nexuiz and Xonotic BTW, he is very talented, just lacking time to complete these tasks without compensation or such. I won't get into details now, but there are a lot of very good ideas circulating on what we can do with the player models to make them better... Although I will later talk about one possible feature of them in this post.
- Additionally, tasks which are otherwise rather unlikely to happen may be accomplished, such as completion of the dedicated map repository for all Xonotic maps- perhaps even linking into the game so that clients can automatically download them to their user directories.... although we'll need a way to sign the downloads and authenticate them inside the dlcache directory to prevent hacking or such. The fact is, some times motivated talent does not exist for such tasks without an influence.
- Prize money for tournaments, competitions, etc etc... (if sponsorship does not provide such a substitution itself-- see below.)
- We could afford to send select developers to conferences or local events so that they can promote the game after 1.0, i.e. for PAX or GDC or other such events.
- We could easily pay fees such as Steam Greenlight submission charges ($100), allowing us to submit the game through the Steam Greenlight process. (Although, we might not do this as it might be a waste of money anyway... But please don't worry about that in this thread, that's another discussion for elsewhere)
- We could pay the expenses to officially register as a non-profit organization, acquiring the ability to accept open donations.
- We can purchase high-end skybox software and hire someone to complete a vast set of perfectly on-theme and high quality skyboxes for the use of all mappers.
- We can hire someone to port a more powerful map editor to support Xonotic mapping...
- ... Or someone to finish proper implementation of ODE physics library and ragdolls.
- ... Or someone who has 3D tracking hardware to create new player animations along with Morphed's playermodels.
- ... etc etc etc, there are quite many things which were infeasible previously yet can be reached with a development fund.
Advantages of Sponsorship
- We get free stuff. No, seriously, that's it. We trade promotion of their service or company in exchange for services given back to us. An example would be prizes supplied by Sapphire for a mapping competition, with proper sponsorship we can do far more events like that where we exchange billboard spots on maps for prizes or services we need to either generate community interest in events or provide services such as a new map repository server host.
- Mutual promotion, i.e. gaming communities can sponsor us and advertise our game while we mutually promote them and send our players to their communities as well.
Disadvantages of Development Funding
- Potential jealousy. This one is quite blunt and obvious, if one person is getting paid for their work, why is another person not getting paid? Why should I work for free when the other person gets paid to do it? Is their work superior to mine? The answer to this is a very clear NO. Let me explain: Personally, I consider donations to be of many different forms. The work that I or anyone else on the dev team currently submits is a donation of its own, we donate our time and effort, effectively draining our own resources to provide for the game. I see monetary donations under a similar light, although the developers who contribute are doing the work for free, they're the same as monetary contributors. They would distribute their resources to the project with the same sacrifice. For the record, I will not be accepting any money from donations or such, I just want to get some features and goodies which we simply will not be able to get otherwise. To summarize, all donations are still donations, the only difference is that if you contribute directly to the project via code you're bypassing the middle-man through donating money. If you work for free, you're simply being EXACTLY as noble and generous as the people who donate money to the project to pay other developers for work which otherwise would not be done. I would like to take this moment to point out that we do have additional solutions to this problem, which I will explain later in the "method" section of this post.
- Who holds the pot of gold? Another blunt and obvious question is, where does the money go? It is impossible to split the money up properly via services such as PayPal, and there are unfortunately no other suitable services for what we need. (believe me, we have looked) Generally the core team has agreed that we will appoint someone trustworthy and well mannered to handle the development fund accounts. Obviously this means I will not be handling any of the money, I get into heated arguments more often than a bigoted New Yorker on a bad day in a bar who just crossed paths with a black homosexual Steelers fan who just hit on his wife AND insulted the Yankees at the same time.... Anyway, I nominate Antibody for such a responsibility, as he is a very trustworthy and reasonable individual who I think would be suitable for such a task.
Disadvantages of Sponsorship
- Advertisements. Yes, this would mean we have to place advertisements into maps on billboards or screens or such in order to successfully promote our sponsors. However, we WILL not place random ads on maps, they would be distributed via our own system and automatically loaded onto maps which support them. The ads we would show would include sponsorship badges/logos (with some kind of link opening support if you wish to visit via browser) for companies such as MaverickGaming, or any other various hosting or community sponsors we have, as well as community announcements (read more about this below). Any server would be able to disable them, and any client would be able to disable them, so they are by no-means necessary and we will not force them onto people who do not want them. Generally though, it would go a long way in acquiring sponsors, and it would be a great system for us to do announcements or community advertisements for events or competitions or such. Imagine us being able to push non-intrusive/passive notifications/sponsorships onto maps where you otherwise see a bland Xonotic logo or such. Another factor to this is that we will be putting sponsorship badges onto startup screen (possibly), gameplay video intros (possibly), and website (certainly) to help promote them there as well.
