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Project Nex

Quote:speedrunning community is what keeps titles like Quake, Half-Life and their engine relatives alive
CS keeps "half-life" alive, Quake Live keeps "Quake" alive. Speedrunning is a niche.

Quote:Quake 3 would have been so much bigger with a single player campaign, anyone getting raped in the pub servers must have fantasized about it at least once.
A singleplayer campaign doesn't teach multiplayer dynamics. The skirmish approach of the Quake 3 campaign is as close as you can get to that.

(04-29-2014, 07:02 PM)asyyy Wrote: CS keeps "half-life" alive, Quake Live keeps "Quake" alive.
I respect your opinion. Now imagine if both franchises were solely multiplayer based.

(04-29-2014, 07:02 PM)asyyy Wrote: Speedrunning is a niche.
A very undervalued one.

(04-29-2014, 07:02 PM)asyyy Wrote: A singleplayer campaign doesn't teach multiplayer dynamics.
True, if you were to wager it all on the multiplayer, otherwise it just doesn't need to, which brings us back to the first sentence in my previous post. Besides, even multiplayers don't teach the multiplayer dynamics in most arena FPSes.

(04-29-2014, 04:17 PM)asyyy Wrote: And to be honest, less ignorance and more openness would have a positive effect here.

Games like OpenArena/AlienArena were cool in 2005, nowadays they don't compete with anything anymore.

Quite the contrary, a new game that brings arena shooters back to big events like dreamhack would be the best thing that could happen to Xonotic.

Speaking of openness and ignorance, sheesh, apparently you haven't been paying attention to Alien Arena...or Dreamhack.

[Image: 1476243_10201361977034868_1131944841_n.jpg]

[Image: 551397_10201361978354901_527597421_n.jpg]

[Image: 1474617_10201361978914915_440657002_n.jpg]

Yes, that is Alien Arena partnering with Intel at Winter Dreamhack 2013, and holding a prize tourney where people got to compete against Team Dignitas to win a number of prizes, including a brand new gaming laptop.

Alien Arena has had vastly more development then any of the other free Arena FPS games and continues to do so. Might want to do some research before posting such things, Asyyy. Hell just a quick visit to the Alien Arena website would show you that the game is in the midst of a complete makeover and relaunch.

I googled it on YouTube, and it looked like they played minsta...

yeah, they played instagib. hahah

Irritant, that doesn't mean shit, that open arena is at dreamhack. quake live is STILL at dreamhack, even. It matters how much attention it got, and it got close to none. there was like 3 matches.

Even so, all the development time it's gotten is wasted, because alien arena really isn't that good of a game. physics are primitive and not skill-based, netcode is poor, design style seems just a murky grungy washed-out industrial puddle of fail. And the alien arena website is being relaunched? lol no, it make me think i am still in 2001, with those kind of graphics("Designed by Free Web Templates" lolol). like asyyy said, AA is a product of it's time, and needed to stay in 2005. it won't do anything for us now.

Xonotic, even in it's unfinished, 0.7 beta, current state would be so much more fun to watch and play at dreamhack. no thanks to AA. i have much higher hopes for the arena FPS genre than that, my friend.

I thought this thread would be a Project Nex. ;D

(04-30-2014, 10:20 AM)fa1nt Wrote: Even so, all the development time it's gotten is wasted, because alien arena really isn't that good of a game. physics are primitive and not skill-based, netcode is poor, design style seems just a murky grungy washed-out industrial puddle of fail. And the alien arena website is being relaunched? lol no, it make me think i am still in 2001, with those kind of graphics("Designed by Free Web Templates" lolol). like asyyy said, AA is a product of it's time, and needed to stay in 2005. it won't do anything for us now.

Pure class Smile

Btw, not talking about the website being relaunched, try reading a little closer Smile

(04-30-2014, 11:06 AM)Irritant Wrote: Pure class Smile

Thank you - although next time please make it harder for me to rip apart your argument.

(04-30-2014, 11:06 AM)Irritant Wrote: Btw, not talking about the website being relaunched, try reading a little closer Smile

Logic 101:

Irritant Wrote:Hell just a quick visit to the Alien Arena website would show you that the game is in the midst of a complete makeover and relaunch.

You say that if i look at the AA website, i would be able to tell that they are in the middle of a relaunch.

The website looks just as terrible as it did years ago when i first heard about the game.

Thus, nothing has happened to the game. admittedly, my wording was a bit off, but if the website had been even touched, then i would look into it. but nothing.

(04-30-2014, 12:20 PM)fa1nt Wrote: Logic 101:

Irritant Wrote:Hell just a quick visit to the Alien Arena website would show you that the game is in the midst of a complete makeover and relaunch.

You say that if i look at the AA website, i would be able to tell that they are in the middle of a relaunch.

The website looks just as terrible as it did years ago when i first heard about the game.

Thus, nothing has happened to the game. admittedly, my wording was a bit off, but if the website had been even touched, then i would look into it. but nothing.

That's some great logic Smile

(Btw, that website design, whatever your opinion of it's ugliness is or not, is only about 1 year old, and the site has changed radically many times over the years since you claimed to have last looked at it Smile - Just sayin' ).

