TL;DR? Summary of changes at the bottom.
This thread is just to concentrate and discuss the ideas which I have for the behaviors of Xonotic weapons. Many times i've brought up some of these changes before in separate conversations, but I think it would benefit everyone if I bring them into one place so they can be discussed BEFORE we piss off the community in some way because of them. Specifically these are ideas which require code changes, and are almost regardless of the balance which they are controlled by as the behavior would be the same throughout all balances. Because of this, please try and avoid any balance discussion and more focus upon the concepts proposed. If reasoning for an idea does mention balance, just keep it on track and don't let it stray from the concept itself. Thank you.
Quick note: For almost all of these ideas, I both know how to and am willing to code them.
Now, i'll break this up into separate sections for each weapon or topic and their respective change. If and when you reply, please quote per-concept and stick to one thought at a time. This keeps the thread going in an easy to manage and understand conversation. Obviously since this post is so large, it would be very difficult to go about a discussion in any different way.
P.S.: I'm adding status indicators to each of these so you can see where they stand currently. Finished: currently in the game, In progress: currently being developed, New: new idea which is just being considered (not coded yet), Updated: revised to something else, Abandoned: completely abandoned.
New weapon: Lightning Gun (Status: In progress)
Basics and reasoning: This would be a new gun using cell ammo which takes the lightning function off the primary of the Electro, improves it, and places it on a more suitable weapon. The goal specifically for removing this from the Electro is because it rather ruins the Electro' best function - the Electro combo. You see, in order to balance the Lightning Gun, there has to be a distance limitation on the beam else it is simply too powerful. If you make the beam too long, it is too easy to use (especially for pros) and it becomes "the new nex." - the dominating weapon. If you make the beam too short respective to the Electro, then the combo becomes useless at even a small distance. Hence why moving the lightning to another gun would be most ideal, as it keeps both the lightning function and the Electro function intact.
Primary: Specific updates over the Electro implementation of the primary would be along the lines of:
Merge Hagar and Seeker (Status: New)
Basics and reasoning: Essentially this consists of two main actions: Remove the Hagar weapon, and adapt the Seeker to have functionality which is similar to Hagar. The main reason for this is that these weapons could be considered fairly similar in the fact that they can rapidly shoot tiny rockets, and it would be rather redundant if we were to make models for both of them. The other reason is that the Hagar functionality alone really isn't all that good, it's more of a spam weapon than anything. I also want to get rid of the FLAC (current Seeker secondary) because it is just pure spam and causes lag for many people. Anyway, here's the rest of the proposal:
Primary: This would be just the normal tag/Seeker primary with rockets that follow whatever the tag hits. Specifics on how this works is up to the balance.
Secondary: This would be a compromise between the Hagar primary and the Seeker secondary. The goal for the old Seeker secondary was to be able to kill projectiles (mostly enemy Seeker rockets) easily with a short range fire mode (an FLAC). I want to make this actually almost exactly like the Hagar primary mode, but with something special: The rockets fired from this secondary would automatically explode when a non-friendly entity (such as a projectile) is near -- So this way you can easily kill enemy rockets, AND use it as a Hagar-y weapon. This is actually quite easy to code too, and I think it's fairly unique.
EDIT: Over IRC I actually came up with a slightly different idea for the weapon (mostly primary) --
Instead of the primary automatically shooting rockets when you tag someone, what if it instead just set a waypointsprite on that player (For ~5 seconds) and if you fired the secondary they would seak after tag. But since the secondary is more rapid fire, would could make them have a very low guide rate -- essentially this requires a lot more feedback from the player, and also would be more fun to have waypointsprites.
HLAC removal OR severe rework (Status: New)
To compensate for the addition of the Lightning Gun, it is important to balance out the cell weapons again (as there would be too many cell weapons compared to other weapons by doing this). Personally I am for simply removing the HLAC altogether, as it is the least unique of any weapon in the game. It basically ripped off the laser, Hagar, AND Uzi all at the same time. It also is seen as a huge spam weapon to most people, especially the primary.
