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[SUGGESTION] Ignore function for messages

Be able to ignore a player's messages.

Simple as that.
[Image: weirdsig2.png]


Sounds fair to me.

How things work here? sould emesde insert that suggestion on the bugtrack or something?

I'm not sure what the process is. Normally I'd expect a few more people to weigh in on the idea. I think everyone is just in stunned silence at such a straightforward and practical suggestion.

It wouldn't be too hard for determined trolls to get around such a system but they can be kicked if they're really that bad. The usefulness of an ignore function wouldn't just apply to intentional annoyances though.

Just a few days ago I found myself in a deep philosophical/political discussion on a Nexuiz server. I suspect everyone would have preferred if those who were distracted by it could have just put us on an ignore list instead of cluttering up the chat even more with complaints about our chatting. Smile

I'm in favor of this obviously.

One suggestion. It'd be good if players on your ignore list were marked on the scoreboard and in the messages when you frag, or are fragged by them. That way, if you meet them again in a later game, you aren't left wondering why that one guy is so quiet.

Good Idea Big Grin

I concur, and I swear to god this was promised at some point.

After playing a few matches with atrollthatshallnotbenamed spamming the text, I think a mute button is a must.

(04-09-2010, 04:47 AM)Contrarian Wrote: Just a few days ago I found myself in a deep philosophical/political discussion on a Nexuiz server. I suspect everyone would have preferred if those who were distracted by it could have just put us on an ignore list instead of cluttering up the chat even more with complaints about our chatting. Smile

I also like to go deep talking (I prefer chatting before fragging) if I find people willing to talk.
Despite the mute option for ignoring some people that annoy you, there might be a set of chat channels. There is already a one for each team + a global one, maybe a global off-topic channel? Separate hotkey to write on that one, separate chat-list to view it's content.

Or just someone run a server for those who want to practise their skills and have a nice chat along with nice people Smile I missed such a place out there in Nexuiz.
A server where no one cares about points, and won't shoot me everytime I go by. A chillout server. Let me start another thread for this Big Grin
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

Good idea. I think that the implementation should be a check box in the menu with the label "Disable chat".

What? That's not what we're trying to do. You can just do con_chat -1 if that's what you want to do. We want blocking of a specific user.

Has there been any progress on a mute option?

I've seen a number of players complain about being targeted for spam. Apparently some trolls direct message their victims. Form conversations that I've read, the lack of a mute option leads people to quite the game.

Also, trolls might troll less if they knew people could mute them. Generally such people really want attention, so a mute option would both
protect people from trolling
and inhibit trolling. 

It seems to me that the client side should allow each player to mute any player they don't want to hear from.

And I thought contrarian had a good suggestion:
It'd be good if players on your ignore list were marked on the scoreboard and in the messages when you frag, or are fragged by them. That way, if you meet them again in a later game, you aren't left wondering why that one guy is so quiet. 

Another idea:
Give consoles a word list for automatic muting. That would help with trolls who change accounts but use consistent language. And, along with that it would be nice to have a trusted list for trusted people that a player wants exempted from automatic muting.

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