(10-24-2014, 01:38 AM)Melanosuchus Wrote: That's my bad, There's a troll called "Disco" in the EAC server so I made a fun little mode for him.
He's German but connects from a proxy in Bologna, Italy. I've added a Geolocation check for that area to start the effect automatically.
If you get that and say something that makes sense in Italian (ie: proving that you're not him) I get notified on IRC and can disable it. (I need to be online though)
Unbelievable, he actually lives in Bologna, I've thought about everything, but this was way too much!
His name is Vict0r, can you please disable this?
It's not the best thing for one that have just downloaded the game, Bologna is one of the biggest cities in Italy, and EAC is one of the most played servers, this could happen again, and it's impossible to figure out.
Luckily you read this post