But for the sake of keeping all options open: divVerent had an idea of: instead of merging Hagar with Seeker, merge the Hagar and HLAC together. Basically it would work like this: The weapon would be transformed into a rocket using ammo type, and it would have just the normal Hagar primary with miniature rockets fired in a burst of ~10 on secondary.
I think that this really isn't all that good, since my idea for the Seeker secondary makes the Seeker more fun/useful than this primary and the secondary burst for this new gun really isn't all that good. (We already have a gun with huge spread that first multiple shots.... Actually, we have two: Crylink and Shotgun)
Most of this is just my opinion, and that's what it'll really come down to. So to sum it up: I think the HLAC should just simply be removed, and the Seeker/Hagar should be merged. Besides, we already have a ton of rocket weapons. See below where I explain the ammo type usage.
"Needles" - New ammo type (Status: New)
Basics and reasoning: This is one of the larger updates I would attempt, but it also has the most support from others as well. The concept is this: Replace the "bullets" (nails, shells) in the game with "needles," a type of hitscan energy projectile similar to bullets but more futuristic and green. The weapons affected by this change would be primarily the Uzi, Sniper Rifle, and Shotgun. The latter two of these weapons would fire a collection of multiple needles at once (effectively, not actually -- sniper would still just be 1 needle technically, but would drain ~10 needle ammo at once), Sniper Rifle with no spread and Shotgun with normal Shotgun spread. The main reasoning behind this concept is to bring more variety/color into the weapons, and to make the weapons more futuristic.
The largest problem with this update is this: Uzi, Sniper Rifle, and Shotgun would all need new models, new effects, and new sounds. Other than that it is easy to do.
Another problem is that this will bring the total count of ammo types down from 4 to 3, meaning it would maybe be important to add another type. (It is always better to have an even number of ammo types for the HUD) There was discussion about splitting up the cell ammo type to "batteries" and cells respectively, but i'll talk about this later in the thread.
Important note: "Needles" maybe is a bad name for the ammo type, that's why for now it is just a suggestion for the name. If you have any better suggestions for the name, please submit them. Avoid anything with the games title in it (even partially), and avoid anything too cheesy.
Bouncing explosions for Crylink secondary (Status: In progress)
With the changes listed before, all of them indicate something you may miss: The total removal of the Hagar secondary. The Hagar secondary is a bouncing rocket- It hits a surface once, bounces, and then explodes when it hits the next surface. The key difference here is that it is rapid fire and precise, unlike the Crylink primary. What I propose is this: Replace the current Crylink secondary (TYPO FIXED!, THIS WAS WRONG BEFORE) with bouncing explosions of energy, but the way it works is this: Each time it bounces, it does an explosion - And by doing that, it gains more speed each time (2 bounces in total). This would mean you can PRECISELY hit enemies much easier then with primary, and of course it would be rapid fire just like Hagar secondary.
Some argue that the current Crylink secondary is adequate and doesn't need replacing, but I personally disagree. Sure it works, but the problem is that: I can do the exact same thing with the primary of the Crylink as I can with the secondary. Also: If you make the damage too high on the secondary to compensate for such high spread, you make it overpowered for game modes such as onslaught or assault where your goal is to destroy an objective.
Regardless of if the current secondary is already good, wouldn't this idea be better? It is more unique in its function and usefulness.
Sniper Rifle bullets explode (Status: New)
This idea is essentially for one way to make the Sniper Rifle unique and genuinely more useful depending on the situation. It goes as follows: Bullets (or needles, depending on if that will be done) will explode when they stick inside a target. Here's the thing, the bullets will only stay inside a target after a certain distance. If the bullet hits a player at too short of a distance, it will simply pass through the player and explode elsewhere. This is so that the gun REALLY IS only more useful as a sniper, and can't be used very effectively at short/medium range. The reasoning for this is to separate it more from the Nexgun, giving them separate roles in a battle. It also is to stop its overuse in close range battles, as it would then only be very good for sniping.
