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Warsow goes 1.0

Just in case anyboday also plays Warsow, today 19h CET is the release of version 1.0. There's also a "release party" in the quakenet IRC. I guess servers will be quite busy tonight. So there's a chance to paly something different than insta bipbeta Wink

Downloading now... Oh and look what's just around the corner: Smile

Hmm, it's not truly Free, the art work is non-free I think...

They've also dropped strong and weak ammo, and made the MG useless, which means they make it almost just like Quake except for the wall-jump, nothing for me, I rather play q.

It's not only the wall jump, but also dashing. Very elite movement. I just played and still feel clumsy. My mind wants to do things, but my hands cant do it. It's a pity, the graphics are cool and easy to the eye. Back to Xon Smile

Try search youtube for movement tutorials. Smile

I wasn't impressed by it the last time I gave it a go (and I doubt anyone else was, because it was dead and it's rival Nexuiz 2.4 was loaded) and now that they've removed strong and weak ammo the game doesn't look like much more than a Quake clone with it's own dodge tweak added to the movement. I'll give it a try though, id kinda screwed up Quake Live's potential with the premium crap and Quake 3 is dead.

About Warsow - introduction Wrote:Our goal is to offer a fast and fun competitive first-person shooter without hard graphical violence - Warsow has no blood or guts flying around. Red stars instead of blood indicate hits and colored cubes replace guts as gib effects.

HAHAHA!!! Oh wow, they removed the gore from the game too?

(07-28-2012, 01:42 PM)rocknroll237 Wrote: Downloading now... Oh and look what's just around the corner: Smile

HA! Perfect. I was just thinking about getting back into Urban Terror.

Oh wait.

Just played a match against some bots and I can say:
  • The graphics are great,
  • The art style is very distinctive,
  • The interface is slick and stylish,
  • The gameplay is fast and I actually like the feel of it,
  • There's enough variety to make it last,
  • The performance is good (framerate wise).

I'm actually quite impressed. Smile

(07-28-2012, 05:31 PM)rocknroll237 Wrote: Just played a match against some bots and I can say:
  • The performance is good (framerate wise).

I'm actually quite impressed. Smile

I heard that they swapped the engine to the CRX to acheive this, I'm very please with this, cause 0.60 with the Qfusion engine had a pretty low framerate (20) even with the lowest possible settings.

(07-28-2012, 10:13 PM)Shadowman84 Wrote:
(07-28-2012, 05:31 PM)rocknroll237 Wrote: Just played a match against some bots and I can say:
  • The performance is good (framerate wise).

I'm actually quite impressed. Smile

I heard that they swapped the engine to the CRX to acheive this, I'm very please with this, cause 0.60 with the Qfusion engine had a pretty low framerate (20) even with the lowest possible settings.
No they never switched to crx.That was only an april fools day news. Big Grin

(07-28-2012, 10:44 PM)Apr0ph1z Wrote:
(07-28-2012, 10:13 PM)Shadowman84 Wrote:
(07-28-2012, 05:31 PM)rocknroll237 Wrote: Just played a match against some bots and I can say:
  • The performance is good (framerate wise).

I'm actually quite impressed. Smile

I heard that they swapped the engine to the CRX to acheive this, I'm very please with this, cause 0.60 with the Qfusion engine had a pretty low framerate (20) even with the lowest possible settings.
No they never switched to crx.That was only an april fools day news. Big Grin
Well that's quite impressive

Gave it a go, seems to be a bit improved over what it was when I last tried it and has an awesome soundtrack now. I do have a serious issue with the game not doing much to differentiate itself from Quake 3 (which is bad, because Q3A had an issue of being so simplified that you ALWAYS ended up using hardwired reflexes after learning the game as opposed to always trying something new like in UT99, Nexuiz, or Xonotic) though and the game seems to be overall slower paced than Xonotic (mostly due to how much harder it is to move) currently is, even after I finally relearned the movement. The community being virtually non-existent (less players than Xonotic) and only running duel or free-style games is another big minus. The effects they used to replace the gore also don't look that great.

Oh wait.

Wait, they dropped strong/weak ammo? Why? I'm not extatic over such system, but it was tactical and distinguishing for the game.

(07-31-2012, 01:28 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: the game seems to be overall slower paced than Xonotic (mostly due to how much harder it is to move). The community being virtually non-existent (less players than Xonotic).

I agree the gore looks weird, but I like the cartoon effects. I have to disagree with the statements above...

I like the overall feel and look, but the gameplay is too much like Quake IMO, and I rather play Quake then.

The servers are very active since the release, now people even play FFA. Impressive how a version number can attract so many players. Now Adolf can put W§W back on his hard drive Wink

Hmm from what I remember when I donwloaded it(can't remember what build) but it is a good game. The big thing that put me off was the movement but I have only myself to blame for my lack of perseverence in learning the movement.

hmm .. i never really looked into this one ...

although it needs osx 10.7 (lil bros got 10.4) so its not going to replace nexuiz for duels with my lil bro ...

i'll try it tomorrow (if I get to it)

#18 looks very similar to our main page, don't you think? I think I will give it a try but I don't expect to much. As machine pointed out: Its like the quake CPMA mode. If I wanted to play quake CPMA I would play it instead of Xonotic. Tongue
And also: 500 MB ? This is insane.
I think it will be quite popular though

(08-01-2012, 04:57 AM)Justin Wrote: I think it will be quite popular though

Well, it looks like they rebuild the player base with this release.

meh ... it wont run cause apparently I dont have the right version of libpng Tongue .... (it wants 15 ... repos have 12)

(08-18-2012, 11:18 PM)hutty Wrote: meh ... it wont run cause apparently I dont have the right version of libpng Tongue .... (it wants 15 ... repos have 12)
if you use Ubuntu, try intsall the game from the

(08-01-2012, 04:57 AM)Justin Wrote: looks very similar to our main page, don't you think?
tbh, the current Warsow main page was released in December 2011, and afaik the current Xonotic main page was released in June 2012. So it is Xon main page similar to Wsw main page =)

i'm on mint 11 ... (which os like ubuntu 11)

but I used the ubuntu 10 download ... trying the one you linked to now ........

that download worked ... however ... its fro version 0.5 .......... not for version 1


edit :: probably because im not on ubuntu 12 ... it installed an older package ...

I just don't get it. For some reason the vertical sensitivity has always felt faster than the horizontal sensitivity for my mouse in Warsow.
I tried to tweak it with m_yaw and m_pitch, but no luck. It's quite disturbing.

I tried it, pretty neat even though it feels like Quake 3 with different assets and some tricks. Weapons are basically just clones of Q3 ones.
Anyway, they did a little Kickstarter:
Now who wants to pay for Xonotic? Let's flame!

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