Re: Blaster secondary.
I think that there's other possibly more useful options that suit the blaster more, such as an alternate blaster fire mode. If you really want something more suited to the blaster, maybe an energy knife that you can stab the opponent with?
Regarding the RNG issue with shotgun:
If we want random spreads on a shotgun, might be better to have a set pattern of spreads (say ~60 patterns deep), and when you join a game, there's one RNG call to choose which sequence you get through the spreads. Rather than communicate the pattern, you just communicate which spread and sequence you're in the spread. This would cut down any RNG calls during gameplay, and give a pseudo-sense of spread. Sure it repeats after a while but seriously, no one is going to use the exact spread pattern every 60+ shots to get specific damage inflicted in-game.
FWIW: This sort of idea is much the same sort of process of channel hopping selection that the old 802.11 Frequency Hopping protocol (and also Bluetooth) tend to use to avoid transmitting on the same channel as someone else, by doing pseudo-random jumps. Given how often they do this (many times a second) you can bet they don't want to rely on an RNG at all.
Quote:“To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.” - Douglas Adams