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New to Xonotic, not to fraggin'

'ello there.. time for an introduction I s'pose.. I used to play a lot of Q3A in years past. Clan Arena was my favorite game style. I haven't been big into twitch shooters a lot lately, but stumbled upon this game (having tried neuxiz 3 or 4 years ago) and figured I would try it out.

Been playing Brink a lot lately, but it just doesn't compare to the old clan arena days. I tried to play a bit last night, and after having fully setup my HUD and character, I realized there was not a soul online... I decided to just use the map command to put me in a match to play around with the game... Physics are a bit different then Quake III, but the closest feel I've found to it in a long time... I can tell I'm a bit rusty, but playing against the bots was just understimulating.

Anywho.. for those of you still with me, I'm interested in making friends and getting into some matches. Big Grin
[Image: pontiniusslimsignature.jpg]

Hi pontinius, and welcome to Xonotic!
Currently we still don't have a lot players, judging from your IP you're from NA.
CA is not so popular, but 1v1 or 2v2 tdm is, you might find players on IRC willing to test your skills:
#xonotic.pickup @
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."


I smell fresh blood.

Hoi ho and welcome to the dark halls of insanity Xonotic Wink
[Image: Sigsig.jpg]

(12-20-2011, 09:38 AM)C.Brutail Wrote: Hi pontinius, and welcome to Xonotic!
Currently we still don't have a lot players, judging from your IP you're from NA.
CA is not so popular, but 1v1 or 2v2 tdm is, you might find players on IRC willing to test your skills:
#xonotic.pickup @

Yessir, I am from NA. Michigan to be honest.. and that's a bit disappointing to hear, I was rather excited last night when setting up my player. Yeah, I was big into Challenge Promode Arena and Rocket Arena 3 back in the day. Also worked rather heavily with gtk radiant and did a lot of clan-style tourney maps...

I don't know why, but I can't seem to warm up to quake live.. Hopefully we can establish a player base for this game. Does most of the old community still play neuxiz?
(12-20-2011, 10:01 AM)Sless Wrote: *awr*

I smell fresh blood.

Hoi ho and welcome to the dark halls of insanity Xonotic Wink

Fresh blood indeed... I encourage everyone to trounce me now, as I expect to get accustomed to this game relatively quickly. After that, I will definitely enjoy the challenge of re-building my skill to compete against long-time active players. Big Grin
[Image: pontiniusslimsignature.jpg]

welcome mate!

i hope you enjoy your time and if ya need any help , etc , ask any of us , any time

irc chat is where its at for all things nerd (fun too) (and worldly chit chat) (talking shit , etc)

also if ya got some nerd skills , like coding , maps , music , art , ideas , rude jokes ,cooking tips , political debates , environmental science , fashion tips , diamond appraisals , cleaning tips , how to drift around corners , man bags , gardening how to's , and and and.....


ok , maybe the first 5...

possibly diamond appraisals too Smile

yay! new guy! Big Grin




(12-20-2011, 10:30 AM)chooksta Wrote: welcome mate!

i hope you enjoy your time and if ya need any help , etc , ask any of us , any time

irc chat is where its at for all things nerd (fun too) (and worldly chit chat) (talking shit , etc)

also if ya got some nerd skills , like coding , maps , music , art , ideas , rude jokes ,cooking tips , political debates , environmental science , fashion tips , diamond appraisals , cleaning tips , how to drift around corners , man bags , gardening how to's , and and and.....


ok , maybe the first 5...

possibly diamond appraisals too Smile

yay! new guy! Big Grin




Sounds like I'm going to be needing to setup IRC then.. lol
I was turned off from that idea at first, my work/personal life is usually pretty hectic, so I was afraid of not having the time for pick up matches.. But with the pub servers as vacant as they are, i suppose thats my only hope for finding some matches.

and are there mapping tools for this game? As I mentioned, I used to map and create textures and other gfx/ui/hud imagery, however, if the mapping tools have changed, I will be on a learning curve in that respect as well.. I haven't used gtkradiant since 2006... and a lot of that was command-line based in order to tweak the compile and also write the .aas files for bots.

Would love to begin mapping again, but haven't had the drive to use gtk seeing as how I dont really play Q3 anymore..
[Image: pontiniusslimsignature.jpg]

Hello pontinius and welcome. Like C.Brutail said, it's a bit lonely for NA players at the moment =( But, there's a few a us, your best bet is definitely to hang out on IRC on quakenet, #xonotic.pickup . Looking at server list from within the game you will probably rarely see people on unless you're lucky, it's much easier to be on irc and see when people are asking to play (seems better to me than launching the game every 10 minutes and getting frustrated because there's nobody on hehe)

If you're interested in duels, that would be the easiest way to find games for sure (also best way to make progress quickly).

