With further playing, I've identified a possible bug, wherein you can kill yourself using hitscan weapons using the warpzones adjacent to where the Rocket Launcher is spawned. I believe this is a bug as, to my understanding, these warpzones don't 'loop back' onto each other, and thus you aren't 'firing at yourself'.
To replicate, go to either one of the warpzones, and position yourself in the corridor outside of the 'room' where the Rocket Launcher is, facing into the 'room'. You need to be close to the warpzone, but not in it; the positioning can be a little tricky, but once you've found the 'sweet spot', it is repeatable. From there, use the Shotgun or Machine Gun and fire straight ahead, and you can watch your health/armour go down...
I discovered this by freak accident during a match, and did some more tests afterwards to narrow it down; I hope this is useful to you. I've also noted that the effects produced when firing the Shotgun or Machine Gun into these warpzones can sometimes 'go off at an angle' rather than travelling in the expected direction, suggesting that the warpzone is sending the 'shots' in a different direction (which may or may not be related to the same issue, though I have not been able to replicate this bit reliably, so...).
Finally, thank you for you response earlier, and my congrats for getting your map featured in WoX-BloX #2; hopefully many more have now taken the time to download and enjoy it.