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BuddyFriendGuy Fun Server

I'm using this thread as a channel for communication about the BuddyFriendGuy Fun server, in addition to IRC. Right now it's just a place holder for the URL I put in the in-game message.

Server name: BuddyFriendGuy Fun Server
Location: Virginia, USA

Type: regular settings
Votables: game types, maps, mutators

This is my current cfg, in case anybody is interested:

// A setting needs to be surrounded with " if it contains special
// characters like space, semicolon (seperates commands) or starts
// with // (begins a comment for the rest of the line or next
// semicolon).  While just "" means 'no/empty setting'.

// c.f.:

// conditional
alias bx_noop ""
set bx_if_var_ ""
alias bx_if "bx_if_var_ ${1}; toggle bx_if_var_; alias bx_if_action0_ ${2-}; alias bx_if_action1_ bx_noop; bx_if_do_"
alias bx_if_do_ "bx_if_action${bx_if_var_}_"

// hash-based comparison
alias bx_if_eq "rpn /bx_if_eq_var1_ \"/${1}\" /SHA256 digest =; rpn /bx_if_eq_var2_ \"/${2}\" /SHA256 digest =; alias bx_if_eq_action_ ${3- q}; bx_if_eq_step2_"
alias bx_if_eq_step2_ "set bx_if_eq_resultvar_ \"bx_if_eq_var_${bx_if_eq_var1_}_\"; set bx_if_eq_var_${bx_if_eq_var1_}_ 0; set bx_if_eq_var_${bx_if_eq_var2_}_ 1; bx_if_eq_step3_"
alias bx_if_eq_step3_ "bx_if ${$bx_if_eq_resultvar_} bx_if_eq_action_"

alias bx_if_not_eq "rpn /bx_if_not_eq_var1_ \"/${1}\" /SHA256 digest =; rpn /bx_if_not_eq_var2_ \"/${2}\" /SHA256 digest =; alias bx_if_not_eq_action_ ${3- q}; bx_if_not_eq_step2_"
alias bx_if_not_eq_step2_ "set bx_if_not_eq_resultvar_ \"bx_if_not_eq_var_${bx_if_not_eq_var1_}_\"; set bx_if_not_eq_var_${bx_if_not_eq_var1_}_ 1; set bx_if_not_eq_var_${bx_if_not_eq_var2_}_ 0; bx_if_not_eq_step3_"
alias bx_if_not_eq_step3_ "bx_if ${$bx_if_not_eq_resultvar_} bx_if_not_eq_action_"

// Everything has some sensible defaults so you do NOT really need to
// change anything.  But here are some settings you SHOULD change to
// make it 'YOUR' server.  IF so remove the // from the line start and
// change them to your liking.

// sv_public determins the level of server publicity
// 1: advertises this server on the master server (so that players can find it in the server browser);
// 0: allow direct queries only;
// -1: do not respond to direct queries;
// -2: do not allow anyone to connect
sv_public 1 // 1: advertises this server on the master server (so that players can find it in the server browser); 0: allow direct queries only; -1: do not respond to direct queries; -2: do not allow anyone to connect
sv_status_privacy 1    // 1 hides IP addresses from "status" replies shown to clients, 0 shows them. Enables players to identify wellknown punks on your server OR is a thread to anonymity.. depending on your point of view :)

//hostname "BuddyFriendGuy Test Xonotic $g_xonoticversion Server"    // this name will appear on the server list (the $g_xonoticversion gets replaced with the current version)
hostname "BuddyFriendGuy Fun Server [$g_xonoticversion]"    // this name will appear on the server list (the $g_xonoticversion gets replaced with the current version)

sv_motd "Welcome! This server is primarily for casual playing. Visit (same address as this game server) for more info. Be sure to upgrade to 0.8.1 if you experience blank map problems. If you are new, don't forget to check out and introduce yourself. Also come join us on IRC: #xonotic on to learn about pickup games." // this message (unless "") is displayed to players on connect
sv_adminnick ""

alias game_begin_mark "echo Map ready!"
// defer 1 game_begin_mark
alias sv_hook_gamestart_all "echo Map: ${sv_worldbasename}; _check081Maps; game_begin_mark"
alias sv_hook_gameend "say ^xfffGame over. Thanks for playing! Visit (same address as this game server) for more info. Be sure to upgrade to 0.8.1 if you experience blank map problems. If you are new, don't forget to check out and introduce yourself. Also come join us on IRC: #xonotic on to learn about pickup games."