For other gamemodes if you don't mind the lag (personally I get ~130ms on most of the servers used), playing with the euros is a lot of fun and they do play some CA and CTF. Everyone is always very friendly and helpful.

EDIT: oops, looks like I took too much time to hit send on that one Wink

For mapping, it's the same as Q3 I believe, the usual mapping app used for xonotic is netradiant which is based on gtkradiant. More info here:

Note that you will probably need the mapping support pack, as the textures that come with the released game are compressed in a format for in-game use only, so you would not get any textures in netradiant. Get the pack here: (user xonotic / pass g-23) and put it in you data folder where the other .pk3s are.

(12-20-2011, 11:03 AM)nifrek Wrote: Hello pontinius and welcome. Like C.Brutail said, it's a bit lonely for NA players at the moment =( But, there's a few a us, your best bet is definitely to hang out on IRC on quakenet, #xonotic.pickup . Looking at server list from within the game you will probably rarely see people on unless you're lucky, it's much easier to be on irc and see when people are asking to play (seems better to me than launching the game every 10 minutes and getting frustrated because there's nobody on hehe)

If you're interested in duels, that would be the easiest way to find games for sure (also best way to make progress quickly).

For other gamemodes if you don't mind the lag (personally I get ~130ms on most of the servers used), playing with the euros is a lot of fun and they do play some CA and CTF. Everyone is always very friendly and helpful.

Thanks mate

It may just be the new guy jitters, but I'm a bit apprehensive to get into duels just yet.. I'd get stomped. I hope this community is similar to that of the old RA days.. most modern shooters these days are stacked with their fair share of elitists.. Like I mentioned in an above post, I'll be good to go, once I re-establish myself. I just need some bullshit matches to dick around in here and there to learn the weapons and such.

It seems to me like the rocket launcher has an insanely long cooldown between shots... at least compared to q3.. that's throwing me off the most so far
[Image: pontiniusslimsignature.jpg]

In that case you'd be better using the mortar Tongue
Don't worry about getting hammered, our elitist jerks Tongue are friendly and helpful too. Also, the learning curve is low, if you have some experience from other fast paced shooter games, you won't get owned, I can assure you of that.
Or, just try to ping me later today (CuBe0wL), I'm a midskilled EU player, also I can show you the basics of the weapons that you might didn't figure out by yourself.

Oh, and I'm an official developer (mapper) for the project too, I can tell you some stuff with netradiant (our fork of gtkradiant).
Hint: stuff works easier on linux here.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

You really shouldn't be worried about any elitism, you won't really ever see any shit talk or big egos, this community is too small for that. Anyone that cares about this game will be friendly and happy to help new players. Everyone is welcome, no matter the skill. Besides, you said you had prior experience with fast-paced fps, you're already a step ahead of most of our new players.

(12-20-2011, 11:29 AM)C.Brutail Wrote: In that case you'd be better using the mortar Tongue
Don't worry about getting hammered, our elitist jerks Tongue are friendly and helpful too. Also, the learning curve is low, if you have some experience from other fast paced shooter games, you won't get owned, I can assure you of that.
Or, just try to ping me later today (CuBe0wL), I'm a midskilled EU player, also I can show you the basics of the weapons that you might didn't figure out by yourself.

Oh, and I'm an official developer (mapper) for the project too, I can tell you some stuff with netradiant (our fork of gtkradiant).
Hint: stuff works easier on linux here.

Awesome. I may not jump right into the mapping aspect just yet, however, I would like to create a port of ra3map1 for xonotic. for those of you familiar with it, that was my ALL TIME FAVORITE arena for clan-play. Would definitely love to see it re-envisioned here.

You mentioned linux... should I set up an ubuntu virtual machine? or whichever distro works the best? Or would I be just as well off working off my win7 environment
(12-20-2011, 11:42 AM)nifrek Wrote: You really shouldn't be worried about any elitism, you won't really ever see any shit talk or big egos, this community is too small for that. Anyone that cares about this game will be friendly and happy to help new players. Everyone is welcome, no matter the skill. Besides, you said you had prior experience with fast-paced fps, you're already a step ahead of most of our new players.

