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Xonotic Duel Commentaries

Grand Final commentaries coming soon. Shhh, don't tell anyone!
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Here's game 1! Enjoy.

asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Antibody, your commentary is very illuminating. Thank you!

Here's game 2. Enjoy!

asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Here's game 4 and 5. Enjoy!

EDIT: These do not have audio at the moment. The YT upload must have bombed. I'll fix it as soon as I can.

Note: Game 5 has audio issues until 44 seconds into the match or so. My apologies!
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

God damn you, YouTube!

Excellent commentaries and gameplay.

Thank you.
[Image: badge]

Here's another North American duel commentary. This time between SPLAT and sawa on Silentsiege. I used a brand new mic setup and recording configuration this time to give you all crystal-clear audio and video. Enjoy!

asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

I recently had a small bit of free time. Let the commentaries commence!

asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

High quality :-)
[Image: 65153.png]

I expected nothing less then incredible commentaries (as usual) from you, Antibody! + 1 for taking your time to create them and uploading on YT. I am looking forward to see more!

Yes thank you very much indeed! Always enjoyed antibodys calm style of very clear english that even i can understand very well =)

Where's the highdiv final!? Tho i heard there was a lot of maps Big Grin

@thimo, it is 7 maps and I have them recorded already! I now need to render and upload for your viewing enjoyment. Smile
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

I'm pleased to release the commentaries for the Grand Final! Enjoy, everyone!

Happy fragging, everyone!
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

"Oooo, I just learned something new" Smile These are the best so far. Real pleasure to watch. I like how you add your own opinions and thoughts about maps, weapons and players. It makes it very interesting to watch! (+1)

Yey! Thanks Antibody!
[Image: 65153.png]

I'm bored during quarantine, so I've turned my attention to doing some more commentaries! Please bear with me while I get back into the hang of things, but here's the first of what I hope will be many:

Thanks Dodger for sending me demos.

Side note: I tried getting 1080p/60fps with hardware encoding via VA-API on my 1st gen Ryzen + Radeon RX 580 but it just can't cut it. Any tips would be much appreciated! For now 1080p/30fps it is.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Here's another one for your Saturday viewing pleasure! Dodger versus Islinn on Aerowalk.

asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Another day, another duel commentary. Dodger vs. Islinn on silentsiege:

This time with 1080p/60fps and a better microphone.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

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