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[SOLVED] gamepad 'saitek fps'

I am new on xonotic, I play on linux and I have a problem with my gamepad a 'saitek fps'.
I replace all keyboard shortcut and it work fine, my problem is with the "rotation movements" (movements that we can do with the mouse).
On my gamepad there are reversed (right/left is up/down and up/down right/left).
Can we configure them somewhere like other movements ?


I'm not sure, I don't know much about gamepads, but maybe these joysticks values will help you
You can type custom commands in the console (shift+esc).

Custom binds can also be put into a "autoexec.cfg" file which is executed on game start up.  It belongs in your "gamedir", see below for you OS:

Windows: C:\Users\yourusername\Saved Games\xonotic\data\autoexec.cfg
Linux: ~/.xonotic/data/autoexec.cfg
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/xonotic/data/autoexec.cfg

I'm not really sure what your buttons would be called... perhaps you can discern this from the config.cfg you find in the gamedir.  There are some players who know more about gamepads, hopefully they can weigh in for you.  Good luck, have fun!

Thanks for your reply.
I have no file autoexec.cfg in my .xonotic directory, only the file config.cfg

Quote:bind TAB "+showscores"
bind ENTER "messagemode"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "// not bound"
bind 0 "weapon_group_0"
bind 1 "weapon_group_1"
bind 2 "weapon_group_2"
bind 3 "weapon_group_3"
bind 4 "weapon_group_4"
bind 5 "weapon_group_5"
bind 6 "weapon_group_6"
bind 7 "weapon_group_7"
bind 8 "weapon_group_8"
bind 9 "weapon_group_9"
bind BACKQUOTE "toggleconsole"
bind a "// not bound"
bind b "quickmenu"
bind d "// not bound"
bind e "+hook"
bind f "+use"
bind g "dropweapon"
bind i "+show_info"
bind m "+hud_panel_radar_maximized"
bind q "weaplast"
bind r "reload"
bind s "// not bound"
bind t "messagemode"
bind u "+con_chat_maximize"
bind v "+button8"
bind w "// not bound"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind z "messagemode2"
bind TILDE "toggleconsole"
bind BACKSPACE "dropweapon"
bind UPARROW "// not bound"
bind DOWNARROW "// not bound"
bind LEFTARROW "// not bound"
bind RIGHTARROW "// not bound"
bind ALT "+showaccuracy"
bind SHIFT "// not bound"
bind F1 "vyes"
bind F2 "vno"
bind F3 "spec"
bind F4 "ready"
bind F5 "menu_showteamselect"
bind F6 "team_auto"
bind F7 "menu_showsandboxtools"
bind F9 "cl_cmd hud minigame"
bind F10 "menu_showquitdialog"
bind F11 "disconnect"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind KP_INS "messagemode"
bind KP_END "+userbind 1"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "+userbind 2"
bind KP_PGDN "+userbind 3"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "+userbind 4"
bind KP_5 "+userbind 6"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "+userbind 7"
bind KP_HOME "+userbind 9"
bind KP_UPARROW "+userbind 10"
bind KP_PGUP "+userbind 11"
bind KP_DEL "messagemode2"
bind KP_SLASH "+userbind 13"
bind KP_MULTIPLY "+userbind 12"
bind KP_MINUS "+userbind 18"
bind KP_PLUS "+userbind 17"
bind KP_ENTER "+userbind 16"
bind MOUSE1 "+forward"
bind MOUSE2 "// not bound"
bind MOUSE3 "togglezoom"
bind MWHEELUP "// not bound"
bind MWHEELDOWN "// not bound"
bind MOUSE4 "weaplast"
bind MOUSE5 "+hook"
bind JOY1 "reload"
bind JOY2 "// not bound"
bind JOY3 "// not bound"
bind JOY4 "weapnext"
bind JOY5 "+crouch"
bind JOY6 "+fire2"
bind JOY7 "+jump"
bind JOY8 "+fire"
bind JOY9 "menu_showteamselect"
bind JOY10 "+show_info"
bind JOY11 "+showscores"
bind JOY12 "+con_chat_maximize"
bind JOY_UP "+forward"
bind JOY_DOWN "+back"
bind JOY_LEFT "+moveleft"
bind JOY_RIGHT "+moveright"
"_cl_color" "155"
"_cl_name" "pascal"
seta "_hud_panelorder" "17 15 12 9 5 10 6 14 0 7 4 11 2 1 3 8 13 16 18 23 19 20 21 22 24 "
seta "cl_allow_uid2name" "0"
"cl_backspeed" "360"
"cl_forwardspeed" "360"
seta "cl_matchcount" "3"
"cl_particles_quality" "1"
"cl_sidespeed" "360"
seta "cl_startcount" "8"
"cl_upspeed" "360"
"con_chat" "10"
"con_chatrect" "1"
"con_chatrect_x" "0.012812"
"con_chatrect_y" "0.705000"
"con_chatwidth" "0.454377"
seta "g_campaign_skill" "-2"
seta "g_configversion" "7"
"gl_texturecompression" "1"
"joy_enable" "1"
"m_pitch" "0.02199996"
"prvm_language" "fr"
"r_framedatasize" "2"
"vid_conwidth" "1067"
"vid_height" "900"
"vid_width" "1600"

But I see nothing to configure what I want.
I am sorry but I don't understand what I can do with the values correspond to what ?

(05-07-2017, 02:25 PM)chocard Wrote: I have no file autoexec.cfg in my .xonotic directory, only the file config.cfg
This file must be created by the user, you.  It exists to allow you run commands on game startup, such as setting up bindings.  If it exists, it will run.

I linked you to a list of "joystick" related commands, aliases and cvars which are understood by the game startup.  Your config.cfg file is written by the game, it's not a good idea to modify this file directly.

In the config.cfg you have posted above, you'll see commands "bind JOY*":

bind JOY1 "reload"
bind JOY2 "// not bound"
bind JOY3 "// not bound"
bind JOY4 "weapnext"
bind JOY5 "+crouch"
bind JOY6 "+fire2"
bind JOY7 "+jump"
bind JOY8 "+fire"
bind JOY9 "menu_showteamselect"
bind JOY10 "+show_info"
bind JOY11 "+showscores"
bind JOY12 "+con_chat_maximize"
bind JOY_UP "+forward"
bind JOY_DOWN "+back"
bind JOY_LEFT "+moveleft"
bind JOY_RIGHT "+moveright"
"joy_enable" "1"

These were set by the menu system when you configured the joystick.

In addition to these commands, there may be other settings for the joystick not exposed in the menu system, or your joystick hardware is implemented in a way that you need to tweak settings manually.  I linked you to a reference of commands, aliases and cvars that involve the joystick.

You can put all these in autoexec.cfg and configure your joystick that way if it helps.

Ok thanks

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