sorry for the raging guys ...
im just pissed at the fact that our community are dragging their feet in some respects.
wheres the effort in clan based gaming , wheres the effort in clans getting their s,,t together..
seems people have left the community in droves (australian slang.. er maybe)
sure people leave to better games (i had a go myself , but omg , there are some seriously shit games out there) but ya would think they still had some roots with the old game and the community and would stick with it and fight to hold us all together.
australian servers had such an awesome community , we did so much , had so much fun , highs and lows , etc , i paid over $500 to help fund the servers , i did alot to keep chat up in our forums , we had matches , etc
now all we really do is talk bullshit in irc....
and a few rare scattered matches that feel like they have been repeated from nexuiz...
after .6 release i think its time we really concentrate in getting our community rock solid , we drag back the nerds that have left us , we give them what they miss from old game (in some respects) , we start ramping up matches around the world (that duel comp thing was perfect),
we start sections in the forum for clans to habit so we can all see what they are up to.
also the irc channels that help bring players together needs to be somehow synced to the forum too ,so we and others can see what the hell is going on in game (suprisingly idk wtf is going on in xonotic , i read what i can , i check the dev side of it.. (WTF IS ALL THAT NERD STUFF

) , i chat as much as i can too but man its hard to track....)
i guess im saying that we need to alot more community work for the next stage.
if your reading this and you left for another game.. come back.
theres only so much us nerds can do.
(wtf have i been drinking...)