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The Race Challenge - February

Time for a challenge!
The good thing is everyone is able to participate, no matter where you are, because you can do it locally.

Complete one round as fast as possible.
There are 2 different categories.
a) with using the laser
b) without the laser

Here is the map Leave_em_behind !

post your demos/videos here!

Deadline: 1st March
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

without laser: 18.91

My time without using laser: 18.85s.

Grunt's try!
Xonotic player
[BOT] member

My time(ofc if mapper want to know) is 18:75
Anyway Imo mapper should know the times on his own map Smile

(02-06-2011, 07:09 AM)Justin Wrote: My time(ofc if mapper want to know) is 18:75
nice, do you got a video/demo of it?

(02-06-2011, 07:09 AM)Justin Wrote: Anyway Imo mapper should know the times on his own map Smile

its a challenge to get the time as low as possible.
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

With laser my time is: 15,93 s
Xonotic player
[BOT] member


(02-06-2011, 09:30 AM)Justin Wrote:
time: 17.83

Perfect Dark ftw! Smile Nice time.

(02-06-2011, 09:30 AM)Justin Wrote:
time: 17.83

2 things,

a) are these the normal xonotic physics?
b) C.Brutail is also an author of this map
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Yes, The physics are default.
Btw: I did 10.77 using laser.

IMPROoVED version
10:53 using laser. AND the trailer too.
Pls, support me! Im making 3 video projects in a present moment so I am busy. Dms frag movie, How to Jump and ctf project or sth like that.

My run without laser: 18.34.

The video cuts off almost immediately after the lap finishes, sorry :p

yay someone from the US joined
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s


I'm glad you're all enjoying the map!

I've made my own run too, uploading and encoding is in progress.
Untill that, here's a wallpaper for you Smile

[Image: wqwv64w5li9fnpv3in1_thumb.jpg]
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

Man! There should not be "checkpoint" waypoints on this poster. It looks unprofessional imo.

[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

oh that smiley couldn't be more perfect there Big Grin
Links to my: SoundCloud and bandcamp accounts

sorry O_o

(02-12-2011, 10:54 PM)C.Brutail Wrote: Dodgy

[Image: kiddingmebqck.jpg]

(02-10-2011, 02:26 PM)Justin Wrote: How to Jump

Press space bar? Big Grin
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

Oh, rly? For me its not enough, not in my video.
More respect pls Tongue
Somebody is making any other racing maps or this one is the last one?

(02-12-2011, 01:58 PM)Justin Wrote: Man! There should not be "checkpoint" waypoints on this poster. It looks unprofessional imo.
Mappers care about the map. the rest is secondary. i think it could be a cool challenge making

(02-13-2011, 04:09 PM)Justin Wrote: Somebody is making any other racing maps or this one is the last one?
afaik no. There will be more race maps, but race is not a popular mode there wont be many.
There are also the old race maps from nexuiz, which can be used in xonotic without any problems
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Meh I can do only 19:27 without laser and 14:17 with laser. :o/
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


Its time is over!

Winner in both categories is Justin!


I decided to make a challenge (race/cts) every month and after one year (or 12 challenges) the points will be added and the person with the most points wins.

with laser ranking
Justin 10:53 3 points
Halogene 14:17 2 points
Grunt 15:93 1 point

without the laser
Justin 17:83 5 points
slash 18:34 4 points
Grunt 18:85 3 points
Mirio 18:91 2 points
Halogene 19:27 1 point

In total this means:
1. Justin 8 Points
2. Grunt and slash both with 4 Points
3. Halogene 3 Points
4. Mirio 2 Points
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

what, I get points? o.O WEEEE...oh. It's only due to the lack of participants. :o/

Aww what the heck, I'll take them anyway. Big Grin
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


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