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[SOLVED] Need Hellp to stop script kiddies.....

I have had my admin Rcon hacked on Nexuiz Classic and Xonotic, What are some commands i can add to my configs to fight against Script kiddies hacking rcon and taking over servers. I am new to this admin expolit and would to try to fix it so we can go on about gaming thanks.

rcon_password <an actually good password for once>
(replace <an actually good password for once> with an actually good password, for once)

thats saying alot when all they do is vote master and this is ESK doing it so yea how can i stop master vote and stuff?


Master is NOT rcon, and voting master is NOT being a "script kiddie" or "hacking" or an "exploit", it's calling a vote and getting it accepted. You authorized this when you went through your server.cfg file to review the available settings and brushed over this.

Now if you'll have a look in your server.cfg, you will notice that there is this line:
//sv_vote_master 1      // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead
Just uncomment it (remove the two // before sv_vote_master at the beginning of the line) and change the 1 to 0. There you go.

My bad sorry for harping I just realized this thanks alot guys last thing how do i set max ping so the high pinging guys get kick so i can keep them from coming in my sever because it seems we are having high pingers come in and trash our community,Also limiting the ping would prevent that and also they lag our server with 300+ ping.

They don't lag your server, they lag themselves. They can't affect your server by having a laggy network, the game just ignores that fact and tries to hide the lag behind antilag smoothing.

Also, filtering high-pingers because you've seen bad people with a high ping is just stupid.

Anyway, the server can't kick high-pingers. Sorry.

(10-15-2012, 11:25 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: They don't lag your server, they lag themselves. They can't affect your server by having a laggy network, the game just ignores that fact and tries to hide the lag behind antilag smoothing.

Also, filtering high-pingers because you've seen bad people with a high ping is just stupid.

Anyway, the server can't kick high-pingers. Sorry.

Thats a false statement right there look here and I do get your point but think of 10+ 300 pinger on your server that's gona casue issues no matter if its greater or worse also i just wanna have a high ping kick on there if not ill try some other way i am not hating on any just wnat a clean gaming enviorment with out laggers running across my screen stuttering with over 350 lag also like I said there are a few bad apples out there but next time i am droping the hammer..

And when was the last time that you've had ten players with 300 ping?

Also, have you ever played with 300 ping? Some people do all the time because that's all they can get. We have practically no servers in Asia and Oceania, save for Australia. Same about Africa or South America. I'm glad not every server admin is as selfish as you are, or those people would have nowhere to play.

EDIT: I'll add that we have good netcode, and it's absolutely not fair to consider Xonotic to be as bad as other games in those terms. The "symptoms" depend on the game and, while I don't know the specifics of it, I know Xonotic is doing well compared to others. So don't think this link of yours is 100% relevant to Xonotic.

(10-16-2012, 12:51 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: And when was the last time that you've had ten players with 300 ping?

Also, have you ever played with 300 ping? Some people do all the time because that's all they can get. We have practically no servers in Asia and Oceania, save for Australia. Same about Africa or South America. I'm glad not every server admin is as selfish as you are, or those people would have nowhere to play.

EDIT: I'll add that we have good netcode, and it's absolutely not fair to consider Xonotic to be as bad as other games in those terms. The "symptoms" depend on the game and, while I don't know the specifics of it, I know Xonotic is doing well compared to others. So don't think this link of yours is 100% relevant to Xonotic.

Then whats it relevent to thats with all games when i see 100+ players not effecting the server then ill consider maybe more then 10 lol.I am not harping just sick of having to shoot ahead of people casue of lag and no ones net code is %100 unlaggy so yea.

It's relevant to commercial games with crappy net code, I'd think. Not saying that Xonotic's is perfect, but it's been said to be better than QuakeLive's for example.

I won't address the playability with laggy people because I haven't played in a while. I'll let somebody else do that.

high ping players will lag themselves not the server as Mr B said does it give them any advantage well consider that if you see them lagging everything they see is going to be lagging so while you might whinge and moan about not being able to shoot them that's nothing like as bad as how bad it is for them trying to shoot back they are at no advantage

I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic

Lol to solve this problem you evened it out lmao ok nice work, So if we see a bunch of players skitzing across the map and cannot kill them we are not to worry ok lmao.

