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Ask your questions about Xonotic here

How to get colored username? Just asking,

In the same UI panel where you've set your nickname there is an RGB selector. Click on a color in there and type, and your characters will show up as that color. Click on a different color and type -> different colored characters. Rinse and repeat.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

First time poster and a friendly hello to you all , I am hoping to talk to some long time players about the history of the games development and eventual involvement of illfonic.

If it is out of place to ask about this subject then I apologise,  I dont intend on sturring up drama or hate threads . I am just interested in hearing directly from people involved or who were around . I am looking to make a gaming history video surrounding the situation , with accurate information. 

No names need to be forwarded from any convos I may have , like I said , I prefer to learn accurate information. 

Many thanks guys and from anything I have seen/read , it is an impressive story of what a gaming community can achieve.  Its a shame there isn't more of them around in the business .

Why xonotic is not in steam?

Sometimes the search function is really helpful.
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Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

How to change userdir on linux? I'm a linux noob so i'd appreciate a detailed explanation. In Windows i know that i just need to create a shortcut and add -userdir "D:\example" but where and how do i do that on linux?

(08-16-2022, 02:25 PM)NoClue Wrote: How to change userdir on linux? I'm a linux noob so i'd appreciate a detailed explanation. In Windows i know that i just need to create a shortcut and add -userdir "D:\example" but where and how do i do that on linux?

Just do the same:

If you are launching Xonotic from an application menu, modify that application entry
(a .desktop file, what-to-do may differ by Desktop Environments, the Web can really tell you more),
just append that -userdir "path-to/custom-user" to the actual command.

If you'd play with command-line:

$ cd path-to/Xonotic
$ ./ -userdir "path-to/custom-user"

It can be in a convenient shell script, too.

(ps. I think such kind of questions are best in live chat rooms? Instant chat will be even helpful)

I mostly play xonotic singleplayer instagib vs bots for a short while.
At the moment it takes some time to get into a game
g_instagib 1
g_grappling_hook 1
g_respawn_delay_large 0
bot_number 10
map ...

Is there a way to automatically enter a random map at launch with said settings?
I tried adding those options to ~/.xonotic/data/config.cfg but some of those get overridden after launching the game.
Thanks anyway

(06-08-2022, 07:08 AM)GraysonHunt Wrote: Why xonotic is not in steam?

You have to add it as a Non-Steam game yourself. I'd recommend getting the binaries from the official download repo here (, and then adding the one of the .sh scripts (those are the Linux Binaries) or the EXE (on Windows) to Steam as a Non-Steam game.


So I've been reading the wiki and I noticed that there were two game modes I didn't see: invasion, which according to the wiki is experimental and race. But ingame I can't see them. Do I need to compile by my own the last got version in order to get them. Are them  a mod? What do I have to do to get them?

Thanks in advanced.

For invasion, execute
g_mapinfo_allow_unsupported_modes_and_let_stuff_break 1; g_invasion 1
on the console (Shift+Esc by default). Then
map boil
for instance.

For race by default there are only two maps (IIRC), so you may want to download more. Activate developer mode to show them in the Create menu. But there are many things to set up for better experience, so you may want to see the XDF Academy's videos.

Hello newly,

Is it possible to join a public server (even a server which I don't own) and join to play, but make my character controlled by a bot (adjusting the skill level, if possible) using the console? I did some tests, and I realized that it's not possible to add bots to a public server either using the minplayers(_per_team) or bot_number on servers I don't own, so I think this is the only way to do so.

Thanks in advanced.

You can't, because the bot code depends on the internal server state.

You would have to implement an AI that would play only given the visual and audible information. But server owners could ban you.

When you join a server, almost all servers will allow you to vote on enabling or disabling bots. You can simply write:
vote call bots
vote call nobots

If you want client-side automation, that's basically cheating. Can be done but you would have to code everything yourself and it is quite some effort. Sometimes people toying around with machine learning will write such bots and test them on the public servers. They mostly just suck though.
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Why not someone dabble into making a bot that plays like you, using machine learning?

I have a simple question - but unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out the answer by means of google and this forum:
What is the max. player count supported by a dedicated xonotic server?
In the regular Xonotic Client the slider is limited to 32. But there are public xonotic-server servers which claim to provide 48 slots.
Yet I can have a server.cfg with maxplayers=64 - and the server is starting.
I know having so many players demand huge maps ofc - I'm just curious what the actual player limit of xonotic is.
Thanks for an answere.

ive seen servers set to 255. im pretty sure there isnt a limit. now tell 500 people to come play xon Big Grin

I'm new to xonotic and I wanted to ask, if and if yes how you can stop downloads from servers if you don't wan't to join them anymore while downloading?

You can use the stopdownload command in the console (SHIFT+ESC or ~ to open it), that will terminate any active downloads.
You can also clear any downloaded files afterwards by navigating to the dlcache (~/.xonotic/data/dlcache on Linux, C:\Users\yourusername\Saved Games\xonotic\data\dlcache on Windows, ~/Library/Application Support/xonotic/data/dlcache on Mac), anything inside the dlcache is safe for deletion.
Hope that helps!
[Image: 230.jpg]

(11-19-2022, 10:15 AM)MusicGoat Wrote: ive seen servers set to 255. im pretty sure there isnt a limit. now tell 500 people to come play xon Big Grin

Thanks MusicGoat!
Will do  Big Grin

Hi there!
I am new here...
Please allow some Qs:
(1) YT-Fragvideo (586) XELESTIAL: A Xonotic Frag Movie - YouTube starting at minute ~4:36 I can clearly identify my UT99-home map Deck16][ - where can I obtain it?!
(2) Prior to going to multiplayer - I'd like to learn about the weapons and movement first... So I want to have some bot-matches... How can I make use of the console? I want to start dedicated single player match with a specific map (i. e. DECK16][) and add/remove bots and/or adjust their skill-level... How can I accomplish that?

Thank you in advance for your replies!


To answer your first question, there's a few versions of deck16 floating around, including this remake for Xonotic:
While the one in the video is probably more akin to the Nexuiz version:

To play these, you can put them in the data folder, which can be found with this FAQ guide:

The Multiplayer>Create menu will allow you to make a local match with a fair amount of customisation; including selecting the gametype, map and number of bots along with the point limit and various mutators.
You can also get more indepth controls by opening the console (~ or SHIFT+ESC). There are a lot of options, but you may be able to find what you're looking for with the Command, Alias and Cvar Search tool:

Hope that helps!
[Image: 230.jpg]

Hi! Thank you very much. Will give it a shot in the next days! Smile

is there any good documentation on bots in Xonotic? like, how they work, how they can be configured, etc
I can't find anything in FAQ, nor in official Wiki, nor in unofficial Wiki, nor on these forums, nor fan sites or at least YT vids. the info is either really really blurred (and is an equivalent to "yeah bots exists they are like human but robots you can play with") or just doesn't exist.
I'm interested because recently I started doing some experiments with the bots: giving them grappling hooks and then killing them with its' secondary attack (which they apparently don't even know about), making them play nexball on the Nexball Arena (they act really stupid even with a relatively high difficulty set), giving them blasters and see how they fly around the map while trying to kill eachother, etc

Check out the wiki:

The point of bots is just to shoot at something to not get bored on an empty map. So this is how their design is rather crude I believe.

Though the Bot Orchestra on the Wiki seems to prove otherwise.

The most important thing to remember about bots is to create waypoints when making a new map in Radiant.
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