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Ongoing port to the Unvanquished engine?

The latest release blog of the Unvanquished game has some further interesting details on the possible Xonotic cooperation:

Seems like the is a QuakeC interpreter port to NaCL on its way so that Xonotic can be run directly on the UNV engine?

Would be cool to hear some more details on this from the Xonotic developers Smile

(I think this is a great idea by the way, and a monster rush mode with the UNV aliens would rock!)

Really? The most exciting development news since Xonotic got forked off Nexuiz and no one cares to comment?

(08-04-2015, 10:10 AM)poVoq Wrote: Seems like the is a QuakeC interpreter port to NaCL on its way so that Xonotic can be run directly on the UNV engine?

I can't find info about this one. Any link?

Is Unvanquished based on Darkplaces or what is the relation between Xonotic and Unvq?

Also, if it's engine related, what does this Daemon provide? Looking at screenshots of Unvanquished I kinda think Xonotic looks more crisp, but that can depend on lot of things other than the engine.

The development repository is on gitlab but not included in ./all; it will be when it's ready.

Unvanquished runs on daemon which is based on quake3. Most our assets are binary compatible which ruled out other engines.

Daemon provides client code sandboxing with NaCl, a long term escape route from QuakeC. We are aiming for binary compatibility with QuakeC first
[Image: 38483.png]

sounds awesome... the Unvanquished engine is definitly a much more promising base in the long run, given that DarkPlaces is more or less stagnating in development for a few years now.

That's the entire point: backwards compatibility. Once the move is completed a switch to a better map format can be considered.

However is also looks like Trenchbroom (a much more modern level editor) will get some Xonotic support once the version 2.0 is out. So this will probably make things already much better.

I know I am bumping this thread, and I apologize in advance, but how will this transition affect demo support? Xonotic has a surprisingly high compatibility for demo recordings from old versions. I have tested an 0.6.0 demo and even a Nexuiz 2.4.x demo and they both worked (the Nexuiz demo had missing graphics, but it's still a step up from some other games.) When and if the transition to the Daemon engine is completed, will it be able to run old demos? Assuming that several versions of Xonotic will be made on the Daemon engine in the next couple years, will older demos made on a Daemon engine release be playable in the then-newest version?

(11-05-2015, 12:50 AM)Danfun64 Wrote: Xonotic has a surprisingly high compatibility for demo recordings from old versions.

There is one simple reason for this: the gamecode is embedded in each demo. The underlying protocol outside the gamecode will most likely change though.
[Image: 38483.png]

I hope the Daemon engine changes the demo code so that it can keep xonotic's high compatibility.

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