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Xonotic community changes its mind... our bad

The latter was posted on 1st of April. Think about it.

Before, when we planned out the fork of Nexuiz to form the game project known as Xonotic, we were really wired on 2-days worth of coffee with lots of sugar. Now that has finally worn off, we've managed to clear our heads and more seriously consider the effects of our decision to start the Xonotic project.

We basically all realized that it's not a better managed game project that we wanted. We don't really want a better artistic direction, more community development, more focus on PR/Marketing. We really just wanted to throw a party. So far, the #xonotic IRC channel on quakenet, and the discussions on our forums, have been very much like a party. We're all drunk on excitement and our adrenaline is flowing from all of these ideas flying around. Everyone is having a good time.

But we have a couple community members who have actually been to real parties. They started pointing out that this wasn't really a party at all.

Some community members had comments to say about it.
  • CubeOwl - "I was told that there would be girls. I don't see any. You guys suck. I'm going back to Nexuiz"
  • merlijn - "Ya know, we were all excited and having a good time until someone noticed that, man, forking a video game is work! Hahaha! Nobody told us that!"
  • Dokujisan - "While I really enjoy helping the community improve and focus on this new video game project, I also kinda wanna get laid. So, yeah, I'm out"
  • mand1nga - "Man, I totally misunderstood. I thought someone said E-R-O-T-I-C. I was like HELL YEAH, let's party! But then I realized it was X-O-N-O-T-I-C, and I was like whaaaaa?!"
  • -z- "Whooo!! I'm on a boat! What the hell is Xonotic?"
Even the lead developer, divVerent, had second thoughts about the project.

divVerent - "I dunno if it's these hash brownies I ate or what, but I say let's sell Xonotic just like they did with Nexuiz! gplwut? lol"

We all obviously made a mistake here. We need to rewind and go back a few weeks to when we found out about the Nexuiz/Illfonic deal. If we could do that, we would then make the more wise decision of purchasing some Playstations and pre-ordering copies of Nexuiz for PS3. I mean, who plays videogames with a mouse anyway? All of that accuracy and control. That's just dumb.

So Team Xonotic would like to formally extend an apology to the alienTRAP team.

Our bad.

Team Xonotic
(april fools)

Good one... LOL. Actually had me going for a second.

(04-01-2010, 01:45 AM)-z- Wrote: If we could do that, we would then make the more wise decision of purchasing some Playstations and pre-ordering copies of Nexuiz for PS3. I mean, who plays videogames with a mouse anyway? All of that accuracy and control. That's just dumb.
Latest obsession.

Haha, but looks like the Tremulous guys were way ahead of us today Wink

LMAO Nice! Also, for anybody that didn't know, TREMULOUS IS COMING TO XBOX! XD

Haha, you win the Internet. Google had fun too. xD

I've not heard anything about Tremulous in a VERY long time. I played it once around a year ago, deleted it in disgust. Is it still... crappy?

DOOD! What a cheap shot from Tremulous...
My will be done.


Before posting a reply, please read about the bikeshed.

Good one, well done Z Smile
Real signature is still in production!

(04-01-2010, 02:49 AM)AnArKiSt Wrote: Haha, you win the Internet. Google had fun too. xD

I've not heard anything about Tremulous in a VERY long time. I played it once around a year ago, deleted it in disgust. Is it still... crappy?

DOOD! What a cheap shot from Tremulous...

It sucked the last time I played it. I mean you can't really expect much out of a free game, but damn that game did suck. It sure wasn't Nexuiz, Urban Terror, or Wesnoth.

Why not selling Xonotic to Microsoft to become an XBOX game? As the project is brand new it's totally their style to promise to publish it tomorrow with amazing innovative features included? I'd even dump Linux to use XBOX only to play it! Big Grin Tongue Cool
Ciao Smile

at first i was like: O..O
but then i was like: -..-

and this is funny?

Hehe almost had me for a minute. I realised it was false from the line:
"While I really enjoy helping the community improve and focus on this new video game project, I also kinda wanna get laid. So, yeah, I'm out"

No one in this project goes out of the house and you all damn well know it. Anyway, nice one -z-.

Yeah ... farewell eunuchs !!!!

Cortez, do you laugh at anything? :-P

Anyway, I posted this late last night/this morning after I read the Tremulous post. I thought that was pretty funny :-)

I dunno why it posted to the forum as -z-. Some glitch in the wordpress -> mybb code, I suppose.
Edit: Fixed the name glitch

Xonotic Assasins!

Quote:<tChr^nsb> home
* pughar gives tChr^nsb a cookie
<Liquid-Sin> no cookies for me?
<pughar> gave the last one to him Smile
<Liquid-Sin> my luck...

(04-01-2010, 01:45 AM)Dokujisan Wrote: [*]mand1nga - "Man, I totally misunderstood. I thought someone said E-R-O-T-I-C. I was like HELL YEAH, let's party! But then I realized it was X-O-N-O-T-I-C, and I was like whaaaaa?!"

idea of a word filter?
<Halogene> ok "n1" means "nice one"
<Halogene> "gl" means "good luck"
<Halogene> "fu" means "wow that was wickedly nice that frag"
Frogg on Instagram

Quote:CubeOwl - "I was told that there would be girls. I don't see any. You guys suck. I'm going back to Nexuiz"

girls? HuhHuh
where are the girls? im waiting... Angel
my little brother "mirio" is searching a me!

Haha, "I'm on a boat" Tongue
I thought the trem article was funny, or maybe it's just me.

Oh that was great. Had me going for a few seconds.

Oh, man I read the news and it was like: "NO F--K--G WAY"
Then I realised it was April the 1st Tongue
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

had me goin...
Big Grin
[?] - #kwestion @quakenet

Fooled me too ;-).
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

Hey guys,

I think it's about time to remove the April Fools news from the top of the frontpage Wink

jal Wrote:I think it's about time to remove the April Fools news from the top of the frontpage

Indeed. Quite misleading for first time visitors.

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