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First, want to note that my "real" in-game name is just aa, but becouse names on forums can not be shorter then 3 letters i had to add _ in the end. And smetimes i may add somthing like -<aa>-

Unfortunatly I am not able to play Xonotic online often, but I will contribute to this project.
I can do modeling in blender, quite well; I will also map, as soon as your *radiant will work on my Slackware64; I would also like to learn to code.

I am Russian. I live in Ireland.

This is how i came to Xonotic: I was reading wikioedia anout Nexiuz amd it said about Nexiuz closing down and Xonotic starting. went to Xonotic site and... wow! this game is so coll! I wil sertanlyplay it when there will be any releases... Hlalf a year ago i encountered it again on PenguieSpy. It was 0.5 then. Soon 0.6 came out.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]


If you want, I can change your name to aa!


Here is some great quakeC tutorials I'm currently trying to learn from:

And read this QC guide too: Introduction to QuakeC

Howdy. A Russian living in Ireland... And I thought I'd heard it all... Big Grin

Welcome to Xonotic!

(07-11-2012, 07:19 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: If you want, I can change your name to aa!
Yes, I would like that, please.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

There you go. You have to log in with aa now obviously.

Thank you!
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

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