alias _showUpgradeWarning "say The map ${sv_worldbasename} is only included in Xonotic 0.8.1, so be sure you are running the latest version. Otherwise, you may see a blank map."
alias _check081Maps "bx_if_eq ${sv_worldbasename} finalrage _showUpgradeWarning; bx_if_eq ${sv_worldbasename} warfare _showUpgradeWarning; bx_if_eq ${sv_worldbasename} atelier _showUpgradeWarning"

//sv_intermission_cdtrack sometrack

//maxplayers 16    // number of players allowed on the server

port 26000    // the port used by the server
//You are RECOMMENDED to change this value to a free port number on your server
//above 1024. The reason is that some bad ISPs might filter "gaming" ports, and
//changing the port your server runs on may make your server available to these
//people. Changing the port breaks nothing, the default simply matches Quake as
//we use a Quake-derived protocol and didn't do our own IANA port assignment yet
//(if anyone wants to go through that process, we'd be glad).

//log_file "server.log"    // server console output will also be copied to this file. This: "${serverconfig}.log" uses variable substitution to make the logfile have the same name as your config file with .log appended which is useful if you run several servers
log_file "${serverconfig}.log"
log_file_stripcolors 1 // strip color codes from log messages
// enables timestamps
timestamps 1

// demo file
sv_autodemo_perclient 1 // 0: off; set to 1 to enable autorecorded per-client demos (they'll start to record at the beginning of a match); set it to 2 to also record client->server packets (for debugging)
//sv_autodemo_perclient_nameformat "sv_autodemos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M" // The format of the sv_autodemo_perclient filename, followed by the map name, the client number and the IP address + port number, separated by underscores (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)

g_start_delay 5    // delay before the game starts to let players join the server first

// List of maps to play on the server.  Set to "" to autodetect (which would enumerate ALL maps.  Maps that don't support the current game mode will be skipped, so you don't need to remove them here.
//g_maplist "afterslime dance g-23 glowplant leave_em_behind newtonian-nightmare nexballarena red-planet runningman space-elevator stormkeep techassault xoylent"
//g_maplist "hec_7colors curvature_02 geodesic treasureisland_v2 voll_aufs_maul_v4"
//g_maplist "clockwork_v001 cucumber_v1 curvature_02 erbium-r1 luminar styrofoam"
//g_maplist ""
g_maplist_shuffle 1    // 0 always selects the next map out of g_maplist (but then better set g_maplist_votable 0 below to prevent repetitive votes), 1 will select random maps each time
g_maplist_mostrecent_count 0    // number of maps that have to be played before a map can be repeated

// LIMITS: how long a match will last before the next map starts (-1 means use the map default, 0 = unlimited, please note that the variables fraglimit/timelimit can NOT be globally used for this but only DURING a match is being played)

// allow warmup
g_warmup 0
g_warmup_limit -1 // -1 = unlimited time; this helps the server stay in one map warmup
g_warmup_allguns 0

//timelimit_override -1    // global timelimit for all maps and gametypes
timelimit_override 10    // global timelimit for all maps and gametypes
fraglimit_override -1    // global frag/point limit for all maps and gametypes
g_ctf_capture_limit -1    // frag/capture limit for CTF
capturelimit_override -1    // capture limit for CTF
g_domination_point_limit -1    // frag/point limit for DOM
g_runematch_point_limit -1    // frag/point limit for RUNE
g_keyhunt_point_limit -1    // frag/point limit for KH
g_lms_lives_override -1    // lives for LMS
g_nexball_goallimit -1    // goals for NEXBALL

g_ctf_win_mode 0    // CTF win mode: 0 = caps only, 1 = caps + points as tie breaker, 2 = points only
g_ctf_ignore_frags 1    // set to 1 to ignore kills except for FC kills

// TEAMS for key hunt (change this to 2, 3, 4 to set a fixed keyhunt style)
g_keyhunt_teams_override -1    // teams for KH

// GAME MODE: what type of server do you want to host?
// possible values: dm (deathmatch), tdm (team deathmatch), dom (domination), ctf (ctf), rune (runematch), lms (last man standing), arena (arena), kh (keyhunt), as (assault), ons (onslaught), race (race), nexball (nexball)
//gametype ""

// Some settings you MIGHT want to change.  Again IF so remove the //
// from the line start and change them to your liking.