An important note to make here (especially for tZork) is: It would have visual cues in the path of the bullet itself -- you can see exactly where the bullet "Activates" and is ready to explode using this. That distance is yet to be determined though, it's up to the balancer.
Something related to this: If we do this, I also suggest making the Nexgun have falloff again.. That way it would be even more obvious that Nexgun is for short/medium range, and Sniper Rifle is for long range. The only problem is that we need to find a way to indicate to the user the distance of their shot -- it needs to be predictable and not totally random. I'll be discussing this later with tZork and divVerent and maybe we can come up with some solution.
Split up of Cell ammo type weapons (Status: New)
If you take a count of the amount of weapons using which ammo type, you'll see something interesting... Right now (CURRENTLY!) there are 2 bullet-type (nails: Uzi, Sniper Rifle) weapons, 1 shell-type (shells: Shotgun) weapon, 6 rocket-type (Mortar, Minelayer, Hagar, Rocket Launcher, Fireball, Seeker), and 5 cell-type weapons (Electro, Crylink, Nexgun, hook gun sorta, HLAC)
After the changes I plan/want it would be 3 needle type (Shotgun, Uzi, Sniper Rifle moved to needle type), 4 rocket-type (Fireball would become "special" and the Hagar would be removed), but there would still be 5 cell-type weapons. That may not sound like much, but that really is just too large of a portion over other ammo types. I'd say between 2 and 4 per ammo type is okay, but more is just too much. Anyway: The best solution I heard of (which would also solve another issue of only have 3 ammo typos with the needles idea) would be creating a new ammo type to split up the cell weapons into two separate ammo types. This also matches the idea of making alien and human weapons, where alien weapons would use cells and human weapons would use something else.
The suggestion I heard (by Taoki iirc... or maybe someone else, sorry) was to create a "batteries" ammo type (could use a new name.. suggestions?) -- this type would be used for example with the Nexgun -- where it "charges" its batteries to fire or something similar. It's hard to really determine how it should be used though, so it needs a lot more examining... especially on which weapons should use it.
Fireball and "superweapons" (Status: In progress)
Finally lets talk about the Fireball gun. You probably haven't heard or seen anything about the Fireball in a long time, and this is because it was never really finished or balanced. I was thinking about it earlier and had an idea on my server... wouldn't it be fun of the Fireball was on par with the minstanex in a way, and you could have those weapons given to you as a powerup spawned in the middle of the map for a short amount of time (or with a limited number of shots)
Basically let me be more direct: The Fireball would be remade to only have one fire mode -- the primary would shoot Fireballs, and that's it. Also: A powerup would be made which can be placed on a map, and it would spawn randomly timed (between 5 and 15 minutes delay) where someone could pick it up and have a limited number of shots with it. Of course, the minstanex would be nerfed slightly for this (lower refire, etc) but the general idea is that: You can have superweapon powerups, and these weapons would never be seen outside of a mutator.
Alright, that is basically everything I wanted to talk about I think... WELL THAT'S A NICE WALL OF TEXT RIGHT THURRRRR ISN'T IT? -- I hope it isn't too overwhelming to read
To reinstate: Here's just a quick summary of the changes I want:
Thanks for reading, please keep your replies civil. Only a few of these are DEFINITELY going to happen, so it's not set in stone yet.
This thread is just to concentrate and discuss the ideas which I have for the behaviors of Xonotic weapons. Many times i've brought up some of these changes before in separate conversations, but I think it would benefit everyone if I bring them into one place so they can be discussed BEFORE we piss off the community in some way because of them. Specifically these are ideas which require code changes, and are almost regardless of the balance which they are controlled by as the behavior would be the same throughout all balances. Because of this, please try and avoid any balance discussion and more focus upon the concepts proposed. If reasoning for an idea does mention balance, just keep it on track and don't let it stray from the concept itself. Thank you.