Don't bother replying, because this thread has been derailed enough to continue this idiotic argument. If Xonotic, or whoever wants to get more involved in events like Dreamhack, more power too them, but don't ignore or dismiss the efforts of others who are doing so.

Frankly though, if the Xonotic community's general attitude is similar to yours, it will go nowhere at all.

(04-30-2014, 01:30 PM)Irritant Wrote: That's some great logic Smile


(04-30-2014, 01:30 PM)Irritant Wrote: Don't bother replying, because this thread has been derailed enough to continue this idiotic argument. If Xonotic, or whoever wants to get more involved in events like Dreamhack, more power too them, but don't ignore or dismiss the efforts of others who are doing so.

i will, because i have more to say. I expect to see Xonotic at events come later releases; i don't dismiss the efforts of Alien Arena, it's admirable that they keep polishing their turd after so long Smile

And btw, a game like Project Nex would do very well at Dreamhack, if dudes like PrettyAwesome were able to build up attention beforehand enough, pull a crowd, showcase their stuff, gather some guys from the right surrounding esports scenes, get a caster, and certainly some lengthy stream time is in order. I'm sure PrettyAwesome didn't hire an esports manager for nothing!

(04-30-2014, 01:30 PM)Irritant Wrote: Frankly though, if the Xonotic community's general attitude is similar to yours, it will go nowhere at all.

wrong; my attitude is highly competitive and analytical. It's true i share similar opinions with developers, and i admittedly cant see everything at once, but it's one of the upsides of open source to have all the community's voices so well heard and contributing, along with your own Big Grin

Would you mind moving this specific discussion to the other currently active thread about arena FPS? That would be good.

I can split these posts and merge them into said thread if that can help

Hey all, we are doing a regular podcast series updating you all on the happenings on Project Nex. Like in the video if you have any questions video specific please ask on our reddit. Anyways hope you enjoy.


Did not get what the special thing with the power up was, but the energy thing sounds really interesting. Smile

I think this is awesome idea, if we can make something like this for Xonotic with that i mean making videos with future updates and changes in game.

Share your thoughts! Smile
metsu ZeRoQL (Stats) - <@nifrek> true, I guess in tdm you also dont always have your perfect choice of weapon, especially when ZeRoQL is controlling nex Dodgy
KILLING X ZONE - Xonotic community movie



The last two posts were merged from a redundant thread.

Well, i think it's a great idea. PA/yashua arent very specific in the video, since they really havent decided on a lot of final decisions with movement and the suit impulse thing. so if we did a similar thing, it would probably be much more specific, as we are farther along in development, more decided on what we will do from here.

I really don't like the finite amount of movement/limited "impulse" idea, all it does is shatter gameplay flow, and that is something you shouldn't have to "manage resources" to be able to have.
The rest is all good news to hear, especially the armour pickups, etc.

I think the idea of Project Nex is great. Good luck, hopefully a new style of arena shooter will "kick" things off again for the genre!


Another update on opening weapons!


you say they are "medium to long-range"; and they encourage offensive play, yet as you observed, the enforcer is the best up close, and you can "deal so much damage you can pretty much get a spawnfrag". Doesn't sound like long-range efficiency to me.

So no, the weapons were not supposed to be for med-long range (at least in Quake series i can't vouch for all of UT), the machinegun was supposed to be a spray n' pray at all ranges, finish off those around you but really damn weak kind of gun. Also, the second spawnweapon in quake 3/live was the gauntlet, about the closest-range you can get. In quake 1/world there was the axe/boomstick, a similar combo.

in fact, having such specialized weapons that are so weak in almost all ranges and situations, FORCED people to be on the run, to frantically strafejump to the nearest rocket launcher spawn or shotgun spawn. That's the most defensive you can get.

Even so, it's not a question of being defensive or offensive; don't think of it that way, that's subjective. You have to think about the ability which you give the player to be offensive or defensive in all typical situations.

Glad you are going with a simple shotgun kind of idea, it's a good starting point for you to learn where you need to go.

However with the other gun it's a bad idea. A shield is a protection, and protection is valuable. See: every major armour pickup ever. When you try to make a gun that provides similar protection to armour but at a cost of energy, which the armour does not charge, 1 of 2 things will happen:
1: You will ramp up the amount it protects you, resulting in a similar gun to UT2k4
2: The gun will be ignored by people because it is effectively a lesser version of armour that drains your precious energy that you have to worry about (why?)

This could be remedied by the way you deal with armour, but as you leave it now, a bad idea.

The alt fire is a quite a not fleshed out idea, and you seem to only consider a couple situations when quantifying these things, like the esports thing you dreamed up.

There won't be gimmicky play? a gun that can continually absorb projectiles? that will be a good thing? heh

It doesn't look like you have any real plans for tackling weapon balance (situational, damage output at range, projectile over hitscan), just "tone it down until it all kind of comes together".
I hope you learn. You're still in the planning/brainstorming stage where you throw out wild ideas, but you haven't laid down those kind of foundations, like the type of weapon balance you want, to build upon. here's one that hopes the house doesn't crumble down on the sand.


Made a quick video of their Prototype build, some simple tricks and bugs. Big Grin

Thanks for sharing! I like the atmosphere.

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