//net_address    // ONLY change this if you have problems with your server. Specifies the network interface used by the engine.  Set it you one of you internal IPs

rcon_secure 1 // force secure rcon authentication (1 = time based, 2 = challenge based); NOTE: changing rcon_secure clears rcon_password, so set rcon_secure always before rcon_password
//rcon_password ""    // you can use rcon if this password is set.  you need to set the same password in your client if you want to issue rcon commands
//rcon_restricted_password ""    // put here the password for a "restricted" rcon user (see below)

//bot_number 0    // number of bots to add
skill 6    // the bots skill level
minplayers 2    // add bots if less then that number of players playing. MAKE SURE ITS LESS THEN maxplayers or people will get blocked by bots!
bot_prefix "^0{^1bfgbot^0} ^x666" // prepend this to all botnames
bot_suffix ""    // append this to all botnames
g_maplist_check_waypoints 0    // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots

//g_maxplayers 0 // above this player count, only allow spectators

g_maplist_votable 9    // number of maps to vote between.  set to 0 to disable the map voting screen (please enable g_maplist_shuffle above when this is enabled, or votes will be repetitive)
g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2    // number of suggestions to accept using the suggestmap command
g_maplist_votable_abstain 0    // when 1, people get a "don't care" selection in the vote screen
g_maplist_votable_nodetail 0    // when 1, people can't see how many voted for what (to thwart abusive "influential" first votes)

sv_vote_gametype 1 // show a vote screen for gametypes before map vote screen
sv_vote_gametype_keeptwotime 5 // show only 2 options for this amount of time during gametype vote screen
//sv_vote_gametype_options "dm ctf ca lms tdm ft"
sv_vote_gametype_options "dm tdm ctf ca ft"

//sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoauto shuffleteams 1v1dm 2v2tdm 3v3tdm 4v4tdm 5v5tdm 2v2ca 3v3ca 4v4ca 5v5ca 2v2ctf 3v3ctf 4v4ctf 5v5ctf 3v3ca 4v4ca 1on1dm 2on2tdm 2on2ca 3on3ctf 3on3ca 4on4ca dm tdm ctf ca infection freezetag assault keepaway nexball kh keyhunt dom domination rune arena lms ons onslaught insta noinsta infammo noinfammo hook nohook jetpack nojetpack mutatorstatus vanilla timelimit nobots warmup sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_off" // players can vote for those commands or use them if they are masters. You can also add 'g_grappling_hook' for hook voting, and 'sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_off' for fbskin voting.
sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoauto shuffleteams insta noinsta infammo noinfammo hook nohook jetpack nojetpack mutatorstatus vanilla timelimit nobots warmup sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_off" // players can vote for those commands or use them if they are masters. You can also add 'g_grappling_hook' for hook voting, and 'sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_off' for fbskin voting.
sv_vote_master_commands "movetored movetoblue movetoyellow movetopink kickban"    // add commands masters can use if logged in or elected. You may want to put 'kickban' here, so masters can keep out punks. It may be good to also put "sv_status_privacy 0" then...
sv_vote_command_restriction "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoauto shuffleteams insta noinsta infammo noinfammo hook nohook jetpack nojetpack mutatorstatus vanilla timelimit nobots warmup sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_off"

rcon_restricted_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick kickban \"sv_cmd bans\" \"sv_cmd unban\" status \"sv_cmd teamstatus\" movetoauto movetored movetoblue movetoyellow movetopink"    // commands for the (stronger) rcon restricted

sv_vote_call 1    // 0 will disable the normal voting
sv_vote_change 1 // Allow voters to change their mind after already voting
//sv_vote_master 1    // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead
//sv_vote_master_password ""    // when set, vlogin PWD will allow people to become master to run master commands directly using vdo
//sv_vote_majority_factor 0.5    // What percentage of the PLAYERS constitute a majority to win a vote? must be at least 0.5
//sv_vote_majority_factor_of_voted 0    // What percentage of the VOTERS who already voted constitute a majority to win a vote? must be at least 0.5
// note: to JUST support simple majorities, set these two factors equal

sv_maxidle 1800    // idle time in seconds after which players will get kicked

//sv_taunt 1    // 0 to disallow taunts
//sv_autotaunt 1    // 0 to disallow autotaunts

// Settings you MIGHT want to change for PRIVACY reasons.
// The settings here may impact your or your players' privacy and serve to
// optimize the game for further releases.
// Change them, or comment them out to turn them off.

