It's a vertical map inprired by Judge Dreads city towers with tiny apartments.
The district is endlessly stacked with warpzones. So the chase never ends. There are many trickjumps, some highlighted with armor.
It has 2 fully functional elevators that take around 4 sec to close, travel and open. (if the doors aren't blocked from closing)
Both elevators got the mega pickups.
There is a strength powerup in the center, every weapon and the seeker if you enable "g_new_toys"
It also has many references to other maps using smaller details of them such as: Tuhma, Solarium, Silent Siege, Implosion, Go, Glowplant, Fuse, Final Rage, Erbium, Catharsis, Afterslime (Of mine: Cube, Modern Loo)
There is a secret, which is disabled in duel and some other easter eggs.
Can you find them?
The map also replaces the jumppad sound with a better/softer one.
Comes with bot waypoints.
License: GPL3 is included
Download DistrictX V1.2d
1.2 Changes:
-removed some old detail
-added a bunch of grafiti to make it look less sterile
-refined some detail
-retextured the elevator and made it close faster, also more and improved sounds
-improved bot waypoints
-distributed health pickups a little more evenly
-moved arc and crylink (they almost swapped positions)
- fixed a texture issue and added more variety to the grafiti
- fixed a small detail not being detail
- improved performance slightly/made it more stable by hiding portals out of sight better
- added native support via mapinfo for duel, invasion, freeze tag, key hunt and clan arena
- refined more detail (mostly remade/retextured the crane-arm)
- fixed wrongly caulked surfaces
It's a vertical map inprired by Judge Dreads city towers with tiny apartments.
The district is endlessly stacked with warpzones. So the chase never ends. There are many trickjumps, some highlighted with armor.
It has 2 fully functional elevators that take around 4 sec to close, travel and open. (if the doors aren't blocked from closing)
Both elevators got the mega pickups.
There is a strength powerup in the center, every weapon and the seeker if you enable "g_new_toys"
It also has many references to other maps using smaller details of them such as: Tuhma, Solarium, Silent Siege, Implosion, Go, Glowplant, Fuse, Final Rage, Erbium, Catharsis, Afterslime (Of mine: Cube, Modern Loo)
There is a secret, which is disabled in duel and some other easter eggs.
Can you find them?
The map also replaces the jumppad sound with a better/softer one.
Comes with bot waypoints.
License: GPL3 is included
Download DistrictX V1.2d
1.2 Changes:
-removed some old detail
-added a bunch of grafiti to make it look less sterile
-refined some detail
-retextured the elevator and made it close faster, also more and improved sounds
-improved bot waypoints
-distributed health pickups a little more evenly
-moved arc and crylink (they almost swapped positions)
- fixed a texture issue and added more variety to the grafiti
- fixed a small detail not being detail
- improved performance slightly/made it more stable by hiding portals out of sight better
- added native support via mapinfo for duel, invasion, freeze tag, key hunt and clan arena
- refined more detail (mostly remade/retextured the crane-arm)
- fixed wrongly caulked surfaces