- Another potential problem to some people means that we will be promoting sponsored events publicly, but won't necessarily be able to promote all external community events quite as well without going through i.e. Mirio or such ahead of time so we can properly give the same promotion. To clarify, we don't mind promoting most events, it's just that if you go the independent route instead of working with us that we might not have time to promote your event. (I didn't describe this well, I bet some people will be angry here for no good reason)
Donation Methods and Details
Currently we are considering 4 methods of donation...
- Direct/Open Donation: Funding received via PayPal or some other service directly into the Xonotic account openly (allowing anyone to contribute freely). This requires us to register as a non-profit organization in order to properly handle taxes and the establishment of our ability to receive donations directly/openly.
- Kickstarter: Funding received via a campaign on Kickstarter or some other crowd funding method, allowing us to list specific features that people may want and acquire the proper funding to supply the entire development process of those features. (Of course, using any left over to deposit directly into the main development account fund for any other things we may need.)
Future possibilities:
- Distribution: Funding received via commercial sales of the game, such as selling of a Xonotic DVD containing the game. Note: This is entirely supported by the GPL, we'd essentially be selling just a DVD (and possibly a case) for those who are interested in having a special copy of the game. You can absolutely just as easily produce your own version of this, and you're absolutely not needed to buy this, but it would be another way to acquire revenue for a development fund and it might be something that people want to buy.
- Commodity: Funding received via sales of Xonotic branded swag.... Essentially the same thing as above, but with t-shirts, mugs, hats, flash drives, etc etc. Again, not necessary, but possibly something nice to have?
Other details:
- Donators will all be properly attributed in the credits and on the website/forums, unless they choose to opt-out of this by remaining anonymous or such.
- Donated amounts will be kept private except to the core team, this is not a thing we want people competing and arguing about.
- Development fund distribution will additionally be left only to the core team, we do not want people getting jealous with the classic "why was he paid more than me" jibber jabber... and private management is really the only way to do that effectively. Unless you guys disagree and claim we should keep it entirely open... but this really creates a lot of problems for management, so please understand where i'm coming from when I say it's better to keep monetary distributions blind between the people receiving them, this way we don't have in-fighting about payments.
- Just because you donate DOES NOT mean you get a special say in how the design plays out. I will not add a stupid gun by default which harms the rest of the game just because you contribute $1,000. We will not remove a map for money, we will not ADD a map for money, we will not do any features which do not otherwise fit our standards.
- If development ceases for Xonotic, or some other event comes up at which point we no longer require the money from the development fund, or we simply have more money than we need-- by rule we shall direct it to a charity we see fit. I would even throw around the idea of distributing 10% of all donations directly to another charity, perhaps as an incentive for other people to donate to us as well.
Additional Options Worth Discussing...
Now, I mentioned Steam earlier, and although I won't get into too much detail-- It is simply not viable for Steam to add our game unless we adapt to the free2play mentality, where we supply a "free to play" game which charges for some extra service, thus providing a way for us to supply Steam with income (and making our game a viable possibility for Valve to adopt to their catelog). Personally, I hate most implementations of this, and I will never stand for someone to gain advantages over another by paying $30 for that special sword you can't get anywhere else. I do however have a compromise to suggest, and it goes along with the design idea for the playermodels by Morphed. Generally, we could provide special armor (like a backpack or special spikes on playermodel arms, or even a special skin background color displayed by default) that has no gameplay implications, but merely shows that this person has contributed to the game development in quite a helpful way. This would provide a certain incentive for donation WITHOUT causing any unfairness- because I don't think anyone will REALLY care that much if someone has a slightly special coloring on their playermodel by default. Again, this is optional, but it is worth considering and it would give us an additional way to support ourselves. Of course, we could also do special forum badges or Xonstat badges or whatever, that's all up to you guys.
I absolutely understand concerns that people may have here, honestly I have many of the same concerns... However, I think that donations and a certain amount of monetization can provide for us many desirable things which outweigh the disadvantages and problems presented.
Please give me all the feedback you can here, we want to do only what is morally and reasonably acceptable with the community/project. I do have another question for you though... If we had donations open, how much would YOU donate? Would you buy commodities or distributions? Any other ways you would be compelled to contribute? It would be nice to have an estimate of how much we could generate.
Note: If I forgot something in this post, please bear with me, I wrote this at 2:50am after being awake for ~18 hours. I will update later if there are more relevant advantages/disadvantages/etc that I have not covered here.