// This line sends the following data to our servers:
// - Date and time
// - Your server IP address
// - Your server ID hash, which is a fingerprint of the public key of your
//   server and does not impact security of your private key (use "crypto_keys"
//   on the console to show it)
// - Your server name ("hostname")
// - Current game type
// - Current map
// - Balance settings you have modified from defaults (only those that make
//   your server "impure")
// - For each weapon pairing (A, B), separately for player-player, player-bot,
//   bot-player, bot-bot pairings:
//   - Number of hits of players/bots holding A against players/bots holding B
//   - Number of frags of players/bots holding A against players/bots holding B
//   - Total damage of players/bots holding A against players/bots holding B
// We use this data to:
// - Optimize the game balance for future releases
// - Identify problems in the bot AI and improving it
// - Find settings that make servers "impure" that should not, so we can
//   whitelist them in future releases
// We will or might publish:
// - Global weapon pairing statistics for players vs players, or bots vs bots,
//   or any vs any, on a selection of servers
// - Per-gametype and per-map weapon pairing statistics players vs players, or
//   bots vs bots, or any vs any, on a selection of servers
// - Lists of commonly changed cvars, together with counts on how often they
//   are modified
// No information about the players on the server is sent, so as a server admin
// you need no permission of your players for this.
// No information about your server will be published - all published data sets
// will include data from multiple servers.
g_playerstats_uri "" // send game stats to

// Some more advanced settings.  You probably are not interested in changing them at all.

sv_ready_restart 1    // 1 to allow players to restart the map when all of them press the ready button
sv_ready_restart_after_countdown 1    // if set to 1 the players and map items are reset after the countdown ended, otherwise they're reset already at the beginning of the countdown
sv_ready_restart_repeatable 1    // allows the players to restart the game as often as needed
//sv_autoscreenshot 0    // 1 will force a screenshot for all clients when the map ends.  Useful for competitions or the ladder.
g_max_info_autoscreenshot 4

g_antilag 2    // 0 to disable the antilag feature, 1 and 2 use different methods

//sv_maxrate 1000000    // limits client connections to this rate in bytes/seconds

// see Docs/mapdownload.txt for more info
//sv_curl_defaulturl    //fallback download URL

//sv_defaultcharacter 0    // 1 will force a specific model for all players
//sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/nexus.zym    // this model will be used
//sv_defaultplayerskin 0    // this skin number will be forced for all players
//sv_defaultplayercolors ""    // you can even force player colors here (16*shirt+pants)
//g_fullbrightplayers 0    // 1 to make players fullbright
//g_fullbrightitems 0    // 1 to make items fullbright

//g_balance_teams 1    // 0 will show players the team selection menu after joining instead of automaticly putting them on the smaller team
//g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 1    // 0 to prevent switchint to a bigger/begger team

//g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider (disabled by default, uncomment this line to enable)
//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here (if not set, your bans are just sent to the sync URIs, but no bans are retrieved from there)

//g_spawnshieldtime 1    // time for which players are protected after spawn

g_shootfromeye 1 // shots are fired from your eye/crosshair; visual gun position can still be influenced by cl_gunalign 1 and 2

g_norecoil 1 // if set to 1 shooting weapons won't make you crosshair to move upwards (recoil)

g_fullbrightplayers 1 // brightens up player models (note that the color, skin or model of the players does not change!)

// "Obvious" mutators that are allowed on a "pure" server
//g_instagib 0    // set to 1 for InstaGib
//g_weapon_stay 0 // set to 1, 2 or 3 for different weapon-stay modes (1 = traditional, 2 = no ammo but allow throwing, 3 = ghost weapon stay)
//g_powerups -1 // set to 0 to turn off strength/quad and shield/invincible, and set to 1 to turn them on even in game modes that normally have them turned off

// WARNING: anything below this line makes your server "impure"!

