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[SUGGESTION] Weapons function

I still like the idea of the laser being differently powered depending on how long you hold the button for, it would not make CTF as silly, but also would make it more of a tool then a weapon..again it should only be really being used if you ran out of your shotgun ammo or as a last defence in general.

I'm still all for the idea of a sniper-rifle to be honest with fairly fast re-fire rate but takes skill to use like the Camping Rifle, you actually need to predict a little with it Smile

Good posts anyway green`marine mdwgums and parasti.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @

I still would like to see the crylink more powerful cuz it rly useless when in close because you have the sg for close battles and nex or the mg for far. So it has no real use. I would like to see if the power is not increased the negative pull to be increased. Someone mentioned it earlier it would help when ur defending chasing a flag carrier.

More different ammo types are good, although I think that in any case, any one type of ammo should be usable in at least 2 weapons, just for the sake of ensuring a certain balance between two philosophies that I consider equally valid:

On the one hand, it is good to be able to keep using Weapon A even if you run out of Weapon B's ammo. On the other hand, there is also something to be said for being able to replenish your ammo for Weapon A from more than one place.

If you have too many different ammo types, I think it would unnecessarily clutter the map in that you'd have to make sure that each type of ammo is available in a reasonable number of different places.

Overheating would not detract from speed. I have no idea why you would say this.

Maybe u dnt play enough nexuiz, but charging the laser would slow the rate of laser fire down. And in doing so would slow how fast u could move in ctf. Maybe its only a au nexuiz thing, but i doubt it. Ive seen pav and nifrek use the laser prolifically and to great effect. So unless your talking about keeping the uncharged lasers damage as the base and keeping the fire rate the same the game will be slowed down.

The problem though MDWGUNS is that with the laser, you can blast through more open maps way too quickly, think of the maps where you can cap in under 8 seconds with it way way too often.

It would make CTF gameplay better imo, I really am not for/against changing what the laser does as it is now, but I am for a change in to make it not be used as much, the problem is too much speed making weapons like the mg/nex/crylink the only really useful one's to use in such situations.

CTF should require a degree of team-skill (ok I understand on public servers this may not be the case, but if you want to have better team games you should play pickup or clangames and I encourage you to do so for Xonotic when it's released).

I see very little movement skills with the physics in CTF, because people laser just constantly +1 to charge the laser to fire (longer held down for more powerful it will be..for example top charge makes it as it is strong now, but just firing it will only make a little bit of boost..damage also should work similarly, longer it's charged for more damage it does to one's self when used).

I expect nothing less then to get flamed by some people, but I've gave my reasons why above, I just don't understand how people can say laser, laser, cap, rinse & repeat concept, is gameplay.

Also to note, that this would be a allround change, so it would be the same for DM/keyhunt/TDM/duel/CTF not CTF specific.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @

Yeah i completely understand what your saying. I think it could be a gd thing bringing in the charging laser. My main concern is that many people have now become very able with the nex that slowing the laser down or having to charge it would make it easier to camp. Yes some of the skill in movement has died because of the laser but I think there would be a big shift in the way of defence if we were to slow the laser down.
The obvious solution is put an overheating thing on the nex, but then the game would start to become closer to that of Quake. And i like the element of fast passed switching between weapons.
Maybe this is just me.

(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Are you happy with simply inheriting the gun as is from Nexuiz? Im not to hot on the idea, heres my suggestion. Id love to hear your ideas too!

Baseline is current release Nexuiz (not svn!)

Guns have different armor pierce profiles (rather then current flat-rate)
More ammo types
More self-damage

Laser & Shotgun:
Merge those two by removing the shotty secondary and replacing it with "laser".
SG: good dmg, low AP
laser: low dmg, med AP

Absolutely not, laser and SG should stay separate and laser secondary should also stay as is for fast switching.

Quote:Machine gun & Camping rifle:
Merge. primary bullet span, secondary snipe.
Primary: low dmg & ap
Secondary: high dmg & ap. Headshot ignores ar.
Own ammo type

Own ammo type not needed, no other gun shares that ammo type Wink but this is essentially the existing camping rifle, with primary and secondary switched. Why not have primary exact, and secondary spam, like in the rifle? Different armor behaviour I agree with partially (it makes it impossible to know how much damage you CAN take).