I remember being kicked out of servers a lot (not Xonotic, but other not so fast and not competitive games, e.g. Alien Swarm or Left4Dead) not that long ago when I still only had a 3G connection and 300 ping was a dream to have (I usually had somewhere around 600-800). You got no idea how hard it is to play with such a connection & there wasn't any alternative for me.

And I'll repeat what others have said - having a high ping is only bad for the players who have it. Good games use the server for storing events, and as the lagging ppl are always behind they are at a clear disadvantage - they are being killed before knowing it, and can barely shoot anyone, cause when they shoot the enemy is long gone from the spot they are shooting at. If a game makes the play worse for ppl who have good ping if a lagging player connects, then that game has a major problem with itself ;-P.
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

(10-16-2012, 02:59 AM)Cyber Killer Wrote: I remember being kicked out of servers a lot (not Xonotic, but other not so fast and not competitive games, e.g. Alien Swarm or Left4Dead) not that long ago when I still only had a 3G connection and 300 ping was a dream to have (I usually had somewhere around 600-800). You got no idea how hard it is to play with such a connection & there wasn't any alternative for me.

And I'll repeat what others have said - having a high ping is only bad for the players who have it. Good games use the server for storing events, and as the lagging ppl are always behind they are at a clear disadvantage - they are being killed before knowing it, and can barely shoot anyone, cause when they shoot the enemy is long gone from the spot they are shooting at. If a game makes the play worse for ppl who have good ping if a lagging player connects, then that game has a major problem with itself ;-P.

As i stated before when multiple laggy players join we lag so yeah.

And with the same amount of players you don't? I'm asking this because, if I remember this right, you're hosting your server on a home connection. That is most of the time laggy when a few people join, no matter what their ping is.

Speaking of which, how fast should your home connection be in order to host a server? My region is getting optical fibre atm, and I am considering setting up a server too in a year or so, when I will have moved to 30Mbit... (no idea yet what the upstream will be)
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I don't have a clue.

Me neither.
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

My guess would be something around 0,5-1Mbps for each player that you want to be connected (judging by experience - on my home connection with 1Mbps upstream I can host up to 2 ppl, aside of myself, quite comfortably). So a duel server won't need too much bandwidth, but for a larger server you'd need some hefty connection.
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

(10-17-2012, 01:27 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: And with the same amount of players you don't? I'm asking this because, if I remember this right, you're hosting your server on a home connection. That is most of the time laggy when a few people join, no matter what their ping is.

Nope i host on dedicated server Toronto Canada data centre 72mb down and 32+ mb up,How do i set fall damage sorry for going off topic.

(10-18-2012, 07:06 AM)kidx Wrote: How do i set fall damage sorry for going off topic.

You can use:
I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic

so what set those all to 0? or just maxdamge. Also sorry to sound annoying, but how do i get all weapons i could not find the thread where you posted it my bad.

(10-18-2012, 08:53 AM)kidx Wrote: so what set those all to 0?
Yeah, set them to zero.
I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic

(10-18-2012, 09:35 AM)edh Wrote:
(10-18-2012, 08:53 AM)kidx Wrote: so what set those all to 0?
Yeah, set them to zero.

Thanks man it worked,What is all weapons command again sorry to be annoying.

You can look for cvars on your own, too. Just start the xonotic client, open the xonotic terminal (shift escape) and, for example, type this:
apropos fall
This will list every cvar or command that has "fall" in their name or description, along with the current value, default value, and description.

Unfortunately, the fall damage cvars are missing documentation but they do show up.

You can also see a cvar's description by typing the beginning of their name and pressing tab. This will give the same list, for every cvar and command that starts with what you typed. It will also guess the rest of the name of what you're typing as much as it can.

I don't know a lot of cvars myself, so this is what I do when people ask for help. I'm thinking of writing a guide and linking people to it instead.

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