// enable some mutators you'd like
//g_cloaked 0    // set to 1 for transparent hard to see players
//g_grappling_hook 0    // set to 1 to enable the hook (allowed on "pure" server in InstaGib)
//g_jetpack 0    // set to 1 to enable the jetpack (allowed on "pure" server in InstaGib)
//g_laserguided_missile 0    // set to 1 for laser guided missiles in the RL
//g_midair 0    // set to 1 to make only midair damage count
//g_vampire 0    // set to 1 to give players the damage they cause as health
//sv_gravity 800    // for low gravity, set this somewhere between 50 and 400

// select AT MOST one of these arena mutators (if you didn't select g_instagib)
//g_nix is "0" ["0"] No Items Xonotic - instead of pickup items, everyone plays with the same weapon. After some time, a countdown will start, after which everyone will switch to another weapon, and so on
//g_nix_with_healtharmor is "0" ["0"] when 1, health and armor still show up in NIX
//g_nix_with_laser is "0" ["0"] always carry the laser as an additional weapon in NIX
//g_nix_with_powerups is "0" ["0"] when 1, powerups still show up in NIX

// mod from

// teamplay_mode 4 // default teamplay setting in team games. 1 = no friendly fire, self damage. 2 = friendly fire and self damage enabled. 3 = no friendly fire, but self damage enabled. 4 = obey the cvars g_mirrordamage*, g_friendlyfire* and g_teamdamage_threshold*
alias tourneysettings "fraglimit_overide 0; g_tourney 1; minplayers 0; teamplay_mode 2"
alias publicsettings "fraglimit_override -1; g_tourney 0; minplayers 1; teamplay_mode 4"

alias 1v1dm     "gametype dm;        g_maxplayers 2;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 0;endmatch"
alias 2v2tdm     "gametype tdm;        g_maxplayers 4;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 3v3tdm     "gametype tdm;        g_maxplayers 6;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 4v4tdm     "gametype tdm;        g_maxplayers 8;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 5v5tdm     "gametype tdm;        g_maxplayers 10;tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 2v2ctf     "gametype ctf;        g_maxplayers 4;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 3v3ctf     "gametype ctf;        g_maxplayers 6;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 4v4ctf     "gametype ctf;        g_maxplayers 8;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 5v5ctf     "gametype ctf;        g_maxplayers 10;tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 2v2ca     "gametype ca;        g_maxplayers 4;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 3v3ca     "gametype ca;        g_maxplayers 6;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 4v4ca     "gametype ca;        g_maxplayers 8;    tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 5v5ca     "gametype ca;        g_maxplayers 10;tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias dm     "gametype dm;        g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias infection    "gametype infection;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias freezetag "gametype freezetag;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias tdm     "gametype tdm;        g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias ctf     "gametype ctf;        g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias ca     "gametype ca;        g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias assault     "gametype as;        g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias keepaway     "gametype keepaway;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias nexball     "gametype nexball;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias domination     "gametype dom;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias keyhunt     "gametype kh;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias rune     "gametype rune;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias arena     "gametype arena;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias lms     "gametype lms;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias onslaught     "gametype onslaught;    g_maxplayers 0;    publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"

alias 1on1dm "1v1dm"
alias 2on2tdm "2v2tdm"
alias 3on3tdm "3v3tdm"
alias 4on4tdm "4v4tdm"
alias 5on5tdm "5v5tdm"
alias 2on2ctf "2v2ctf"
alias 3on3ctf "3v3ctf"
alias 4on4ctf "4v4ctf"
alias 5on5ctf "5v5ctf"
alias 2on2ca "2v2ca"
alias 3on3ca "3v3ca"
alias 4on4ca "4v4ca"
alias 5on5ca "5v5ca"

alias dom "domination"
alias kh "keyhunt"
alias ons "onslaught"