Quote:Grenade launcher:
Less radius on primary, slower refire on secondary, longer lifetime on secondary.
Medium dmg & ap
Own ammo type.

Why not, but ammo type should stay shared with RL.

No negative force, instead make it take away from target velocity.
Medium dmg, low ap

Should also drag down then, then sure, why not. Could make negative force generally mean reducing velocity Tongue

Slower rate of fire on both modes (specially secondary), 150-200% more combo damage.
medium-high(combo) dmg, medium ap

More combo damage, sure.

Even slower fire rate, no. It's slow enough as is.

Quote:Rocket launcher & Hagar:
Merge or delete hagar. add detonate button instead of hogging rl secondary for it. rocket guidance off by default (make mutator).
High dmg, low ap
Own ammo type.

Guiding should stay as is, but maybe be weakened. Hagar, no idea. It's already a lost cause in the svn balance, removing it doesn't make it any worse.

Quote:Nex gun:
Slower primary refire, less force, more damage, more ammo use.
Secondary half damage but double and inverted force.
Medium dmg, high ap

I suppose many users insist on secondary being zoom. Personally I don't, I have that on the middle button.

Higher base damage, Higher ROF, damage/force falloff (quite rapid) bu range. Fixed pattern secondary.
Very high dmg, very low ap

Beware, you may be duplicating the crylink Tongue

Make it look % feel more like a Plasma ball maybe?
Own ammo type.

How it looks I don't care. But why do you want more ammo types? I consider it a very good thing that there is currently only 4+1 ammo types - it means you have to think about your ammo use more on well-made maps (with not excessive ammo on it).

(04-26-2010, 08:31 AM)MDWGUNS Wrote: Yeah i completely understand what your saying. I think it could be a gd thing bringing in the charging laser. My main concern is that many people have now become very able with the nex that slowing the laser down or having to charge it would make it easier to camp. Yes some of the skill in movement has died because of the laser but I think there would be a big shift in the way of defence if we were to slow the laser down.
The obvious solution is put an overheating thing on the nex, but then the game would start to become closer to that of Quake. And i like the element of fast passed switching between weapons.
Maybe this is just me.

Charging laser would be the laser's secondary fire. You still have not explained why overheating would slow the game down. Besides, if that slows the game down, let's remove refire times and respawn times. Also, infinite ammo.

(04-26-2010, 06:58 PM)Roanoke Wrote: Charging laser would be the laser's secondary fire. You still have not explained why overheating would slow the game down. Besides, if that slows the game down, let's remove refire times and respawn times. Also, infinite ammo.

I fully agree with you, let me show that in Pytonish way:

if slow_down_mechanisms == False:
     game_goes_lightspeed = True
     no_human_can_play_it_anymore = True

Overheating makes the game more interesting - it requires more skill to do amazing things! There always can be developed a mutator called "Hardcore" witch turns off most of the "slow_down_mechanisms" for Cyborgs only.
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

I like the refire times, but by introducing overheating the game is becoming very similar to Quake. Or does this issue not even register. But from what div is saying not much of what we are discussing will eventuate.
BTW are going to release the RAGE video sometime kojn? And why is it every time i ask that peoples general response is hahahaha?

(04-26-2010, 09:12 AM)divVerent Wrote:
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Laser & Shotgun:
Absolutely not, laser and SG should stay separate and laser secondary should also stay as is for fast switching.
Well i certainly like and use the laser switch allot in Nexuiz, Shotgun too. However the current shotgun is so effective nothing else is really a good idea at close range (cept maybe a nex-sg combo if your aim is true) This presents a tough balancing situation as you either make the sg shit and thus kill the close range weapon or just accept that a freshspawn can mow you down in seconds. The only other way i see to somewhat remedy this is much lower start ammo for sotty; but unless its under 4 shells it wont help the situation where you spawn on top of a target. Also without somehow limiting the start shotty, theres no much room for a 'super shotgun' (unless we where to make the sg not a start wep and maybe beef it a bit)

