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[SUGGESTION] Some thoughts of mine on Xonotic

Hi all,

I played the 0.1 Preview, and I would like to put in my suggestions:

First, the in-game worlds. I actually kind of liked Nexuiz's art design where most of the levels had a ... well... more unclean look... like grime on the walls/floor and the like. The Xonotic levels look just a little too clean for my tastes.

Next point, the player models. I know, I know, somewhere in the wiki (or was it elsewhere?) it said not to discuss this... but are you absolutely sure that we should have all of the models be the same size? I think I'd rather see differing size models, but giving them specific advantages/disadvantages to balance it out a bit (for example, making a smaller model move faster while a larger model has a bit more health).

The above suggestion is my opinion, but from what I've seen in the forums not many share my view; so I understand that this may not be done because, well, the devs obviously don't want to drive people away.

Next, about the more unified art scheme. I think you did a good job in doing this, from what I've seen. However, I kind of enjoyed the bit of variety, even if nonsensical, in some of the Nexuiz maps. Because people can make and host their own maps on their Xonotic servers, though, one could still find a server with a bunch of different types of maps, right?

Thank you for your time in reading this,


(P.S. Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum to post this. )

0.1 is pretty much outdated, a lot stuff changed (e.g. balance,physics - but you didn't comment on this so we don't discuss about this , right guys? Tongue). Probably you should get a newer version.
nifrek is working on models and there is already a big version of the Erebus (is it spelled like this?). I don't know if he will improve all models.

I guess that the look of maps depends on the mapper and what they want to do. Smile Maybe give them suggestions for their maps and there will be always custom maps (maybe you did not see a lot of them). Many mappers (and also developers, contributors - everyone Smile ) hang out in IRC (#xonotic at QuakeNet). At least the map "Courtfun" got some graffiti on the walls. Wink

As for the models, this is generally a bad idea for "core gameplay" to have them in different sizes. However, as a mutator, this could be used to yield a "class based" game where you can choose between different "player classes" with different advantages/disadvantages, one being size.
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(06-20-2011, 09:04 AM)divVerent Wrote: As for the models, this is generally a bad idea for "core gameplay" to have them in different sizes. However, as a mutator, this could be used to yield a "class based" game where you can choose between different "player classes" with different advantages/disadvantages, one being size.

Having different qualities to different players would completely break FFA and Duel, however it would be a good mutator for team games, especially CTF and CA. For example, in CTF team members could communicate so that a lighter runner (like scout in TF2) could take the flag, while someone with more health or weapons could defend. Basically like TF2 Tongue

Seriously though, I don't know how hard this would be to code, but it would encourage teamwork in team-based games. It would be a lot of work to make player models for each class, perhaps sprites could suffice?

About map diversity, I think that Xonotic default maps should follow a relatively consistent theme. And as for weird maps, they will come once Xonotic pulls in more players from Nexuiz. Remember Xonotic is still young, and people creating maps now would rather see it benefit the project than appease the players on the public server (because right now, there is nobody on those servers).

Having different players would just add a huge degree of freedom in the balance tuning.
It's already enough tough with a single player model.
So this possibility is clearly to be investigated later maybe when the game will be consistent gameplay wise.

If anyone is going to make a “class-based” mutator please don't tie a model to qualities, make them customizable.
chooksta Wrote:640t ought to be enuf for antibody
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