//addvote 1v1dm
//addvote 2v2tdm
//addvote 3v3tdm
//addvote 4v4tdm
//addvote 5v5tdm
//addvote 2v2ca
//addvote 3v3ca
//addvote 4v4ca
//addvote 5v5ca
//addvote 2v2ctf
//addvote 3v3ctf
//addvote 4v4ctf
//addvote 5v5ctf
//addvote 3v3ca
//addvote 4v4ca
//addvote 1on1dm
//addvote 2on2tdm
//addvote 2on2ca
//addvote 3on3ctf
//addvote 3on3ca
//addvote 4on4ca
//addvote dm
//addvote tdm
//addvote ctf
//addvote ca
//addvote infection
//addvote freezetag
//addvote assault
//addvote keepaway
//addvote nexball
//addvote kh
//addvote keyhunt
//addvote dom
//addvote domination
//addvote rune
//addvote arena
//addvote lms
//addvote ons
//addvote onslaught

alias insta "g_instagib 1;g_weaponarena 0"
alias noinsta "g_instagib 0;g_weaponarena 0"
alias statusinsta "bx_if ${g_instagib} say -- insta: yes; bx_if_eq ${g_instagib} 0 say -- insta: no"

alias infammo "g_use_ammunition 0"
alias noinfammo "g_use_ammunition 1"
alias statusinfammo "bx_if ${g_use_ammunition} say -- infinite ammo: no; bx_if_eq ${g_use_ammunition} 0 say -- infinite ammo: yes"

alias hook "g_grappling_hook 1"
alias nohook "g_grappling_hook 0"
alias statushook "bx_if ${g_grappling_hook} say -- hook: yes; bx_if_eq ${g_grappling_hook} 0 say -- hook: no"

alias jetpack "g_jetpack 1"
alias nojetpack "g_jetpack 0"
alias statusjetpack "bx_if ${g_jetpack} say -- jet pack: yes; bx_if_eq ${g_jetpack} 0 say -- jet pack: no"

alias vanilla "publicsettings; noinsta; noinfammo; nohook; nojetpack"

alias mutatorstatus "say Mutator Setting:; statusinsta; statusinfammo; statushook; statusjetpack;"

alias nobots "minplayers 0; bot_number 0; say To re-enable bots, please revote for a public gametype"
alias warmup "toggle g_warmup; restart"

addvote insta
addvote noinsta
addvote infammo
addvote noinfammo
addvote hook
addvote nohook
addvote jetpack
addvote nojetpack

addvote mutatorstatus
addvote vanilla

addvote timelimit
addvote nobots
addvote warmup

//addvote sv_fbskin_green
//addvote sv_fbskin_orange
//addvote sv_fbskin_red
//addvote sv_fbskin_off

Thanks to Cow_Fu for reporting packet loss problem. I shut down one of the two servers on this host to fix that problem. It's much better now.

Feel free to report problems by replying the this thread.

2015/Oct/15: upgraded map 7colors to r04 to resolve a texture conflict with map invertigo. Feel free to delete 7colors_r03.pk3 in your dlcache.

Thanks to Jeff's generosity, the server now hosts 6 maps converted/modified from World of Padman:
  • library
  • atticbb_wop
  • backyard_wop
  • dinerbb_wop
  • ship_wop
  • trash_wop

Really but the Padman maps from Jeff are great Smile

Per SPLAT's request, I brought the pickup server back, and turned off non-critical services for performance's sake. Please let me know if you are experiencing packet loss problems.

For the performance of the pickup server, I temporarily turned off this public server (considering another major server with similar offering, Kansas, is available in the US). I need to do some thinking on how to support two servers. SPLAT suggested a donation model but I need to think about it since it does make things more complicated.

Donations don't work Sad Which is for the best as then you'd expected to really listen to grievances lol
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Big Grin The Pickup is back.

Just so you know BuddyFriendGuy we don't having any Pickup Servers in the US except you and end user.

Just sad Sad

You know whats more sad than 2 pickup servers? No pickup servers. Be thankful Beagle.
[Image: 38443.png]

Mario and I were talking today and he will see whether it's possible to start another pickup on Kansas.

That said, this is the list I got in #xonotic.pickup:

atlanta, bfgpickup, bfgpub, chicago, dallas, dccpickup, denver, eac, eacduel, japan, kansas, mofopickup, montreal, pacduel, pacman, pacman2, paris, seattle, wduel, wtwrp

It looks like quite a few of them are in the US? No?

Considering that Kansas now joins the pickup list, and the low usage of my other pickup server, I'm turning this Fun server back on and turn that one off, for now. Also, all chats are piped to IRC as well. (Thanks, Mario!)

Thanks to Jeff. Now we've replaced all the shotguns in the maps (that are usually converted from other games) with shotguns alternating with machineguns.