(04-26-2010, 09:12 AM)divVerent Wrote:
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Machine gun & Camping rifle:
Own ammo type not needed, no other gun shares that ammo type Wink but this is essentially the existing camping rifle, with primary and secondary switched. Why not have primary exact, and secondary spam, like in the rifle? Different armor behaviour I agree with partially (it makes it impossible to know how much damage you CAN take).
Good point abt the ammo Big Grin On second thought tough, the full auto (or snipe function depending on what gun you look at) both mg and rifle share the same balance related issue; being both a close and longrange weapon at once. Perhaps having reload on both and having the secondary as the reload key? on sure here; that doesn't sound like a great idea either. The armor point is is sorta moot since with all radius weps the damage is variable unless you score a direct hit; thus your never really sure "how much dmg" you can take anyway. provided you even know whats going to hit you Wink

(04-26-2010, 09:12 AM)divVerent Wrote:
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Grenade launcher:
Why not, but ammo type should stay shared with RL.
Why? I always found it stoooopid that those share ammo. The reasoning for them having separate types is it simply makes balancing maps (as for as ammo go) much easier.

(04-26-2010, 09:12 AM)divVerent Wrote:
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Crylink:
Should also drag down then, then sure, why not. Could make negative force generally mean reducing velocity Tongue
Or maybe ignore z velocity if < 0, else it may accelerate ppl downwards to much Tongue

(04-26-2010, 09:12 AM)divVerent Wrote:
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Electro:

More combo damage, sure.

Even slower fire rate, no. It's slow enough as is.
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Baseline is current release Nexuiz (not svn!)
(current release electro's NOT slow)
Other ideas: Secondary stick to surfaces on first impact. Give primary some gravity making the electro more mortar like and removing mortar.

(04-26-2010, 09:12 AM)divVerent Wrote:
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Rocket launcher & Hagar:
Guiding should stay as is, but maybe be weakened. Hagar, no idea. It's already a lost cause in the svn balance, removing it doesn't make it any worse.
Why should guiding should stay? Id like it gone since it makes this gun impossibly powerful, the trade-off would be lowering damage and im not to hot on that. As for the hagar, again assuming the base is Nexuiz release; the svn settings where never tried to any meaningful extent and should not be used as base for Xonotic IMO.

(04-26-2010, 09:12 AM)divVerent Wrote:
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Nex gun:
I suppose many users insist on secondary being zoom. Personally I don't, I have that on the middle button.
Try binding it to a key close to your movement keys instead, even better (as you wont tense up your aim hand while holding zoom) Tongue And some ppl will always resist any change, nothing can change that. same as its also not a valid argument against change.

(04-26-2010, 09:12 AM)divVerent Wrote:
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: HLAC:
Beware, you may be duplicating the crylink Tongue
Yeh good catch, perhaps a fusion / merge of the two as they are close already.

(04-26-2010, 09:12 AM)divVerent Wrote:
(04-04-2010, 05:25 PM)tZork Wrote: Fireball:
How it looks I don't care. But why do you want more ammo types? I consider it a very good thing that there is currently only 4+1 ammo types - it means you have to think about your ammo use more on well-made maps (with not excessive ammo on it).
Again ammo availability is a important thing for map and weapon balance. Nexuiz failed miserably at this because of the 4-ammo-only policy. If nothing is done abt that its better to use no ammo (or maybe one ammo). Essentially Nexuiz ignored this very useful tool for balancing, imagine for example the nexgun having its own ammo type from the get-go; the issue and constant debate over that gun prly would never have happened as it simply would not have been possible to gobble up crylinks and electros (and their shared ammo packs) to feed the beast.

(04-27-2010, 12:09 AM)MDWGUNS Wrote: I like the refire times, but by introducing overheating the game is becoming very similar to Quake. Or does this issue not even register.
Since when did quake have overheating?

(04-27-2010, 12:09 AM)MDWGUNS Wrote: But from what div is saying not much of what we are discussing will eventuate.
Thats divVerent's take on the subject MDWGUNS, not some indisputable law. Or are some ppl not allowed to speak unless what they say are set in stone? Wink

(04-27-2010, 12:09 AM)MDWGUNS Wrote: BTW are going to release the RAGE video sometime kojn? And why is it every time i ask that peoples general response is hahahaha?
This is why: But to be fair, franco is the one you should ask; he took over that project afaik.

