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Hello from cold North

Hello all,

Just registered to the forums and and decided to say Hello all. You seem to have kind and supportive player base/community, that's great.

Learning little by little basics of this game, even tho my butt hurts after few matches. This far game feels great and it satisfies my need for speed after Ut2k4 and Tribes Ascend.

Oh, and good work Halogene. Nice newbie tutorials in Xonotic Blog.

Cya in game,

Welcome and I'm glad I was able to help!
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


Hi and welcome.

Ask any questions even if they seems stupid, we all have to learn some how/time. As for getting your ass handed to you don't feel bad the game types on the servers very so much that its different worlds going from one to another.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]


Where is cold north? Tongue

Come to IRC for personal tutorial by someone. >Big Grin

Thanks all. And yea, those tutorials are great help for new comers. I appreciate your effort. I guess I was right, great bunch of people here. And which IRC channel? Already idling on #xonotic. And "Cold" North is Finland. Smile

Finland? Onpas täällä suomalaisia! Tervetuloa!

Try #xonotic and #xonotic.pickup on, in case you've been on #xonotic at freenode.

There are quite some people from finland here with a very high average skill level! :oD
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!



Hello, fellow finn and welcome to Xonotic Smile

You can slap me for duels on the pickup channel, if you feel like playing!
Also, we're in a need of more active finnish xonoticcers to our clan OHSnap! so get praccing and join us Wink

We.. Want.. You!

Welcome to great Xonotic!
[Image: 22676.png]

[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


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