How come all the wop maps are removed? When I do "lsmaps", I don't see any maps with the name wop in it.

strange. I'm seeing quite a few.

Maps available (149): 7colors afterslime aggressorx aggressorx_wz_03 airwalk_v3 aneurysm_itemfix anticipating_oblivion_ospdm9 apologie_ospdm10 atelier atomforge atticbb_wop azalea backyard_wop battleforged_full_r1 bio_labour bloodprison_xon_r2 bloodrun_a3 breath_b7 bromine castle-beta2 chronic chronic-beta1 City_Crossings_q3w7 clockwork_v001 controlfactor_v3 crystalcave-r04 cucumber_v3r1 cure_full_r2 curvature_02 darkzone dinerbb_wop dismemberment_xon_a1 downer_final_r1 drain dreadfulplace_v1 epsilon erbium-r2 estatica evilspace_weapons_repack evilspaceremix_repack farewell fe26 finalrage fisume forest2 fuse fx-techdamn gasoline_noteams_01 gasoline_noteams_02 glowplant go_xon golgothacore_ql gospelcrossings_ql gothicrage_ql gothicrage_qlive grudge handonctf_v1_4_s heffdm17 heist_05alpha_ctf houseofdecay_full_r1 hub3aeroq3a_nex_r4 Imogen_beta3 implosion imprisoned-final_r3 industrial_nex_r1 invertigo jaxdm8_q3 kwadraty_v1r1 labyrinth_v2 laminar Lethargy lethargy_lg library lostworld_ql luminar lunatic lutz_v1 madmonstermansion_v1 martianbases_v2 mentalrespacedv2 metalmaze mineduel minigrudge mint monstrosity_a3r1 mvxdm03rc2 nb_cybervolley_v1r2 new-station_r1 oilrig opium_v4 ospdm10_nex_r1 ospdm12_nex_r1 ospdm1_nex_r2 ospdm3_nex_r2 ospdm4_nex_r2 ospdm5_nex_r2 ospdm6_nex_r1 ospdm7_nex_r2 ospdm8_nex_r1 ospdm9_nex_r2 overkill overkill_ql peasants_palace_ca plutonians_q3 pluvial_test3 q2edge-jb-beta9 q2warehouse-jb-beta4 q3dmflash red-planet revdm3 revtourney1 rota3dm3_q3 ruinerx runningman rush_b1 sector7_v2_ut sewers sewers_v2r3 shdwdm1 ship_wop silence_full_r2 silentsiege sinister_full_r1 skybowl_v2 solace_b6 solarium space-fun stormkeep strength styrofoam_fixed subhumandm1 syntheticv1 the_vast_and_furious_q3wcp23 The_Yard toxicity_ql trash_wop treasureisland_v2r1 trident verticalvengean_full_r1 vociferous_alpha voll_aufs_maul_v4 warfare warfare_v4 whitemeza x-apocalypse xoylent zenith zenith_a1 zone_fix

What? In game there is no dinnerbb_wop, ship_wop, trash_wop, antticbb_wop, and backyard_wop. Never of them work in game. And it's also not in lsmaps.

"lsmaps" only lists maps that suit the current game type. So if your current game type is CTF, you'll only see maps that are suitable for CTF. I voted for death match game type, and was able to see the wop maps.

You can call vote "vcall endmatch" and then select a new game type, and then you can either select the maps on the menu, or do "vcall gotomap backyard_wop".

In response to an ugly copyright problem by the artist of World of Padman, I'm removing all official World of Padman maps from my server.

bfg, my man, we tested your git server yesterday, it's butter-smooth. what gives? did things improve? we don't know who to blame for weirdness @ hightime, although different builds definitely behave differently.

what's the version are you running, and do you think it affects the "lag" issue discussed in forums:help?

also, what is your hosting provider? and any advice for providers optimized for fps would be swell Smile we have a growing suspicion 1and1 is taking a dump on our upstream.

(06-05-2017, 12:45 PM)lister Wrote: bfg, my man, we tested your git server yesterday, it's butter-smooth. what gives? did things improve? we don't know who to blame for weirdness @ hightime, although different builds definitely behave differently.

Cool, lister! I'm very glad you had good experience. You are a much more attending admin than I am. Smile

(06-05-2017, 12:45 PM)lister Wrote: what's the version are you running, and do you think it affects the "lag" issue discussed in forums:help?

