How much progress is there on releasing 0.8?
I'm not sure how representative the link I posted actually is, since issues may pop up and some may be decided not worth or possible to fix before release, but at least it gives an overview of the progress.
Thanks anyways.I just can't wait for it.....
Why can't you wait? If it's because new releases are exciting, I can't help you, just be patient
If instead you think 0.7 causes you trouble in any way, consider trying the development version. When you play on servers tagged "git", you are already playing a 0.8 preview. Getting an autobuild will get you the clientside preview as well. But it's not hugely different, as far as I know. So if you don't want to bother with technicalities, again, just be patient
I am just excited about it.I just wanna see how it is going forward with my favourite game Even if it is extremely good for a not completely finished game ,and i also think the gameplay will stay how it is,still it would be very nice.I remember how i was reacting when 0.7 came out
I only had one bug twice but i found out how to fix it myself and since then i never had any problem,glitch or bug.
If it's a bug, the only way you can fix it is to either report it to the devs, send a fix to the devs, or be a dev yourself. If you encounter any issues, let us know! If you only fix it for yourself, others will still suffer from it.
So i couldnt see the Map on a Server twice,but then somebody just said that i should create a new file named dlcache and then it worked again.Very strange but yeah.And a Xon restart did not work i had to create the file.But maybe you know what happened.
If the map does not get displayed but all the items and players do (unless culled), then this is most likely due to either a broken map file download or a version conflict (two versions of the map having same map file name). Actually what you should have done is that you search for the dlcache folder in your Xonotic user directory and remove the file of the map that is in there and that has not loaded properly. It will then, upon reconnect, get downloaded again from the server and should load fine.
I did not find another DLcache i know thats strange.
It is in your Xonotic userdir under "data". I assume you are using Windows - in Windows 7 it is here:
Code: <your user directory>\Saved Games\xonotic\data\dlcache
If creating the "dlcache" file helped, it is probably that you either re-downloaded the map automatically or it was a one-time error (which is very unlikely). In any case, creating a dlcache file should have no effect.
Ok strange.But except for that i did not have any Problems with Xonotic.
Definetely high quality game!
Dumb question : how do I differentiate vanilla features from mods on servers ? Most servers are now modded in some way, so I never played on an actual vanilla server.
(01-03-2015, 10:13 AM)Denterroquet Wrote: Dumb question : how do I differentiate vanilla features from mods on servers ? Most servers are now modded in some way, so I never played on an actual vanilla server.
Servers without many modifications got a Xonotic icon on the left side next to their name.
In upcoming 0.8 release there will be several categories in the serverlist, like "normal", "modded", "insta" etc. to make it easier.
Is 0.8 going to have the reversion balance/physics btw? I'm still quite unsure which setup the vanilla actually is/will be.
XPM and default have become a tweaked version of reversion balance, the default physics are Git, but with reversion gravity/jump height.
(01-03-2015, 06:25 PM)Mario Wrote: XPM and default have become a tweaked version of reversion balance, the default physics are Git, but with reversion gravity/jump height.
But what about that health limit in Reversion, that makes you unable to pickup 25 bubbles and 50 bubbles if you aren't under 100? That makes the megas more important, and that is what i like about it. Will it be default or at least possible to enable?
And what is with the slow Vortex-weapon change? I think there are not many friends of that slow weapon change after shooting the Vortex.
That's XPM setting, not rev specific.
Ok apologies for not knowing all balance stuff that good
01-04-2015, 12:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2015, 12:47 PM by asyyy.)
From what I have seen, only mortar damage and nex switchdelay are from rev config. Basically someone took the rev config, changed 80% of it and calls it tweaked rev settings (to satisfy people?).
Examples (from the "new balance thread"):
People complained that the nex was too strong in combos, now it has been made even stronger due to a faster re-charge.
People complained that it is too hard for newbies to get kills, now it has been made even harder by making weapons weaker and armor/mega stronger.
Where is the concept there? What do you want to achieve with that?
I hope that you understand that this is nothing personal but simply frustration. It just feels once again that community work is pointless in this game, aside of coding stuff and reporting bugs. And no, I am not p*ssed that rev settings are not default but don't make it look like they are to shut us up while in fact changing 80% of it unnoticed. Furthermore why let the community discuss balance (which went very emotional at times, showing that people here care about vanilla) if you do not draw conclusions from it? One would expect that the outcome of such a discussion would be some kind of compromise between different types of players. But in fact that did not happen.
Sorry for the rant.
tl;dr: yea it is grumpy old asyyy again swinging his pitchfork
01-04-2015, 03:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2015, 03:26 PM by machine!.)
No need to say sorry for that, I think that was very spot on.
People have different ideas, but also different gameplay in mind. Combining an ideo for one certain gameplay doesnt necesarily fit well with another even if its supposed to "fix" what people complain about. To me it just seems like a total mess and as a player its unclear what direction the dev team is going with the gameplay side of Xonotic. Yet worse therr are two physics and at least 3 balances floating around. When you join a server you can't move becasue you just played two games on anorher server with different physics...
In the end people want ONE *good* balance, wheather if its encourages a certain gameplay style or another is less important as long as it plays as intended (ie balanced and fun based on what balanced and fun is intended to ve when designing the balance).
So the balance anger continues until the end of time...we will never make everyone happy.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?
01-05-2015, 09:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2015, 09:17 AM by asyyy.)
Actually it is not about balance itself. Balance/physics is what directly affects the players and therefore everyone has an opinion on it. And what it is really about is how one deals with these opinions. Before it was (literally) "go f*ck yourself, you are all clueless, I do not have to explain my views, deal with it", now it is "we let you discuss it so you feel involved, but the real changes happen regardless of that in the background, without any explanation for you people, deal with it".
At least that is how I feel about it, others' opinions might differ of course.
01-05-2015, 09:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2015, 09:30 AM by Halogene.)
Maybe there will be an explanation about the balance decision with / prior to the release?
I have provided reasoning why I think the concept of making the weapons stronger is not such a good idea (did that here on the forums), but otherwise than that I was not involved in the balance decision, so I can't make a statement on behalf of the dev team in that regard. I think however using the gravity settings from rev balance is a good decision.
Well what are we going here for a balance for everyone or for pro players?
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