(04-26-2010, 06:58 PM)Roanoke Wrote:
(04-26-2010, 08:31 AM)MDWGUNS Wrote: /snip
Charging laser would be the laser's secondary fire. You still have not explained why overheating would slow the game down. Besides, if that slows the game down, let's remove refire times and respawn times. Also, infinite ammo.
Currently the laser has only one projectile fire (i.e its 'alternate fire' is a weapon switch). MDWGUNS has assumed from this that we are talking about a single fire laser. With this single fire being occupied by a version of the laser that needs to be 'charged' for the current movement we have, players would be less able to use this laser at an high frequency with the same power, thus slowing the game down.
(04-27-2010, 02:48 AM)tZork Wrote: Since when did quake have overheating?
Again, here MDWGUNS means 'cooldown' rather than 'overheating'. I believe he references the effect where a player cannot switch weapons until the cooldown has been completed (the most extreme cooldown being the rail).

Currently, and I guess over the past year or so 'Camping' has been a very touchy subject in Australian Nexuiz. The average skill of players has been increasing dramatically. Exacerbating this has been players picking open, box like maps like dance, gasolinepowered, dm_castle, facing worlds, go and hydronexb4, as well as rejecting the introduction of new, less open CTF maps. To add to that we had advent of 2.5.* and its brilliant antilag. This has meant that 'Camping' with the nex and other hitscan has become a very effective tactic, and a very frustrating one for the losing team. Frequently 'Camping' accusations have degraded into silly fights between members of the community, as well as some admins/top tier players quitting the game. In short, Roanoke and MDWGUNS should stop trolling each other.
(04-26-2010, 07:24 AM)kojn^ Wrote: CTF should require a degree of team-skill (ok I understand on public servers this may not be the case, but if you want to have better team games you should play pickup or clangames and I encourage you to do so for Xonotic when it's released).
Of late we have seen a sharp increase in these, mainly due to most of the top tier players/admins leaving pubctf, as well as tournament prac. But to refer to your point: All of the best matches in the AU scene have featured exactly this. Tactical attacks, retreats and defense has been present in top tier matches (check out the recently finished CTF Season 2 finals!). This is what makes matches exciting, the perpetual struggle between attack and defense, and tense close matches. This is why I don't think we need a complete weapons balance overhaul (though shotgun/mg obviously need to be balanced), so much as a switch to using solid, well designed competitive maps. The only problem there is whether people actually want new maps, or resist the change and continue to complain about camping.

As for weapons balance: As long as we get some good, solid beta testing and feedback I think we will have a great game!
[Image: forum.png]

I agree completely with rabs. A proper fix to the problem would be better maps, or less campable maps. The current weapons are fine, IMO. I would just like to see the crylink made stronger and mg made weaker. If both of these were implemented it would go along to making the game more even and enjoyable.

(04-27-2010, 06:28 AM)MDWGUNS Wrote: I agree completely with rabs. A proper fix to the problem would be better maps, or less campable maps. The current weapons are fine, IMO. I would just like to see the crylink made stronger and mg made weaker. If both of these were implemented it would go along to making the game more even and enjoyable.

what are better maps in your opinion?

I am 100% with rabs on this.

Basically, what has happened in the last year with Nexiuz is that big open maps have been more and more popular and it's quite obvious that Nexuiz weapons were not designed for this, hence the camping and other "balance" problems people are coming up with. You don't get such problem on closed maps, at all.

BUT... I have restrained myself from really giving any opinions about this yet, because I don't know what are the plans for Xonotic and it's still too early. I only see 2 things that could happen. Either closed maps are abandoned and weapons are completely rebalanced to fit the big open maps, or we'll go back to closed maps that work with the current balance we've got. I don't see how weapon balance could work for both. My personnal preference is closed maps like mikectf2 and such, but this should not be about personal preference and anyway I've given up trying to get what I want and instead try to see the big picture (I just wish more people would do the same, rather than fight for features THEY want). A project like this is great because it's in constant development but at the same time it also plagued by the fact that anyone can join at any time and say something needs to be changed.