Honestly, I didn't do anything. Once in a while I checked out the latest git. The one you played yesterday was 030bb4527cc20693d7ac93c65d6e65b607b76a7c.

My "lag" seems to be a client issue (my client is 0.8.2). I was playing with melanie yesterday and s/he didn't have any problems while my fps dropped to 6. When that happend, I saw my pulse volume UI flickering (kept closing/reopening sound streams) so it could be my setup or my sdl2 problems. It's hard to re-produce though.

(06-05-2017, 12:45 PM)lister Wrote: also, what is your hosting provider? and any advice for providers optimized for fps would be swell Smile we have a growing suspicion 1and1 is taking a dump on our upstream.

I host my server at AWS, using an on-demand t2.micro instance (I just realized they lowered their price for reserved instances; I might upgrade to t2.small) in N. Virginia, running Arch, with nginx for map downloading (I only host maps that are not on This is a very humble setup so if you have the budget, I believe you can easily provide better performance than mine.

swell Smile

so it just looks like the release had some performance issues, both client and server. we actually noticed 0.8.2 binary client would start forever, but we didn't see anything like an unmistakable fps drop.

anyhow, we just bumped both server and client to today's git, and we can tell right away the things are waaaay better, although time will tell for sure.


Considering the low utilization of this server in recent months, and the fact that there are now several new servers available in North America, I'm taking this server offline for the time being. Thanks for all the support you have given over the years. I hope it did something positive for the community.

Here's my docker-compose.yml (it's been running smoothly for 3 years, although the version was updated to 3.7 in 2018):
version: "3.7"

     context: .

   container_name: ${CONTAINER_XONOTIC_SERVER}
     - target: 26000
       protocol: udp
   environment: # env for running
       #http_proxy: ${http_proxy}
       #https_proxy: ${http_proxy}
       #no_proxy: ${no_proxy}
   command: /usr/local/bin/
     - type: bind
       source: ${HOST_DIR_TO_MOUNT}/home
       target: /home/${CONTAINER_USER_NAME}

     - type: bind
       source: ${HOST_DIR_TO_MOUNT}/git
       target: /opt/xonotic/git

     - type: bind
       source: ${HOST_DIR_TO_MOUNT}/maps
       target: /opt/xonotic/maps

     - type: bind
       source: ${HOST_DIR_TO_MOUNT}/csprogs
       target: /opt/xonotic/csprogs

     context: .
   container_name: ${CONTAINER_XONOTIC_MAP_SERVER}
     - target: 3000
       protocol: tcp
   environment: # env for running
   command: /usr/local/bin/
     - type: bind
       source: ${HOST_DIR_TO_MOUNT}/map_server
       target: /opt/xonotic/map_server
     - type: bind
       source: ${HOST_DIR_TO_MOUNT}/maps
       target: /opt/xonotic/maps
     - type: bind
       source: ${HOST_DIR_TO_MOUNT}/csprogs
       target: /opt/xonotic/csprogs

The env vars should be self-explanatory. The map server is a node express server.

Here's the Dockerfile for the container that I use to compile the latest git version (along with other small things that's particular to my server; you can probably further reduce the number of the dependencies).
FROM ubuntu:16.04

COPY files_for_container/ /usr/local/bin/

# System Dependencies
RUN apt-get update \
   && apt-get install -y \
       autoconf \
       build-essential \
       curl \
       libcurl3 \
       git-core \
       libtool \
       libgmp-dev \
       libjpeg-turbo8-dev \
       libsdl2-dev \
       libxpm-dev \
       xserver-xorg-dev \
       zlib1g-dev \
       tmux \
       zip \
       unzip \
       gosu \
   && apt-get clean \
   && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \
   && rm -f /usr/bin/sed && ln -s /bin/sed /usr/bin/ \

CMD ["/usr/local/bin/"]
Here's my Dockerfile for the map server:
FROM node:11.3.0-alpine

COPY files_for_container/ /usr/local/bin/

RUN apk update \
   && apk add \
       bash \
       su-exec \
       tmux \
   && cd /root \
   && npm install \
       express \
       url-exists \

CMD ["/usr/local/bin/"]
url-exists is used to check whether the map file is available on a public map CDN. If not, then serve it from the local directory.

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