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Quake 2 Railwarz instaGib CTF!!! Games 7 nights a week! bind key +hook for lazer hook

in short... if you love instaGib CTF with +hook then Quake 2 TMG Railwarz CTF is the mod to come back and play!

Quake 2's TMG Railwarz instaGib CTF mod has been experiencing an influx of new players and returning veterans of Quake2.
Railwarz is a capture the flag mod. One shot insta kills. Lightning fast lazer hook to whip yourself around the map.
The game is simple and easy to learn which is what makes it so addictive! No weapon switching just bind your +hook and you are good to go!
Railwarz CTF is my favorite Quake 2 mod I played growing up in middleschool and highschool. I started playing Quake 2 again in 2012 there wasnt much going on
a 2v2 and even 1v1 match was hard to come by but with a little patience and a lot of work contacting old friends who used to play we have slowly revived the mod.
Today there is three different servers located in North America.only one at a time will be busy but
you can find a good game 7 nights a week as early as noon on the weekends and 5PM on weekdays.
Games last til midnight or so sometimes 2 or 3AM. We consistently have 3v3 4v4 games every night for a few to several hours.
at peak times of the night 6v6 7v7 matches are common.

During this past holiday season Dec 23 2015 we had a few 15v15 games with about 40 people connected to the server at a time.

other team based mods to try for Quake 2
Rocket Arena 2 ( Late Night Games a few random nights a week after CTF dies down )
L-Fire CTF (this mod is a hit or miss any night but could be easily revived )
Lokis Minions CTF (LMCTF has great 4v4 5v5 6v6+ every Tuesday 10PM Eastern that last about 1-2 hours)
Expert CTF (This mod is trying to organize a weekly game night)

dont have quake2 installed anymore?? here is the link for quake2 starter q2pro and r1q2 clients both available to download free for Quake 2 Multiplayer

see you on the servers!! PM me or email me if you need any help getting setup or want more useful links for map packs bright skins etc

[Image: Do7CYVV.jpg]

2016 Quake 2 Railwarz instaGib CTF is Alive n Active! - Join us!
Railwarz CTF - Games every Night! 5PMeastern - Midnight
3 Railwarz servers now up!

ACME TMG Railwarz CTF Washington DC -
Mythical Beings TMG Railwarz CTF - Chicago iCTF -
Mythical Beings TMG Railwarz CTF - Dallas iCTF

Dont have quake2? download q2pro or r1q2 quake2 client for free

if you are on steam
add it to steam as non steam game.

This is most of the CTF maps

[Image: dRH5cVg.jpg]
[Image: vqzDkEA.jpg]

Is the quake2 client released for free? If not, is the download properly licensed and legal? Please confirm.

Also, please use smaller images or thumbnails.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


Just thinking out loud here.... But maybe there can be support for Xonotic clients to Quake 2 Railwarz so they show up in our serverlist?
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

(09-12-2016, 01:16 AM)PinkRobot Wrote: Just thinking out loud here.... But maybe there can be support for Xonotic clients to Quake 2 Railwarz so they show up in our serverlist?

Yes please....
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Yes please Smile Make it happen.

sorry images are big ill shrink em down. was just trying to make it a bit more exciting than me typing

Quake II Starter is a free, standalone Quake II installer for Windows that uses the freely available 3.14 demo, 3.20 point release and the multiplayer-focused Q2PRO client to create a functional setup that's capable of playing online.

so yes all q2 mulitplayer clients are legal and do not come with the actual single player quake2 campaign just a couple demo maps for single player..

for q2pro client

for r1q2 client

if you are on Mac or Linux there are clients that have been made for those to run quake2 multiplayer natively as well yamagi for linux. and fruitz of dojo or q2pro for mac maybe some more clients out there too

theres 3 railwarz servers in northa america. we play on just 1 at a time.

2 of them are listed on main page of

the dallas server you can find the ip on

im sure itll make its way onto main page eventually

q2pro client has an ingame server browser that uses same data as

one of the three servers is busy about every night as early as 5PM eastern time.. and as late as midnightish

send me a pm with your email facebook or phone number or whatever if you want any help i would be happy to assist

i have a railwarz email list to send out invites or let people know when the server is busy if you like reminders like that.. we do the same thing in railwarz facebook group we have a whatsapp group also and ACME has a discord server so theres plenty of ways to communicate

add me on steam too if you want

the youtube video is a bit more accurate to what default skins n textures look like i have some very ugly custom textures was experimenting and have been trying various custom models to entertain myself.. currently its Darth Vader and Yoshi Railwarz CTF opposed to male and female.

you can use any quake2 model in place of them theres so many mega man south park homer bart robots transormers ninaja turtles etc i can help anyone figure that out if they are curious its pretty simple swapping them out and the skins

look forward to playing with anyone who is interested and helping them get setup if needed!

[Image: IzKZRFF.jpg]

Thank you for clarification and for resizing the images, appreciated.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


i have a friend who put together an installer package that installs both r1q2 and q2pro clients + 57 maps
this extra map pack should complete any missing maps that are not included.

-=Erwin's Rail CTF=-

he runs a Rail CTF server out of BC Canada might be easier for new comers who are not used to the speed that many in Railwarz are used to. the hook settings here are slowed down quite a bit.

him and some of his friends play mechwarrior online as well as some other games.. ive met several of them already who installed with this railctf package he put together and we had some nice games over the weekend

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