I don't mean any offense to anyone, but I'm sorry to say that discussions (not just this one, maybe I should've started a new thread for this, but here we go anyway) on the forums don't seem to be going anywhere. Half the discussions on here end up being fights between people that don't expect the same thing from the game and suggest stuff to turn Xonotic into the game they want to play and try to convince everyone else that it's the only way it should be because everything else is stupid, and seem to think that because they got 4 other people to agree with them that the devs and artists are of course going to do what they want. If I were a dev, I think I would've stopped reading the forums by now out of frustration.

"Exacerbating this has been players picking open, box like maps like dance, gasolinepowered, dm_castle, facing worlds, go and hydronexb4, as well as rejecting the introduction of new, less open CTF maps."

And then it makes me wonder why the same people set up countless threads on how to stop camping/increase team-play on public server style threads, then we get some perposterous possible solution, it's like I have said to some people on IRC, people need to stop trying to make a vaccine that will temporary fix the problem, and look at the root problem at create a cure.

It's good to see that we can have a civil discussion over this though, but I guess you now know why I bang my head at the constant threads..always the same maps as well, people are too stuck with the old bad maps..this is why QUALITY maps should be included with the release, I also assume weapon changes are being made to make the game more fresh..I for one am all for that if it's going to rejuvenate attracting a bigger playerbase and the weapons have simplified changes..not stuff like smoke grenades etc as a normal weapon.

Ok back on topic...

"This is what makes matches exciting, the perpetual struggle between attack and defense, and tense close matches. This is why I don't think we need a complete weapons balance overhaul (though shotgun/mg obviously need to be balanced), so much as a switch to using solid, well designed competitive maps. The only problem there is whether people actually want new maps, or resist the change and continue to complain about camping."

I completely agree, however I am all for new weapon changes to go along with quality maps, I have made a few sketches and am happy to work with a mapper to try and make more well designed competitive maps if anyone has the time, I can scan/photo my designs if people want to make a map, I would like to work with a mapper so when a bit is done we can both see and make changes etc until the map is done.

As with 'whether people actually want new maps, or resist the change and continue to complain about camping.'

If people are still playing these maps and complaining about camping still after atleast 3years then I don't think much can done to help them Smile

The way forward is to include quality maps, as i'm aware this is why high-res textures and map's being re-made are being done.

For example evil-space is a FUN dm map, and it looks great now, it was always a fun map for public games, but a lot of the CTF public maps are quite simply terrible..I know people like CaptureCity, but that shouldn't be an official map for example.

Now I know mappers need to make some maps for fun etc, but if the players want a Quality game that is going to try to or even equal a commerical game, then they need to expect to have maps that are going to offer a line of good quality gameplay and detail, a lot of the favourite public maps don't offer this, because in general a lot of public servers host maps that are more for fun and to just have a blast on.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @

(04-27-2010, 10:50 AM)kojn^ Wrote: I completely agree, however I am all for new weapon changes to go along with quality maps, I have made a few sketches and am happy to work with a mapper to try and make more well designed competitive maps if anyone has the time, I can scan/photo my designs if people want to make a map, I would like to work with a mapper so when a bit is done we can both see and make changes etc until the map is done.
Why dont you make a thread for them? something like kojn's map ideas

(04-27-2010, 10:50 AM)kojn^ Wrote: For example evil-space is a FUN dm map, and it looks great now, it was always a fun map for public games, but a lot of the CTF public maps are quite simply terrible..I know people like CaptureCity, but that shouldn't be an official map for example.
if you mean the screenshots i posted sometime ago, i have to disagree with you there are some bad looking spots and the will be some changes.
when you are online i can show you what i mean.
im not sure which version of CaptureCity you mean , but i guess div0s. svens version looks better and got some changes which makes it a much better map, but it suffers under performance issues

Keep on topic plz. This is not a discussion abt maps.

(04-27-2010, 02:48 AM)tZork Wrote: Other ideas: Secondary stick to surfaces on first impact. Give primary some gravity making the electro more mortar like and removing mortar.