Quick note: For almost all of these ideas, I both know how to and am willing to code them.
Now, i'll break this up into separate sections for each weapon or topic and their respective change. If and when you reply, please quote per-concept and stick to one thought at a time. This keeps the thread going in an easy to manage and understand conversation. Obviously since this post is so large, it would be very difficult to go about a discussion in any different way.
P.S.: I'm adding status indicators to each of these so you can see where they stand currently. Finished: currently in the game, In progress: currently being developed, New: new idea which is just being considered (not coded yet), Updated: revised to something else, Abandoned: completely abandoned.
New weapon: Lightning Gun (Status: In progress)
Basics and reasoning: This would be a new gun using cell ammo which takes the lightning function off the primary of the Electro, improves it, and places it on a more suitable weapon. The goal specifically for removing this from the Electro is because it rather ruins the Electro' best function - the Electro combo. You see, in order to balance the Lightning Gun, there has to be a distance limitation on the beam else it is simply too powerful. If you make the beam too long, it is too easy to use (especially for pros) and it becomes "the new nex." - the dominating weapon. If you make the beam too short respective to the Electro, then the combo becomes useless at even a small distance. Hence why moving the lightning to another gun would be most ideal, as it keeps both the lightning function and the Electro function intact.
Primary: Specific updates over the Electro implementation of the primary would be along the lines of:
- Lightning jumps between all (possibly just enemies) entities near whatever entity is hit by lightning at the moment (Technically possible and probably easy enough to code)
- The beam would be more dynamic/free flowing instead of perfectly rigid (This would be possible to some extent from my knowledge, i'm not entirely sure how to bend the beam though - that's what i'm primarily wanting)
- It would have almost an entire visual and audible overhaul with new thunder sound as well as new effects (the sound aspect of this I maybe can do myself, the visual aspect of new effects I might need morphed's help for -- he is excellent at that after all
Merge Hagar and Seeker (Status: New)
Basics and reasoning: Essentially this consists of two main actions: Remove the Hagar weapon, and adapt the Seeker to have functionality which is similar to Hagar. The main reason for this is that these weapons could be considered fairly similar in the fact that they can rapidly shoot tiny rockets, and it would be rather redundant if we were to make models for both of them. The other reason is that the Hagar functionality alone really isn't all that good, it's more of a spam weapon than anything. I also want to get rid of the FLAC (current Seeker secondary) because it is just pure spam and causes lag for many people. Anyway, here's the rest of the proposal:
Primary: This would be just the normal tag/Seeker primary with rockets that follow whatever the tag hits. Specifics on how this works is up to the balance.
Secondary: This would be a compromise between the Hagar primary and the Seeker secondary. The goal for the old Seeker secondary was to be able to kill projectiles (mostly enemy Seeker rockets) easily with a short range fire mode (an FLAC). I want to make this actually almost exactly like the Hagar primary mode, but with something special: The rockets fired from this secondary would automatically explode when a non-friendly entity (such as a projectile) is near -- So this way you can easily kill enemy rockets, AND use it as a Hagar-y weapon. This is actually quite easy to code too, and I think it's fairly unique.
EDIT: Over IRC I actually came up with a slightly different idea for the weapon (mostly primary) --
Instead of the primary automatically shooting rockets when you tag someone, what if it instead just set a waypointsprite on that player (For ~5 seconds) and if you fired the secondary they would seak after tag. But since the secondary is more rapid fire, would could make them have a very low guide rate -- essentially this requires a lot more feedback from the player, and also would be more fun to have waypointsprites.
HLAC removal OR severe rework (Status: New)
To compensate for the addition of the Lightning Gun, it is important to balance out the cell weapons again (as there would be too many cell weapons compared to other weapons by doing this). Personally I am for simply removing the HLAC altogether, as it is the least unique of any weapon in the game. It basically ripped off the laser, Hagar, AND Uzi all at the same time. It also is seen as a huge spam weapon to most people, especially the primary.
