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Automatic updates for autobuilds

Hi there.

I already downloaded Xonotic 0.1 Preview and unzipped to my Windows Vista desktop.
I used internet cafe for downloading Xonotic.

I wanted to know the following prior to my update task:

1. What does Xonotic-high / Xonotic-low / Xonotic regular means from "" readme.txt file?
2. If i download Xonotic-high can a medium to slower computer can still use it?
3. Size of Xonotic-high download? I know only one should be chosen.
4. Size of Xonotic-low download?
5. Size of Xonotic regular download?
6. If i download Xonotic-high can a medium-slower computer can still use it?
7. Where should i unzipped ""?
8. Where should i create Xonotic-High folder based from "" readme.txt file?
9. Xonotic 1.0 Preview was extracted to my desktop. After full update download - can i copy this folder to both Windows 7/XP computers without any error when used? How about Ubuntu 10.04 and 11.04?


There's a lot of questions in my mind for other things regarding xonotic. I could use common sense about this questions of mine. My problem is i am using internet cafe and i am just hoping they don't have a lot of customers so that my download is fast and stable so that i don't have to redownload it again like what i did to xonotic 0.1 preview, yes i used download manager but still i got my download corrupted. And I want to download this update without any errors. You know everything is fine because your download and installation is completed without errors. You used it for a long time - then suddenly you blame your computer for some error for the function you never used - then concluded it was the downloading task that a certain file was corrupted (sigh..).


I'll try to answer as many questions as I can.

  1. I believe the main difference (if not the only one) is texture quality, Xonotic-high would come, as I suppose, with higher quality textures than regular Xonotic and Xonotic-Low would probably make use of more compressed textures (anyone correct me if I am wrong here).
  2. If a medium to slow computer can use Xonotic-high depends, if I am right about the difference, mainly on the GPU memory and GPU speed. To be on the safe side, I'd use Xonotic regular, which ran (and still runs) fine on my 4 years old rig (GF 7950) at medium effect settings and still looks beautiful on my new rig (GTX 560).
  3. I don't know, sorry...
  4. I don't know, sorry....
  5. The folder on my machine is about 1 GB, a bit less, but knowing divVerent I heavily suspect that files got compressed before downloading and decompressed again upon saving to my machine. So I cannot give you any reliable figures of the download size... :o(
  6. If a medium... wait, we had that already :o)
  7. You can unzip the autobuild downloader anywhere you like. If you run the script contained in it, a subfolder "Xonotic" will be created directly where you executed the script from.
  8. I don't have the readme atm at hand but I'd suggest to create it in the folder where the script is located.
  9. You should be able to copy the Xonotic folder to any machine and run it, as it contains executables for Windows, Mac and Linux. Remember though, that any settings you created on one machine such as player name, resolution, downloaded maps etc don't get copied to another machine unless you copy also the files from you personal Xonotic folder (on Windows probably something like "My Games\Xonotic" in your home folder or something).
I hope to have been able to help you at least a bit.
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Thanks Halogene.

It is okay if i make mistake if i had a fast download speed.
I can't try to download now because there's a number of customers right now - definitely would slow down their browsing.

Already unzipped the Xonotic 0.1 preview to desktop. Then it is in \desktop\xonotic.
If i unzipped the "" files directly to \desktop\xonotic\autobuild\ then create \desktop\xonotic\autobuild\xonotic-high\ folder. If i run \desktop\xonotic\autobuild\update-xonotic.bat and completed the update. Thats all of it.
Because i think if i unzipped the autobuild anywhere like drive d:\ i dont think (sorry for not believing) it would be updated because the xonotic 0.1 preview was on my \desktop. I don't want to try it yet (1.) lot of customers right now they would slow down their internet (2.) i will wait for too long (i think it will download a large file) then i might to redownload it again because i used wrong folder.

I think DivVerent should provide a comprehensive instruction for this thread and to the readme.txt files (no, i think the Developer should review any post then instruct those who will provide anything with detailed instruction). It is like I am using Linux with limited functionality then they are forcing me to used the internet and beg for something i wanted which supposed to be provided in the first place (sigh).


The autobuild and the 0.1 preview are independent from each other, so if you'd unzip to i:\ it would update a Xonotic installation in i:\Xonotic. The autobuild does NOT update the 0.1 preview, it will install a separate instance of the game's latest version. (Could be that if you arrange the folders right you'd get some sort of update process started but I don't think it's worth the trouble).

It also is a good idea to move the personal Xonotic folder (i.e. My Games\Xonotic) to another location before executing the autobuild, as I had issues with multiple installs on one machine because the path to the Xonotic data directory seems to get written to some config file in the personal Xonotic folder and then it's not always pointing to the right location if you have multiple installs. In case you have maps downloaded or something like that you can copy them over of course. A new personal Xonotic folder will be created upon first launch of the game, if the game doesn't find an old one.

Oh, and be sure to correctly create the desired high/low directory, it reads "Xonotic-high", not "xonotic-high" in the Readme, and scripts tend to be case sensitive.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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(09-02-2011, 12:34 AM)emilydale1993 Wrote: I think DivVerent should provide a comprehensive instruction for this thread and to the readme.txt files (no, i think the Developer should review any post then instruct those who will provide anything with detailed instruction).

