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[NEEDS INFO] how to make the model smoother? (netradiant)

я сделал карту в блендере, экспортировал её в формат obj и переконвертировал в формат map с помощью программы obj-2-map v1.3.0, метод конвертации - spikes, в netradiant объекты поделены на треугольники, каждый треугольник это отдельный brush, я пробовал выделять группу треугольников и соединять их с помощью кнопки csg wrap merge (ctrl+u) (в netradiant custom от garux), но это ничего не даёт
может нужно ещё что-то сделать?

Quote:Translation from Google

I made a card in a blender, exported it to the OBJ format and redacted it to the MAP format using the OBJ-2-Map V1.3.0 program, the converting method is spikes, in Netradiant objects are divided into triangles, each triangle is a separate Brush, I tried to highlight the group triangles and connect them using the CSG Wrap Merge button (Ctrl+U) (in Netradiant Custom from Garux), but this does not give anything

Maybe you need to do something else?
Quote:Translation from Deepl

I made a map in blender, exported it to obj format and converted it to map format using obj-2-map v1.3.0, conversion method - spikes, in netradiant objects are divided into triangles, each triangle is a separate brush, I tried to select a group of triangles and connect them using csg wrap merge (ctrl+u) (in netradiant custom from garux), but it does not work

maybe there's something else that needs to be done?
Quote:Translation from Yandex

I made a map in a blender, exported it to obj format and converted it to map format using the obj-2-map v1.3.0 program, the conversion method is spikes, in netradiant objects are divided into triangles, each triangle is a separate brush, I tried to select a group of triangles and connect them using the csg button wrap merge (ctrl+u) (in netradiant custom from garux), but it doesn't do

anything, maybe you need to do something else?
[Image: Screenshot-5.png]
map file just in case -

I've never tried an obj converter program being able to import the resource into Netradiant. AFAIK, in my experience, I used to import directly into Netradiant the compatible formats for Quake 3 mod, perhaps this is different.

Have you tried to enable Smooth option in Shading when you've selected(highlighted) the mesh object (model) in Blender?

[Image: wXKwuV0.jpeg]

(06-20-2022, 12:50 PM)LegendGuard Wrote: I've never tried an obj converter program being able to import the resource into Netradiant. AFAIK, in my experience, I used to import directly into Netradiant the compatible formats for Quake 3 mod, perhaps this is different.

Have you tried to enable Smooth option in Shading when you've selected(highlighted) the mesh object (model) in Blender?

[Image: wXKwuV0.jpeg]

в моём случае сглаженность в блендере не имеет значение
оно имеет значение если экспортировать в радиант эту модель как obj/ase
мне важно чтобы объект состоял именно из брашей и эти браши были сглажены 

In my case, smoothness in the blender doesn't matter.
it matters if this model is exported to radiant as obj/ase
It is important for me that the object consists of braches and these braches are smoothed
In my case, the smoothing in the blender does not matter
It matters if you export this model as OBJ/ASE to radiant
It is important for me that the object consists precisely of the Brush and these brushes are smoothed out
in my case, the smoothness in the blender does not matter
, it matters if you export this model to the radiant as obj/ase
it is important to me that the object consists of brushes and these brushes are smoothed

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