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Xonotic's Third Birthday

Hey guys, so as i'm sure you've figured out from the title... Today is the third anniversary of the announcement of the Xonotic project!

Anyway, i'm fairly busy and can't spend too much time writing this, but I just want to bring you guys a quick update of what has been going on with development in the past 2 months or so... (note: list items still in development or pending review are marked with asterisks)
  • New notification system (Rewrite of all centerprints, console messages, and hud notification networking)-- Specifically allows for translations for all game messages, and it allows users to customize what notifications they want to see (and which options they want enabled for them), as well as bringing hundreds of new updated messages and features
  • Client-side animation decision (Moves handling of playermodel animations to the client, saving resources on the server and allowing many more features such as animation blending and better aiming animations)
  • New compiler (GMQCC-- A better, re-written from the ground up, QC compiler... Gives us many new and very useful features.)
  • *Re-write or migration of Clan Arena, Arena, LMS, Onslaught, Assault, Freezetag, and other game modes to the mutator system... as well as a new fundamental system for managing round based game modes.
  • Many fixes involving spawning and zoom animations, as well as a new tracing method for the death camera and fixing of 2D animations for player death/damage
  • *Migration of MinstaGib to a mutator
  • *Crylink secondary and force calculation improvements
  • *All-new announcer and player voice sounds
  • *Global map repository (bringing all mapping resources and hosting services directly to the official website, so that there is a centralized place for everyone to go concerning mapping.)
  • New maps (Abyss, *Spiderctf, *Fuse, *Opium), as well as updates to existing maps (Runningman, *Stormkeep)

Cool! *gets the cake*

How it about some fancy anniversary playing day, where we play stuff like CTF, KH, FT, Assault and who knows with A LOT of people! Could organize that.

Some really sweet improvements! I'm really interested to see the improved ver. of stormkeep.

Hapy birthday too you, hapy birthday to you, happy bithday, dearXontic, happy birthay to you...

One should strugle to achieve, not seat in bitter regret, two should try to reproduce, but three are likly to destroy their kind.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

Wow those really solve a lot of problems that I've already encountered in my 3 months on xon...

Bon anniversaire!
I'm not french, I just felt like saying it.

Yay! Global map repo, just want me wants. Smile

Xonotic Announcer: "Awesome."

Cannot wait for this stuff in Xonotic 0.7 Big Grin
(even though I have git anyway)

(03-07-2013, 09:49 PM)Samual Wrote: [*]New maps (Abyss, *Spiderctf, *Fuse, *Opium), as well as updates to existing maps (Runningman, *Stormkeep)
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Wow, three years ago this was conceived, crazy. I still remember playing 2.3 for the first time like it was yesterday and of course the drama that led to this project's creation.

Oh wait.

yep - really wow - Happy Birthday ... Big Grin
I.m curious what the next year brings ...

GreetZ Su

I am extremely happy for any new feature/fix but I haven't seen any of this in autobuild so I guess its not ready yet.

I would like to point out that spawning system is horrible ATM. At a tourney duel, my enemy spawned literally in front of me. Its completely random I guess.

(03-12-2013, 07:29 PM)frostwyrm333 Wrote: I would like to point out that spawning system is horrible ATM. At a tourney duel, my enemy spawned literally in front of me. Its completely random I guess.

It is not. Far away spawn points have more chances to be selected, but there is of course some randomness to it. Are you saying it is horrible just because it happened once?

EDIT: Here's the current spawn code (it makes use of functions defined above):

yes, i have seen some spawningg madness as well. That was in Minsta DM, I kept spawning on the same spawn 5 times in a row and the opponent kept shooting, Combined with not-so-good-looking-ping, here was nothing i could do about that.
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

For enhancement of the spawnshield in minsta mode there was a thread here:

GreetZ Su

3 years already? Danm and I still haven't found my way back in Confused

Happy birthday anyway, have a long life!
del fin

Urmel aus dem Eis is back! Hope things are well.
I'm at least a reasonably tolerable person to be around - Narcopic

(03-07-2013, 09:49 PM)Samual Wrote: Client-side animation decision (Moves handling of playermodel animations to the client, saving resources on the server and allowing many more features such as animation blending and better aiming animations)

Awesome that this is finally implemented. How does it effect rigging of new player-models though? I would hate to waste time using the old system right now for the two robots I am working on.

Cool :-).
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

Random spawning is the best possible solution, if there's any way to affect the next location of spawning, it's easier to exploit and predict. Random can not be predicted, having bad luck once or twice is a bad excuse if you lose your match.

Did cityyy finish his eye-candy Opium or is it still the old version?

Happy Birthday Xon'!

Centralized map repository is a must, but i'm not sure i understand the global migration of modes to mutators. What's the reason for this and isn't this kinda like hiding them?

(03-21-2013, 03:38 AM)Smilecythe Wrote: Random spawning is the best possible solution, if there's any way to affect the next location of spawning, it's easier to exploit and predict. Random can not be predicted, having bad luck once or twice is a bad excuse if you lose your match.

Setting g_spawn_furthest to 0 makes it completely random. That cvar takes values between 0 and 1, to be the probability of picking the furthest spawn point over something completely random.

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