But for the sake of keeping all options open: divVerent had an idea of: instead of merging Hagar with Seeker, merge the Hagar and HLAC together. Basically it would work like this: The weapon would be transformed into a rocket using ammo type, and it would have just the normal Hagar primary with miniature rockets fired in a burst of ~10 on secondary.
I think that this really isn't all that good, since my idea for the Seeker secondary makes the Seeker more fun/useful than this primary and the secondary burst for this new gun really isn't all that good. (We already have a gun with huge spread that first multiple shots.... Actually, we have two: Crylink and Shotgun)
Most of this is just my opinion, and that's what it'll really come down to. So to sum it up: I think the HLAC should just simply be removed, and the Seeker/Hagar should be merged. Besides, we already have a ton of rocket weapons. See below where I explain the ammo type usage.
"Needles" - New ammo type (Status: New)
Basics and reasoning: This is one of the larger updates I would attempt, but it also has the most support from others as well. The concept is this: Replace the "bullets" (nails, shells) in the game with "needles," a type of hitscan energy projectile similar to bullets but more futuristic and green. The weapons affected by this change would be primarily the Uzi, Sniper Rifle, and Shotgun. The latter two of these weapons would fire a collection of multiple needles at once (effectively, not actually -- sniper would still just be 1 needle technically, but would drain ~10 needle ammo at once), Sniper Rifle with no spread and Shotgun with normal Shotgun spread. The main reasoning behind this concept is to bring more variety/color into the weapons, and to make the weapons more futuristic.
The largest problem with this update is this: Uzi, Sniper Rifle, and Shotgun would all need new models, new effects, and new sounds. Other than that it is easy to do.

Important note: "Needles" maybe is a bad name for the ammo type, that's why for now it is just a suggestion for the name. If you have any better suggestions for the name, please submit them. Avoid anything with the games title in it (even partially), and avoid anything too cheesy.
Bouncing explosions for Crylink secondary (Status: In progress)
With the changes listed before, all of them indicate something you may miss: The total removal of the Hagar secondary. The Hagar secondary is a bouncing rocket- It hits a surface once, bounces, and then explodes when it hits the next surface. The key difference here is that it is rapid fire and precise, unlike the Crylink primary. What I propose is this: Replace the current Crylink secondary (TYPO FIXED!, THIS WAS WRONG BEFORE) with bouncing explosions of energy, but the way it works is this: Each time it bounces, it does an explosion - And by doing that, it gains more speed each time (2 bounces in total). This would mean you can PRECISELY hit enemies much easier then with primary, and of course it would be rapid fire just like Hagar secondary.
Some argue that the current Crylink secondary is adequate and doesn't need replacing, but I personally disagree. Sure it works, but the problem is that: I can do the exact same thing with the primary of the Crylink as I can with the secondary. Also: If you make the damage too high on the secondary to compensate for such high spread, you make it overpowered for game modes such as onslaught or assault where your goal is to destroy an objective.
Regardless of if the current secondary is already good, wouldn't this idea be better? It is more unique in its function and usefulness.
Sniper Rifle bullets explode (Status: New)
This idea is essentially for one way to make the Sniper Rifle unique and genuinely more useful depending on the situation. It goes as follows: Bullets (or needles, depending on if that will be done) will explode when they stick inside a target. Here's the thing, the bullets will only stay inside a target after a certain distance. If the bullet hits a player at too short of a distance, it will simply pass through the player and explode elsewhere. This is so that the gun REALLY IS only more useful as a sniper, and can't be used very effectively at short/medium range. The reasoning for this is to separate it more from the Nexgun, giving them separate roles in a battle. It also is to stop its overuse in close range battles, as it would then only be very good for sniping.