FYI divVerent and "DA DEVELOPER" is one and the same, he is the project leader, msin coder, and iirc he has written that script too Tongue
Sorry if the instructions are not so clear at the first sight, but you know, most of the ppl here are computer geeks (sorta), and we assume at least _some_ knowledge from our users (also, I think most people here use some Linux distribution). No offense btw.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

I don't use Linux.
I'm no computer 'geek'.
I don't understand any computer language.
I have no idea how this game works (I mean, I can play it, but how it really works...)

But still I do have the autobuild, just download it into the same folder you have your other Xonotic version, unzip, double-click "update Xonotic", and then double-click the folder Xonotic, then double-click "Xonotic" and the game starts. DivVergent made it all very easy, if you ask me.

(The only weird thing is you are talking about Xonotic high/low. I didn't even know there were different versions, but still it works Big Grin)

(09-02-2011, 04:41 PM)Mepper Wrote: (The only weird thing is you are talking about Xonotic high/low. I didn't even know there were different versions, but still it works Big Grin)

its just a different texture compression
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Hi Halogene.

I already downloaded and used the latest build that solved my machine gun inconsistent fire rate. But i did not use the autobuild updates. It was too slow downloading. I used the latest build from "" with login credentials as "username=xonotic" and "password=g-23" got this somewhere in here. I used the firefox and downthemall addons.


No more autobuilds? :o


It doesn't seem to work for me, but I can't really figure out why :\

I unzipped it in the Xonotic folder (C:\Xonotic\), and then I ran update-xonotic.bat, but it gives me an error about a wrong directory, though I don't know what to change inside the batch file to fix it.

Here's the error I get:
rsync: ERROR: cannot stat destination "/Xonotic/Xonotic/": Not a directory (20)
rsync error: errors selecting input/output files, dirs (code 3) at /home/lapo/pa
ckage/rsync-3.0.8-1/src/rsync-3.0.8/main.c(565) [Receiver=3.0.8]
chmod: cannot access `Xonotic/': Not a directory

I'm running Windows 7 32-bit.

Does anybody have a clue of what might be causing this to happen?

EDIT: Nevermind.. Saw the date of the last post Tongue
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

Uh, you have one in a default package (/misc/tools/rsync-updater), no need to download it separately.

(07-06-2012, 12:44 PM)rafallus Wrote: Uh, you have one in a default package (/misc/tools/rsync-updater), no need to download it separately.

Thanks a lot for the heads-up, I'll use it right away!
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

Is it possible to turn off red transparent text "xonotic-v060-214-gdc22669 TEST BUILD" at the top of the screen?)

(07-22-2012, 08:16 AM)adem Wrote: Is it possible to turn off red transparent text "xonotic-v060-214-gdc22669 TEST BUILD" at the top of the screen?)

Please understand why it's there in the first place: the branding is meant to be as little obstructive as possible. It exists so that devs can identify the version being used on screenshots. Only turn it off if you can tell us your exact git/autobuild version when you send a screenshot related to an issue that you have. That said, you want to set the showbrand cvar to 0. But please don't do it unless you really have to. It won't be there in official releases.

red letters, yep I forgot they exist. My question, is there a way to stop the script from deleting all non-default files? Because it does that.

Put them in Xonotic/data/data folder.

(07-23-2012, 03:45 AM)rafallus Wrote: Put them in Xonotic/data/data folder.

Uh, does that help at all? Xonotic/data/data is where the gamecode writes files like databases. pk3s won't be loaded in this directory.

Put your files in your personal data directory. That's My Documents\My Saved Games\Xonotic\data in win xp, somewhere similar in your user directory in win 7, and .xonotic/data/ in *NIX.

Nvm, I meant one /data in a personal folder, wrote too fast.

(07-23-2012, 04:31 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: *NIX.

Why *NIX instead of UNIX, I'm just asking cause many ppl say *NIX and I just wonder why?


Because almost nobody uses the proprietary Unix OS on their personal computer, and certainly not to play Xonotic. However, people do use Unix-like operating systems, which are called *NIX because many (free/libre) unix-like OS's or kernels use a similar naming (example: MINIX, or Linux (a portmantau of Linus and Unix)). Other examples of Unix-like operating systems are *BSD and Mac OS X, where Xonotic can also run natively.

On all the Unix-like systems that Xonotic supports, the same path ~/.xonotic is used for personal files. By *NIX in the above post, I mean Linux-based OS's as well as FreeBSD and Mac OS X. And possibly Haiku and OpenSolaris which almost run it.

Just a note, on Mac OS 10.6.x and probably on 10.7.x too the personal folder is NOT .xonotic, but Library/Application Support/xonotic instead.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!



Whoa. Okay. Thank you for this.

Yes, it took me quite a while to figure that out. :o) You're welcome
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


(07-23-2012, 07:03 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Because almost nobody uses the proprietary Unix OS on their personal computer, and certainly not to play Xonotic. However, people do use Unix-like operating systems, which are called *NIX because many (free/libre) unix-like OS's or kernels use a similar naming (example: MINIX, or Linux (a portmantau of Linus and Unix)). Other examples of Unix-like operating systems are *BSD and Mac OS X, where Xonotic can also run natively.

Thanks for explaining! Smile

Please make output human readable.
Human readable output a more sensible default IMO.

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