12-03-2010, 11:17 AM
1. The gamebalance editor like in nexuiz 2.3 or earlier it was very useful for me. i know xonotic has one but maybe add filter tickboxes for filter clientsettings, serversettings, balance, movement etc...
but a very useful thing would be to save the temporary settings in an extern custom_balance(1).cfg and the ability to load it
always,when i restart nexuiz many cvars become reseted
2. und create a tab for a menu with 3 tabs:
[dlcached maps]:maps from dlcache folder
[all maps]
elf explaining
[official maps]:only the xonotic own maps
and if you rightclick a map a menu opens(like in windows when you do rightclick) and you can choose a gametype for the map
3. a search function for maps (by name/creator/...)
opinions, improvements, additions?
maybe its an inspiration for further ideas
kr ;D
but a very useful thing would be to save the temporary settings in an extern custom_balance(1).cfg and the ability to load it
always,when i restart nexuiz many cvars become reseted
2. und create a tab for a menu with 3 tabs:
[dlcached maps]:maps from dlcache folder
[all maps]

[official maps]:only the xonotic own maps
and if you rightclick a map a menu opens(like in windows when you do rightclick) and you can choose a gametype for the map
3. a search function for maps (by name/creator/...)
opinions, improvements, additions?
maybe its an inspiration for further ideas
kr ;D