An important note to make here (especially for tZork) is: It would have visual cues in the path of the bullet itself -- you can see exactly where the bullet "Activates" and is ready to explode using this. That distance is yet to be determined though, it's up to the balancer.
Something related to this: If we do this, I also suggest making the Nexgun have falloff again.. That way it would be even more obvious that Nexgun is for short/medium range, and Sniper Rifle is for long range. The only problem is that we need to find a way to indicate to the user the distance of their shot -- it needs to be predictable and not totally random. I'll be discussing this later with tZork and divVerent and maybe we can come up with some solution.
Split up of Cell ammo type weapons (Status: New)
If you take a count of the amount of weapons using which ammo type, you'll see something interesting... Right now (CURRENTLY!) there are 2 bullet-type (nails: Uzi, Sniper Rifle) weapons, 1 shell-type (shells: Shotgun) weapon, 6 rocket-type (Mortar, Minelayer, Hagar, Rocket Launcher, Fireball, Seeker), and 5 cell-type weapons (Electro, Crylink, Nexgun, hook gun sorta, HLAC)
After the changes I plan/want it would be 3 needle type (Shotgun, Uzi, Sniper Rifle moved to needle type), 4 rocket-type (Fireball would become "special" and the Hagar would be removed), but there would still be 5 cell-type weapons. That may not sound like much, but that really is just too large of a portion over other ammo types. I'd say between 2 and 4 per ammo type is okay, but more is just too much. Anyway: The best solution I heard of (which would also solve another issue of only have 3 ammo typos with the needles idea) would be creating a new ammo type to split up the cell weapons into two separate ammo types. This also matches the idea of making alien and human weapons, where alien weapons would use cells and human weapons would use something else.
The suggestion I heard (by Taoki iirc... or maybe someone else, sorry) was to create a "batteries" ammo type (could use a new name.. suggestions?) -- this type would be used for example with the Nexgun -- where it "charges" its batteries to fire or something similar. It's hard to really determine how it should be used though, so it needs a lot more examining... especially on which weapons should use it.
Fireball and "superweapons" (Status: In progress)
Finally lets talk about the Fireball gun. You probably haven't heard or seen anything about the Fireball in a long time, and this is because it was never really finished or balanced. I was thinking about it earlier and had an idea on my server... wouldn't it be fun of the Fireball was on par with the minstanex in a way, and you could have those weapons given to you as a powerup spawned in the middle of the map for a short amount of time (or with a limited number of shots)
Basically let me be more direct: The Fireball would be remade to only have one fire mode -- the primary would shoot Fireballs, and that's it. Also: A powerup would be made which can be placed on a map, and it would spawn randomly timed (between 5 and 15 minutes delay) where someone could pick it up and have a limited number of shots with it. Of course, the minstanex would be nerfed slightly for this (lower refire, etc) but the general idea is that: You can have superweapon powerups, and these weapons would never be seen outside of a mutator.
Alright, that is basically everything I wanted to talk about I think... WELL THAT'S A NICE WALL OF TEXT RIGHT THURRRRR ISN'T IT? -- I hope it isn't too overwhelming to read

To reinstate: Here's just a quick summary of the changes I want:
- Remove lightning from Electro and create a separate gun for it with a new/unique secondary
- Move the Hagar Primary mode onto the Seeker secondary with a small twist (automatic detonation near entities)
- Remove the Hagar and HLAC.
- Replace nails and shells with "Needles" ammo type, updating the weapons to fit the new style
- Crylink secondary is given a mutated form of the Hagar secondary which explodes for every bounce.
- Sniper Rifle bullets would explode when they stick inside a target, and only after a certain distance.
- Cell ammo would be split up so that there aren't too many weapons using the same ammo type.
- Superweapons would be added, which are basically just powerups which you can pick up like strength: Timelimit + shot limit. Fireball would be one of these.

Thanks for reading, please keep your replies civil. Only a few of these are DEFINITELY going to happen, so it's not set in stone yet.