I do have the experience, yes. Just been a good long while since I played a twitch shooter competitively.. but I've been playing the likes of Unreal and Quake since I first got a pc able to run games more demanding than the original starcraft lol Big Grin

And glad to hear about the community. I hope to be an active part in making it a great one. Why is it so small? just because the game is new? How large was Neuxiz's community? What can we do to stimulate growth?
[Image: pontiniusslimsignature.jpg]

Welcome here! Smile

Why is it so small? There are meny reasons for that, though we're all trying to solve those.
First of all, most people do not like to try out games or even software before 1.0, no matter how polished it is. The same applies for the competitive scene.
Xonotic will reach it's second birthday in just a few months, with only two major releases yet. So one would think, it's a new game, but keep in mind, that original GPL Nexuiz is PART of Xonotic's timeline (at least I pretend it to be that way), but the brand is new, so for most of the people, it's still "new".
Also, we can't realy compete (again, YET) with other project's PR and advertisements, but I'm working on that issue too.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

(12-20-2011, 12:09 PM)C.Brutail Wrote: Why is it so small? There are meny reasons for that, though we're all trying to solve those.
First of all, most people do not like to try out games or even software before 1.0, no matter how polished it is. The same applies for the competitive scene.
Xonotic will reach it's second birthday in just a few months, with only two major releases yet. So one would think, it's a new game, but keep in mind, that original GPL Nexuiz is PART of Xonotic's timeline (at least I pretend it to be that way), but the brand is new, so for most of the people, it's still "new".
Also, we can't realy compete (again, YET) with other project's PR and advertisements, but I'm working on that issue too.

Are there any openings as far as employment go? Or is it just a labour of love for all of those involved in developing and working on this project?
(12-20-2011, 12:06 PM)Mirio Wrote: Welcome here! Smile

Thanks mate! *thumbsup*
[Image: pontiniusslimsignature.jpg]

But this small community has one big plus. It is the most friendly and helpfull I've ever seen Smile

If you want to learn how to play, just ask some guys on irc, or in servers, and there are always people online to spend a lot of their time helping you. And that is just awesome Big Grin

Welcome btw =]

And there are at least now plenty of people to play with:

Servers aren't that empty Smile

(12-20-2011, 12:34 PM)Mepper Wrote: But this small community has one big plus. It is the most friendly and helpfull I've ever seen Smile

If you want to learn how to play, just ask some guys on irc, or in servers, and there are always people online to spend a lot of their time helping you. And that is just awesome Big Grin

Welcome btw =]

And there are at least now plenty of people to play with:

Servers aren't that empty Smile

I notice most of those servers are on the lean to empty side as well.. I was on around 1am EST for me, and I couldn't find much. I'll be setting up IRC and such here this week sometime, (perhaps tonight even, after I'm home from work) and see what I can do about getting my feet wet so to speak.
[Image: pontiniusslimsignature.jpg]

Welcome to Xonotic! IRC is the way to go for NA players I suppose, but it would be of course always best to meet on PUBLIC servers with other NA players, even if you set up a match on IRC (unless you definitely want to duel that specific player, that is). Being a euro player, I often found it to work just to linger on an empty dm ffa server for a while and people would join. Though my success rate has dropped a bit - maybe it's time for 0.6 Cool but I hear it's not far from 0.6 release anyway.

Also, really don't be afraid of experienced players pwning you, literally all of them are friendly nontheless and most of them would even offer to show you tips and tricks if you ask them (like, did you know you can actually guide and remotely detonate rockets? Did you know you can concentrate Crylink primary fire particles on an enemy, making Crylink a deadly weapon even on midrange?). Also most NA players on IRC will be VERY happy about any additional player to frag Big Grin
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

(12-20-2011, 05:01 PM)Halogene Wrote: Welcome to Xonotic! IRC is the way to go for NA players I suppose, but it would be of course always best to meet on PUBLIC servers with other NA players, even if you set up a match on IRC (unless you definitely want to duel that specific player, that is). Being a euro player, I often found it to work just to linger on an empty dm ffa server for a while and people would join. Though my success rate has dropped a bit - maybe it's time for 0.6 Cool but I hear it's not far from 0.6 release anyway.

Also, really don't be afraid of experienced players pwning you, literally all of them are friendly nontheless and most of them would even offer to show you tips and tricks if you ask them (like, did you know you can actually guide and remotely detonate rockets? Did you know you can concentrate Crylink primary fire particles on an enemy, making Crylink a deadly weapon even on midrange?). Also most NA players on IRC will be VERY happy about any additional player to frag Big Grin

I hopped on earlier this afternoon after work, and joined an empty DM server.. 2 or 3 others shortly joined in from time to time. I was surprised at how well my Quake experience translated over. They couldnt believe that it was my first match.

