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how to delete my account

^ how?

There's no way.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

Chooky chook chook ?

Sup da hood?

t ?
please, say t

t ?
[Image: dogeyes.gif]
[Image: Sigsig.jpg]


Just to make that clear. Leaving this community without a t is an unacceptable offense to the community spirit that cannot be ignored.

So, yer, uhm

ya know I tried to do chooksta imposting once

but it didn't work out

so if you go,


there will be no replacement for ya

=> a sad gaming community


you'll probably take the t with you


and if you let the t go, it will break YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN?!!



Also, yeah, listen to Cubie's sig.

(will you stay if I make you a tune?)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!

You don't.

You ask an admin to do it and they refuse unless you give a compelling reason.

Pretend you're MikeeeeeeeeeeeeUSA


Get drunk, hangover the hole weekend, come back.

Why do you want to delete your acc? Do you want to create a new one, or do you plan on leaving forever? If you plan on leaving, then just don't log-in to the forum ... you might regret deleting your acc later on.
[Image: sigdammit2.png]


That sounds a little bit weird "help me hold the 't' ".

Better call him to fight back the chooksta-sadness =)
[Image: Sigsig.jpg]

Sorry, deleted the post before you replied :o)


* Halogene holds up a t

who's in?
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


sorry for the raging guys ...

im just pissed at the fact that our community are dragging their feet in some respects.

wheres the effort in clan based gaming , wheres the effort in clans getting their s,,t together..

seems people have left the community in droves (australian slang.. er maybe)

sure people leave to better games (i had a go myself , but omg , there are some seriously shit games out there) but ya would think they still had some roots with the old game and the community and would stick with it and fight to hold us all together.

australian servers had such an awesome community , we did so much , had so much fun , highs and lows , etc , i paid over $500 to help fund the servers , i did alot to keep chat up in our forums , we had matches , etc

now all we really do is talk bullshit in irc....

and a few rare scattered matches that feel like they have been repeated from nexuiz...

after .6 release i think its time we really concentrate in getting our community rock solid , we drag back the nerds that have left us , we give them what they miss from old game (in some respects) , we start ramping up matches around the world (that duel comp thing was perfect),
we start sections in the forum for clans to habit so we can all see what they are up to.
also the irc channels that help bring players together needs to be somehow synced to the forum too ,so we and others can see what the hell is going on in game (suprisingly idk wtf is going on in xonotic , i read what i can , i check the dev side of it.. (WTF IS ALL THAT NERD STUFF Smile ) , i chat as much as i can too but man its hard to track....)


i guess im saying that we need to alot more community work for the next stage.

if your reading this and you left for another game.. come back.

theres only so much us nerds can do.



(wtf have i been drinking...)

(02-28-2012, 07:03 AM)chooksta Wrote: t

sorry for the raging guys ...

im just pissed at the fact that our community are dragging their feet in some respects.

wheres the effort in clan based gaming , wheres the effort in clans getting their s,,t together..

seems people have left the community in droves (australian slang.. er maybe)

sure people leave to better games (i had a go myself , but omg , there are some seriously shit games out there) but ya would think they still had some roots with the old game and the community and would stick with it and fight to hold us all together.

australian servers had such an awesome community , we did so much , had so much fun , highs and lows , etc , i paid over $500 to help fund the servers , i did alot to keep chat up in our forums , we had matches , etc

now all we really do is talk bullshit in irc....

and a few rare scattered matches that feel like they have been repeated from nexuiz...

after .6 release i think its time we really concentrate in getting our community rock solid , we drag back the nerds that have left us , we give them what they miss from old game (in some respects) , we start ramping up matches around the world (that duel comp thing was perfect),
we start sections in the forum for clans to habit so we can all see what they are up to.
also the irc channels that help bring players together needs to be somehow synced to the forum too ,so we and others can see what the hell is going on in game (suprisingly idk wtf is going on in xonotic , i read what i can , i check the dev side of it.. (WTF IS ALL THAT NERD STUFF Smile ) , i chat as much as i can too but man its hard to track....)


i guess im saying that we need to alot more community work for the next stage.

if your reading this and you left for another game.. come back.

theres only so much us nerds can do.



(wtf have i been drinking...)

Leaving in droves is also a British colloquialism, maybe it's a Commonwealth thing! Long live the queen etc - lots of pomp and circumstance, get your bunting out. There's a pub up the road called The Jolly Drover.

I agree with most of your points, but is 1.0 release more important than 0.6?

They could release 1.0 in a few days, with vehicles and CSQC turned off, then release 1.1 in 2 weeks with some bug fixes. 1.5 in 6 months with vehicles turned on. 2.0 by the end of year with CSQC enabled.

The developers need help and support, us bitching about the lack of effort isn't helpful and I'm sure it will annoy some of them. Maybe one of the more chatty members of the team could take on the role of "community developer"?

If you want a community with clans competing with each other there must be a higher focus on the competitive aspect of xonotic. Qua maturation duel is far ahead of ctf, which is far ahead of tdm. Even in EU with all its players I don't know many (or anyone beside of kojn maybe) who really wants to play ctf/tdm on a more than very basic level (compared to the tactical level of teamgames in quake/ut/cs and even cod). So it's not a problem which is exclusive to aussies. The only solution in my opinion is to attract more gamers instead of trying to please the linux nerds (which are busy compiling kernels anyway instead of building a clan Smile). Means, more ranks, awards and organized games. With and the upcoming lobby application I see a move in the right direction but it's still a long way to go.

And don't get me started about investing money, time and effort in hosting servers just to get whined at by some randoms. Anyway I still love this game and I think it's the same for you chooksta. Be patient and try to help the devs as much as you can, that's what will make you happy on a long-term.

With later versions more players will come, more trolls will come too and within 2 years we will be looking back to this period as 'the good old days', just like we did with Nexuiz :p

Enjoy it while you can folks Wink
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

I've noticed significantly more players online as of late, so I imagine the more this game gets developed and the closer it gets to 1.0, it will start to pick up in popularity. I imagine sometime after 1.0 that it will begin to become as popular as Nexuiz 2.4 and 2.4.2 were.

Oh wait.

What PinkRobot said. Also since the duelcup we have seen an increased rise of new players, because of the commentaries and also stermy showing the game off on his stream and word of mouth, I honestly am waiting for 1.0 where I hope to see lots of advertising then, and great videos etc. Also pickup channel was upto around 50-55 players at a peak time before, to think not to long ago we didn't have near 40.

I remember nexuiz 1.1 days IRC channel had like 12 people on it, and the community didn't really explode to 2.3 onwards. To think were only at 0.5 and the quality is this good already is amazing and its only going to get better. As said before we will see also new players in 0.6 also. Also chooksta if this cup goes well coming up, and we already got 20+ signups and still weeks away from it starting there will be a league set up with 2 divisions likely to start of with!

So things are moving forward now quite quickly, a community liaison or something would be good though... a few new NA players also of late I should mention.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Hmm I don´t have access to play xonotic where I live after I moved but I still keep track of progress on the forums. I played for a year and miss it alot. Unfortunately that means all I have is youtube videos. But hey, take some time off xonotic chooksta. you´ll come back if you´re ready. And besides as the game expands more people will play. Smile

besides ... the public servers are already much busier than last December

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