(04-27-2010, 02:48 AM)tZork Wrote: Other ideas: Secondary stick to surfaces on first impact. Give primary some gravity making the electro more mortar like and removing mortar.

(04-27-2010, 02:48 AM)tZork Wrote: Other ideas: Secondary stick to surfaces on first impact. Give primary some gravity making the electro more mortar like and removing mortar.
Perhaps this is a misunderstanding. Surely you do not want to remove the mortar weapon from the game?

I agree with nifrek, on the type of maps. Maps such as mikectf and runningman and evilspace are gd for clan games. They require a player to learn the map but also allow for a genuine battle between attack and defense. The problem is that pubctf players dnt seem to like these maps so they keep reappearing each tourney which was my concern. If that is your pubctf playing style fine, I was more disputing it for tourney play.

I do also agree on the state of the forums. Which is indeed why I will be waiting now for xonotic to be released and taking some of the problems to the AU admins, as many of the servers cross the community do not seem to be having the same problem as us.

In response to kojn with weapon balances, our admins (rabs) has reduced the sg and mg damage. This has improved the game somewhat, although mg is still a bit overowered.

Also if the mortar was removed how would pavlvs and charmander make frag movies?

At the end of the day you have to remember they are making other changes to the game, like health/armour protection..maybe even a armour-system although I have no idea if this will be standard if it does get made or not.

I saw a video think it was from Sepelio of the crylink firing rapidfire plasma like Q3s plasmagun..that looked pretty cool and fun and would make it more used..did look like it fired a bit too quick though..or the projectiles were quick, not sure which..I dont even know if that's in the current GIT version or not!

However, I'm all for new stuff to make the game fresh and 'new' (to a certain degree). I guess keeping the physics is the main concern for everyone.

Anyway back on topic, someone said the mortar was now a grenade launcher, and rocket launcher fired much faster..I have no idea if this is true or not, but we have to remember that there isn't even an alpha yet, Im waiting for a windows buildy thing programmey so I can test all this stuff out, all I know is I am looking forward to the new changes for the entire game not just weapons, looking forward to it.

Cortez..point noted I wil do this when I get back home, perhaps you might like to help me?
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @

(04-27-2010, 06:31 PM)Roanoke Wrote:
(04-27-2010, 02:48 AM)tZork Wrote: Other ideas: Secondary stick to surfaces on first impact. Give primary some gravity making the electro more mortar like and removing mortar.
this is a misunderstanding. Surely you do not want to remove the mortar weapon from the game?

No you got it right, DELETE THE FRIGGIN MORTAR OMG!!!1one. oh and, this is final, it will happen yesterday. no discussion. thats why i labeled it as "Other ideas".

If you had read the whole sentence (wtf?) you'd know that the electro would be changed to fill its place.

In other news today: ppl who have nothing to add to a discussion are kindly asked to stfu, gtfo and stfo. Seriously tough Roanoke, comments like that will in the long run resulting in developers giving up on reading "public" input.

tZork since I can't yet play Xonotic in it's early stages, can you please tell me the status on the crylink/Rocket launcher, and what is happening with the nexgun, is there going to be a sniperifle to replace it or added ASWELL??

Can you tell me what has changed from what I mentioned above please Smile

Also for weapon idea's this new electro function sounds cool, is it possible so when the plasma sticks it kind of melts down a bit before it it doesn't just stick like a when it hits the surface it squashes down slightly? This would look better then just round balls on the floor I think..I don't know if something like this will be implemented or not?

Sounds kind of like UTs bio-rifle actually at the moment. What is the difference between primary and secondary at the moment also? Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @

I dont know kojn, right now they are in the state they was in the latest nexuiz svn, and that is imo preddy useless. what will happen is not decided.

The melting plasma.. maybe but a bit trixy but its possible it can be faked well enough with animated models.
(04-28-2010, 11:04 AM)kojn^ Wrote: What is the difference between primary and secondary at the moment also?
In GIT or with this idea? In that idea the primary would be close to mortar primary atm; the secondary would be sticky and detonated by prim. secondary maybe should no longer explode on contact with players. In GIT its preddy much the same old, just its got tri-burst capability on secondary and shorter lifetime in em as well.

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