I think I'll do well with this game Smile
The only match i did poorly on was a custom CTF server that I had a terrible latency on... so my shots just weren't on target. I'll set up IRC soon and try to make as many friends as possible. I miss my tight-knit little clan community from the quake days. I hope I can find that here
[Image: pontiniusslimsignature.jpg]


just got some paper work to sign first.
then a questionare,

by playing xonotic you must agree to a lifetime contract , reviewed at the end of sed life,

thinking of ways to develop game and providing light entertainment as well as refreshments,

agreeing to not rage and sulking of too wow,

take on board projects and deliver on time within budget (we got a new budget of $0 again)

weekly laundry runs for the devs (suits are filthy after disscussions such as weapon balence)

promote and uphold the game , the community in the highest regards (even if they are just a bunch of nerds)

protect the new and week (unless they on other team)

enjoy ya self!

maintain a healthy lifestyle.


sign here:


......................................................... over here:

place a t here :

and here:

also there is a bookkeeping charge of a little over $9000 (plus tax and out of state tax)

once ya done that then theres the boardmeeting and a 9 month cooling of period (beer at meeting ya see?)

oh and listen to all of my tunes :p

gl mate!



1. are you a hawt chick?

2, are u an imposter?

3. do you own a 58 button gaming mouse?

4. what would you suggest to improve this contract (other than stopping me talking shit)

5. do you like rocket jumping and flying?


6. are you a spambot?

"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

Let's put this in a shrink-wrap license agreement, so you HAVE to agree to it before you unpack your brand new box of Xonotic you purchased from your local games store.

Also, there should be an obligation to linger on an empty public server for 30 mins at least twice a week.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

You forgot to add that Game Stop (or any other store for that matter) reserves the right to rip open the packaging and go as far as to strip out whatever they want before selling it to you.

Oh wait.

In regards to playerbase, the game is still 'new'. 0.5 was the first real playable version, 0.1 was just a alpha-state really. Secondly, there hasn't been any major advertising on gaming sites or the like, and according to Samual that's the way he wants to keep it until 1.0 is ready. I think the goal is to make a huge PR launch/media launch when the game is at a very polished state that will be 1.0.

I played nexuiz since 1.0 or 1.1 and it was exactly the same with that, didn't really see a huge increase in players till the 2.0+ version, Xonotic will be the same, so you will likely have too sit tight till 1.0 till you start to see an huge/big influx of players on publics, as this is likely when the advertising will really be done...which makes sense imo, no point advertising on gaming sites unless it's polished and at a good version state/majority of stuff complete or people will try it and too many won't like that it is 'incomplete'.

xonotic.pickup though however does have quite a lot of active players already, majority of games are duels, or CA, but there is also some 3v3/5v5 CTF games from time to time.

Like I say, be prepared to have too wait till once 1.0 comes out, but the player base IS starting to grow on publics which is good to see, slowly the game will take shape, it'll just take time till you will see a large playerbase like nexuiz had in 2.0+ days.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


(12-21-2011, 07:35 AM)kojn^ Wrote: In regards to playerbase, the game is still 'new'. 0.5 was the first real playable version, 0.1 was just a alpha-state really. Secondly, there hasn't been any major advertising on gaming sites or the like, and according to Samual that's the way he wants to keep it until 1.0 is ready. I think the goal is to make a huge PR launch/media launch when the game is at a very polished state that will be 1.0.

I played nexuiz since 1.0 or 1.1 and it was exactly the same with that, didn't really see a huge increase in players till the 2.0+ version, Xonotic will be the same, so you will likely have too sit tight till 1.0 till you start to see an huge/big influx of players on publics, as this is likely when the advertising will really be done...which makes sense imo, no point advertising on gaming sites unless it's polished and at a good version state/majority of stuff complete or people will try it and too many won't like that it is 'incomplete'.

xonotic.pickup though however does have quite a lot of active players already, majority of games are duels, or CA, but there is also some 3v3/5v5 CTF games from time to time.

Like I say, be prepared to have too wait till once 1.0 comes out, but the player base IS starting to grow on publics which is good to see, slowly the game will take shape, it'll just take time till you will see a large playerbase like nexuiz had in 2.0+ days.

That's good to know! I don't mind hanging out and establishing myself with the community while the playerbase grows. I played with some guys last night who showed me just how rusty I am.. It'll give me time to hone my skills. I seem to be playing averagely as of now
[Image: pontiniusslimsignature.jpg]

C.Brutail Wrote:Hint: stuff works easier on linux here.
lies! Tongue
i'm on winXP and everything is working perfectly, i'm mapping without any problems and everything is fine.

also hi.
<Halogene> ok "n1" means "nice one"
<Halogene> "gl" means "good luck"
<Halogene> "fu" means "wow that was wickedly nice that frag"
Frogg on Instagram

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