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Hey guys new here. I wanted to say hi and also not to be a pain in the ass but can anyone help me here? I am having a hard time rigging a mesh that will work in SL. Currently I am in OSgrid and decided to look for a mesh that does work and I found Erebus Xonotic mesh. It's fantastic! Exactly what I'm trying to do myself. This is my first model ever, including first time I'm trying to do something this complicated lol. So I struggle with it while trying out a lot of crash courses you could say from maya to blender on how to rig etc.

My mesh though is mostly all one piece except the jaws, tongue and eyes. I see there is a lot of problems with getting it to work it seems. I am using latest second life viewer and also currently starting to use blender with Maya preset. I built the mesh in Maya and couldn't get it to successfully upload skin weights, joints to SL or OSgrid. So I am looking at a few things I found online. Gaia Clarys workbench and also Masami
Kuramoto page here

I am going to try rigging my mesh this way. Is this how you guys are doing it? I'd really like to know I've been at this for months spent a long time building a cool mesh from scratch. I'm a fan of king kong movies so I built like a humanoid gorilla AVI.

But I'm more of an artist than a technical type of person. The rigging stuff is very complicating and confusing to me. So far blender 2.61 with Gaia's SL collada did not export a skin weights (automatically added for now) and joints recognized by OSgrid or SL. So I figure maybe I'll trying putting the bones as joints and disconnecting them shown by Masami. But if anyone can enlighten me how to really get a rigged mesh going I'd really appreciate it. I'll send you a couple hundred lindens if you want in SL. At the bottom is the images of the mesh I built I'm trying to rig. It's mostly all in quads a few triangles when I made a few mistakes. But it's cleaned up and UV mapped. Anyway thanks for reading!

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MirceaKitsune is the person who prepared Erebus for SL. Maybe he can help you with your own mesh, it might be worth asking him.

And welcome to the Xonotic forums of course Smile
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

Ah ok thanks man appreciate the reply! =)



Nice looking model you've got there. I think Xonotic could do with more bots with personality.

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