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[SOLVED] How to compile NetRadiant in Windows (SOLVED)

Hi. I am having difficulties compiling NetRadiant do to an unending list of unmet dependencies. I installed all of the dependencies I could find, but am unable to find the rest of them. Here is the output from Make inside of cygwin:
checking that the build tools exist
Checking for /bin/sh (bash (or another shell))... found.
Checking for echo (coreutils)... found.
Checking for echo -n (coreutils)... found.
Checking for cat (coreutils)... found.
Checking for mkdir -p (coreutils)... found.
Checking for cp (coreutils)... found.
Checking for cp -r (coreutils)... found.
Checking for rm -f (coreutils)... found.
Checking for rm -f -r (coreutils)... found.
Checking for mv (coreutils)... found.
Checking for echo test | tee /dev/stderr (coreutils)... found.
Checking for sed (sed)... found.
Checking for find (findutils)... found.
Checking for diff (diff)... found.
Checking for cc (gcc)... found.
Checking for g++ (g++)... found.
Checking for ranlib (binutils)... found.
Checking for ar (binutils)... found.
Checking for pkg-config (pkg-config)... found.
Checking for unzip (unzip)... found.
Checking for git (git-core)... found.
Checking for svn (subversion)... found.
Checking for wget (wget)... found.
Checking for windres (mingw32)... found.
All required tools have been found!

checking that the dependencies exist
Checking for glib/gutils.h (libglib2.0-dev)... found.
Checking for libxml/xpath.h (libxml2-dev)... found.
Checking for png.h (libpng12-dev)... found.
Checking for GL/gl.h (mesa-common-dev (or another OpenGL library))... found.
Checking for gtk/gtkdialog.h (libgtk2.0-dev)... found.
Checking for gtk/gtkglwidget.h (libgtkglext1-dev)... not found, please install i
t or set PKG_CONFIG_PATH right!
To see the failed commands, set DEPENDENCIES_CHECK=verbose
To proceed anyway, set DEPENDENCIES_CHECK=off
Checking for zlib.h (zlib1g-dev)... found.
make: *** [dependencies-check] Error 1

you need to install the open gl gtk widget it looks like

[Image: sig2.png]
Check out my site:!

(06-23-2010, 01:48 PM)EvilSpaceHamster Wrote: you need to install the open gl gtk widget it looks like
EDIT: I solved the problem by porting the Linux files into Windows (yes; I was able to just copy over the compiled files), and it worked (no need for Cygwin)!
The problem is; I am unable to find it. I have a Linux machine (that has a bad graphics card) that I might be able to use to compile it and than somehow port the Xonotic-related files to Windows (if that's possible, because it will compile it in Linux format)

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