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"Official" Dev Build?

Has the community decided on an "official" dev build yet? Some central git that everyone is working off of? If so, can someone post a precompiled version, or if not, do we have any idea of when there will be one? Thanks in advance.
Humans... Dodgy

"There is no problem that cannot be solved by a judicious application of carnivorous dinosaurs."

There IS a central git everyone is working off, but we do not have any finished maps yet and thus cannot make autobuilds.

Ah. OK. I assume that once we have an autobuild, there'll be a main page post or something about it?
Humans... Dodgy

"There is no problem that cannot be solved by a judicious application of carnivorous dinosaurs."

As apparently some people misunderstood: Xonotic will have NONE of the Nexuiz maps, and new maps are being made at the very moment. We have quite some almost-finished maps in the branches, all they still need is texture path cleanups (to follow a common convention) and I could immediately merge three, four of them and start making autobuilds.

Development has not STALLED, like some blogger wrote. It is going along very well, and as you can see on the screenshot pages, lots of new high quality content is being made.

This is NOT a lame excuse for not making autobuilds. It is a clear cut to get an increase in visual quality that is way above all that Nexuiz ever had - and if we included all the old maps, I bet half the screenshots of the game will still have blurry 256x256 textures on them.
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I'd like to note here that the reason I'd like a build is so that I can create maps!
Hey, want to learn to map? You might want to start here and here!

And I'd like to point out you can still use git, to checkout other mappers' branches. Yes,it is very large, but still, I have to point out that even the textures and shaders change day by day, so a static dev release could become deprecated and incompatible on the very next day of it's relesae.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

(07-09-2010, 09:01 AM)Sepelio Wrote: I'd like to note here that the reason I'd like a build is so that I can create maps!

Then either wait, or build from GIT and accept that you will likely have to change a lot in your map (luckily mostly find & replace) if tZork decides to change something about the texture/model/shader structure (it's still completely open, which is the reason for no autobuilds yet) Smile

edit: in b4 MrBougo
Links to my: SoundCloud and bandcamp accounts

Sepelio, make your own build in that case, it's not too complicated after all...

Edit: Ninja'd...
*sneakily removes FruitieX's post*

I tried but I'm a complete failure at using GIT and the related programs that are needed for it.
Hey, want to learn to map? You might want to start here and here!

Come on irc and learn :x

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